EPG #37 - 五周年有感 2010.12.27

2010-12-29 02:33  浏览次数 99



一年来世界见证了我国基础建设和工业如, 码头, 高铁, 钢铁,造船和航运等都在快速的成长, 加上世博展出的成功, 这些漂亮的成绩单令外国人既佩服又妒忌. 20101224日的贸易风周刊上有2篇文章报导世界航运的继续复苏和繁荣仍然要依靠中国.

                                    All eyes on China for signs of what to expect


                                    The East is still oozing promise


                                                做为华侨和资深航运业者编者对祖国的成就觉得非常的自豪因为中国人究竟是站来了, 虽然很多方面我们都己达到世界第一, 但我们仍然不能抱有骄傲之心,因为很多的第一仅是在量方面, 而对需要磨合和磨练才能达到完美的方面我们还有一段差距所以要抓紧学习才能追上世界水平.

                        在成功之后我们必需自我检讨和接受国外的评论才能精益求精更上一层楼. 在我们的网站编者认为下列几点应该值得一提:

 1.      造船业

新船质量方面,为了争取訂单 厂方只能降减价格和在某些地方作出妥协.这对新船买家来说就会有一个结论那就是中国造的船价钱好但质量一般的感觉. 下面是台湾某船东的言论值得我们反思:    

(經濟日報記者丁威/台北報導) 2010.11.30 










我国笫一条 LNG船是2年前由沪东承造但交船后经常发生小毛病而需停航修改.

LNG是高端造船技术, 我国要达到水平仍然需要一段时间.

2.      船舶管理-

                        包括船员, 货运, 保险, 海商法, 买卖, 维修和租贷合约. 这些工作在国企单位都有专业人士负责, 但在私营和新公司来说就有很多地方必需加強,如高薪聘请资深经理, 船长,大副和轮机长. 还要注重高级船员的培训.

3.      海上安全和船员素质-

                        可能是受到船队快速的成长和船员的升迁, 一些高员经验未能跟上而引起一连串的海难. 下面介诏一些国外报刊对我国海上安全的评论:

 a.      贸易风周刊于63日刊登 ”7大海难震撼中国海上安全”:

 Seven major blows shake China safety

A series of accidents are raising safety concerns over a rise in fledgling Chinese players.

Concern is growing over the safety management and quality of China’s fast-expanding dry-bulk fleet with TradeWinds analysis showing the country’s ships have been involved in seven major casualties in the past year.

Tanker owner AET says its Bunga Kelana 3 was hit on the port side by the 25,400-dwt bulker Waily (built 1983) at Singapore’s traffic-separation scheme.

But the incident is one of a series involving Chinese-controlled bulkers. It comes less than a month after a similar bulker, the 27,000-dwt Sea Success (built 1998) operated by Hong Kong-based owner Li Hai International Shipping, collided with the Mitsui OSK Line (MOL)-controlled, 178,000-dwt capesize Bright Century (built 1997) off the east-coast of China.

MOL has not commented on the causes of the accident, which is currently under investigation, but navigational errors by one or both bridges are likely to be factors.

That accident also follows the grounding this year of the Tosco-controlled, 69,000-dwt bulker Sheng Neng 1 (built 1993) in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef with investigators showing that the vessel was off course and sailing through an environmentally protected region.

A Norwegian trial of two officers from the 26,000-dwt Cosco bulker Full City (built 1995), which grounded off Langesund, Norway, in July last year polluting the coast line, found the officers guilty of negligence in responding to the heavy weather and sentenced them to jail.

One shipmanager told Trade­Winds: “All owners and managers are struggling to get experienced and qualified crew and that is the same for China. It’s just that they are growing faster than everyone else and the cracks are now beginning to show.”

b.     路透社127日说海员正面对着运镍船帶来的不可接受的危险:

Seafarers face unacceptable danger on nickel ships-trade group

Tue Dec 7, 2010 7:47am GMT

SINGAPORE Dec 7 (Reuters) - Seafarers face unacceptable danger in transporting nickel ore in wet conditions, a maritime industry group warned on Tuesday, citing three such laden ships that capsized and killed 44 people in the past six weeks.

Three Chinese-operated ships carrying nickel ore have capsized since late October, all were loaded in Indonesia and bound for Chinese steel mills, the industry group said.

c.      独立记者 Rick Spilman 128日文章题目是:  “旧问题被忽略- 导致39天内三条船沉没44名船员遇难

An Old Problem, Warnings Unheeded – 3 Ships Sunk, 44 Dead in 39 Days.

Ships carrying metallic ores should be the most stable ships on the ocean. These cargoes are dense and carried in low the ship. If improperly loaded, ore cargoes can indeed break a ship in half, but stability should not be an issue.  Nevertheless, three ships carrying nickel ore have capsized over a period of only 39 days with the loss of 44 officers and crew.

While the investigations into the sinking are still ongoing, the problem is apparent, well known and yet obviously unheeded. Now new warning bells are going off across the industry.  The problem is simply wet ore.  Many fine particle metallic ores; including iron, nickel and fluorspar; can soak up substantial quantities of water if left exposed to the weather.  Once loaded and under way, the water can begin to separate out from the ore, creating a watery slurry.  The sloshing of this slurry dramatically reduces the stability of the ship and may lead to a sudden capsize.  The entire process can take only a matter of minutes.  The outcome  is both obvious and tragic.

                                                上面几篇报导所提一年来我国的 7+3次海难可说是归因于负责人缺乏货物认识, 危机意识和危机处理错误所演成. 同时指出我国船队因快速扩大高员短缺经己暴露.

                        编者早年在香港管理船队时对船上三名高员, 船长,大副及轮机长的委任特别注重, 一般配班 (Manning) 都是新任船长配资深大副, 资深船长帶新任大副, 这样可以互补所短.  在海上经验是硬道理, “摸着石子过河的理论是走不通的, 因为缺乏危机预防的经验和处理与错误的决策所帶来的后果将是大量金钱和宝贵生命的损失.

                                               最后编者希望政府, 学校, 船东和同学们能于2011年同心协力各尽其能把吾国的航运业办的更出色,辉煌和安全.

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