IMO #4 - 自行坠下的救生艇 

2008-04-22 13:28  浏览次数 10



今天很多货船,油轮和海上油井都巳开始采用这种挂在船尾和可以自行下水的救生艇(Free-Fall life boat见图 1 and 2), 因为比起一般传税吊在船舷左右两傍的救生艇来说它是有很多的优点.目前由挪威 Schat-Harding公司(在青岛有分厂)出产最新的 Free-Fall 救生艇已超过IMO SOLAS所有对救生艇规格的要求.该种FF-1000S型可在装满63名船员之下从60米高度和35度斜度和二秒钟的时间迅速的放进水中.


Free-Fall 救生艇的特徵:

发明经过:    Free-Fall 救生艇是 1897年由一位瑞典人 Mr.A.E.Falk  所发明,但当时并无人问津.1939年这个设计再次由Bay and River Navigation公司之一位 Captain White 向美国商业部提出但被认为过度危险而不被采纳.1959荷兰人 Mr.Joost Verhoef 造出一条铝质救生艇,然后在1961年首次用在一条船尾离开水面仅6米的商船.虽然如此但这种救生艇仍然不受重视直到1973两宗海上油井严重海难之后,挪威政府才授权研发Free-Fall救生艇,1976造出一种可从20米高的船尾直放下水的救生艇,并于二年后正式批准船尾下水之装设.

结构:     全封闭和防火型, 最适合油轮之用

安装:   因挂在船尾所以仅占80平方米的甲板位置. Launching 方式可用类似传统型救生艇以钢丝放下水或以地心吸力冲进水中

费用:     第一次安装因艇数仅需一条所以费用和时间也相对的低.船开始服务之后每年的维修费用也比传统的艇来的低

下水:   从船尾到进入水中仅需两秒钟(速度为25/), 因此可避免一些救生艇可能发生对船员的伤害.(见图 3,4 and 5). 


训练:   船员训练可分现场和模拟二种.

: 现场(船上)操练请参看下列巴哈马政府(Bahamas Maritime Authority) Free-Fall Lifeboats Drills之要求:

Free-Fall lifeboats should be exercised for drills similar to closed lifeboats. They are required to be operated in the water at intervals not exceeding three months and are to be launched by either the free-fall method or simulated free fall at least every six months, unless a dispensation has been granted by the Administration to conduct a free-fall launch only once every 12 months.

Each crewmember should either be on board the lifeboat to participate in a free-fall launch within six months of assignment to the vessel or within the last year they shall have received training at an approved facility where said crewman experienced at least one free fall launch during a drill at the facility.

There should be at least one and one half times clear distance astern of a ship in which it is expected a free-fall boat should come to a standstill after launch.

When performing a free-fall launch drill the boat should first be lowered to the water, motor tested etc then raised, re-stowed and then launched by the free-fall method.

Prior to a free-fall launching the rescue boat should be launched and ready to act as a stand-by boat to assist the free-fall lifeboat and in re-securing.

: 模拟 (Simulated launching of free-fall lifeboats)可参Bahamas MSC Circular 1137, 因该文太长所以没有登出).

Free-Fall 救生艇之优点:



       无需准备, 任何时间都可放下水.






鉴於上述优点我们将可看到更多的新船配装这种 Free-Fall 救生艇,而需要对它做更深刻的了解和使用方式.

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