EPG #24 - 介绍伦敦Lloyd’s 航运课程 2008.02.14

2013-12-03 10:25  浏览次数 0

介绍伦敦Lloyd’s 航运课程                


昨天从 Lloyd’s List 看到一篇 Lloyd’s Maritime Academy 所刊登的函授课程广告,其中有一科非常适合在 Chartering 公司上班或毕业后有意选择这门职业的同学们.


Lloyd’s Maritime Academy is offering an 18 week distance learning course in

                            Certificate in Chartering


The course is designed to give all those working with charterparties, including brokers,owners, charterers, lenders and insurers a practical, commercial and legal grounding in charterparties, complied by specialists, the individual modules highlight all the important issues and discuss legal and practical solution to problems and how to avoid them by good planning.

Core modules

1.       Introduction, market context and broking.

2.       Time charterparties- Introduction and owners issues

3.       Time charterparties- Charterers issue

4.       Time charterparties-Ports and performances

5.       Voyage charterparties- Introduction and owners obligations

6.       Voyage charterparties- Charterers obligations

7.       Voyage charterparties- Laytime and Demurrage

8.       Conflict, interaction and resolution

Commencing 14/4/2008  Course can be taken anywhere in the world

Fees GBP 1849                  if register on or before 25/02/2008

Fees GBP 1949                  if register after 25/02/2008

这对在职和在校的同学们来说无疑是一个好消息, 因同学们不必出国就可修读一科来自顶尖学院和非常有用的学问,虽然它的学费昂贵但换来的是一张航运业龙头 Lloyd’s所颁发和全世界各 Chartering 公司均承认的证书.这张证书在岗位提升和申请工作时都会发生极大的作用,因此编者大力推荐这个课程.

除了上述之外该学院还有很多其他课程供同学们选择. 详情请登:

               www.lloydsmaritimeacademy.com 之中的 distance learning 栏目

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