AFO #91 - 大连港码头自動化 2015.05.15

2015-05-16 19:29  浏览次数 15




2015-5-5 10:53


 4月底,记者在大连港集装箱二期码头看到,这里许多岗位实现无人化管理:集装箱拖车通过港区大门时,无需人工查验,系统能自动识别车牌号、集装箱号, 检测电子通关手续、箱体是否残损等,同时自动打印堆放指令,拖车司机按照票据,把集装箱拉到指定位置。TOP+系统使得每台拖车经过大门时间不超过半分钟,大大提高了生产效率。 
系统指大连港智能化集装箱码头操作系统,自2008年在国际集装箱码头开始应用后,研发单位围绕码头智能化进行了持续改进,使之系统性能更加稳定、系统功能更加贴近客户。项目负责人范海燕说:“TOP+应用了最先进的物联网和互联网技术,实现数据自动采集、作业指令自动生成并自动传递、作业资源动态智能调配、作业流程及轨迹可追溯等。”TOP+系统使业务人员告别原来拿着纸面单据指挥作业的模式,现场司机全部根据电子指令进行作业。这不仅减少了现场业务人员数量,降低了安全风险和人工成本,同时也提高了数据采集处理的及时性和准确性,使操作管理水平和效率大大提升。大连集装箱码头项目 副总经理张浩说。  




China ports container volumes projected to grow at 6% until 2030


Container throughput at the ports in China are projected to grow at 6% on average each year from now until 2030, according to a latest report from Shanghai International Shipping Institute (SISI).

In SISI’s China Shipping Development Outlook 2030, container throughput at Chinese ports will reach 505m teu in 2030 with an average growth rate of about 6% due to the fast increase of container shipping along both the coast and inland rivers.

In the report’s projections, Shanghai port, currently the world’s busiest container port, will see its box throughput reach 52.68m teu in 2030, followed by Qingdao in second spot with 43.15m teu and Ningbo-Zhoushan with 37.27m teu.

Other busy Chinese ports include Tianjin predicted to move 32.3m teu, Shenzhen with 30.24m teu, Guangzhou with 30.07m teu and Dalian with 27.86m teu.

Three or four so-called “super container hub ports” will be formed, including Shanghai, Qingdao and Hong Kong, where higher port activities will be recorded and technology will improve for greater efficiency.

By 2030, the main container hub ports along the Chinese coast will have semi-automated terminals, but there will be very few fully-automated ones, the report mentioned.

“First class ports like Shanghai, Guangzhou, Qingdao and Tianjin will have one or two fully-automated berths. Meanwhile, more than 90% of port machinery will use LNG or electric power instead of traditional energies. Wind power, solar power will become part of the port power system,” the report said.

“In terms of port informatization, port-based big data centers will appear in 2030 and data will be stored in a distributive way. It is also possible that big data centers will be set up in Shanghai, Dalian, Guangzhou, Wuhan and other cities, which will be interconnected,” it added.

Chinese enterprises will also build port networks around the globe, especially investing in port network in South America, North Africa, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and other developing countries and countries with strategic cooperation with China.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015 03:11

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