VFB #95 - “神能一号” 海难事件 2010.04.15

2010-04-16 11:24  浏览次数 74

神能一号 海难事件  


一:头条新闻 (Headline news)

 1. 神能一号” (1993) 70200-dwt 3日下午1710时于良好天气之下以全速撞上大堡礁 (Great Barrier Reef), 左边之双层油柜裂开, 但因破裂位置处在船底板,进入之海水把密度较轻之油顶在柜内所以仅有微量排油, 可说是不幸中之大幸. 该轮之975 fuel oil 巳于12日泵往驳船, 当天晚上 1938时浮出拖往安全锚地做检查.( 1,2 & 3).


““神能一号 之船长和大副14日被当地政府拘捕, 20日开庭聆审.

正当矿砂石定价方式发生变更和中钢协呼吁国内钢铁业者杯葛国外矿砂石出口商情势敏感之际,忽传來神能一号于澳洲大堡礁搁浅一事,而引起国外媒体争先报导, 其中不乏带有贬意之词,下面是三篇新闻报导.

Were you sleeping, mate?

A dozing first mate may have contributed to the grounding of a bulk carrier on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, authorities have hinted.

Federal investigators are exploring whether the first mate of the stricken 70,000-dwt Shen Neng 1 (built 1993) was asleep while on duty as the bulker rammed the reef at full speed this weekend, reports say.

Interviews with the crew are taking place today with the alertness of the first mate both before and at the time of the crash one focus, says The Australian newspaper.

The development came as prime minister Kevin Rudd revealed the master of the Shen Neng 1, Captain Wang Jichang, could face jail if he is found to have breached any laws. Rudd, in an interview with national radio, also said the ship’s owner could be hit with a fine of up to AUD 5.5m ($5.08m).

The Shen Neng 1 is owned by Chinese electricity generator, Shenzhen Energy.

It crashed into Great Keppel Island on Saturday evening and has since leaked some fuel oil into the ocean.

By Andy Pierce in London

Published: 08:17 GMT, 08 Apr 10 | updated: 11:30 GMT, 08 Apr 10


Just like Pasha Bulker    6 April, 2010 11:53AM AEST

By Anthony Scully (Cross media reporter)

Circumstances surrounding the grounding of the Chinese bulk carrier Shen Neng 1, that ran aground on Douglas Shoal off Rockhampton on Saturday, are 'just like the Pasha Bulker'.

PrintEmail thisThat's the opinion of Peter Morris, president of the Maritime Museum Society, and former Federal Transport Minister who headed the government's Ships of Shame inquiry. Speaking to the 1233 mornings program today, Mr. Morris said the Shen Neng 1 looked like a cut and dried case of incompetence.

"I am surprised to an extent but I'm saddened more than anything else because it shouldn't happen," he said.

"What it really points to here is it's not the ship, and it's not the weather conditions; it's the competence of the crew in command of the ship, and who was in charge on the bridge."

"When a ship in fine weather conditions and good daylight sails at full speed into an area they shouldn't be and straight onto the reef."

"It is incompetence, it's like driving blindfolded."

"It's really a wide channel in relative terms, good weather conditions, perfect conditions and who was in command on the bridge."

Mr Morris said competency of crews is an issue 'endemic across the international shipping industry', and issue that has been raised in the past in Newcastle.

"[It] has been now for some years, and it is worsening," he said.

"[In] normal conditions [the Shen Neng 1 crew] should have been checking quite frequently, on a regular basis, their position where they were.

"To be so far off course, without attention being taken (and) going at full speed, means they obviously didn't know where they were, so all of those things will be revealed by the investigation."

Mr Morris said all the signs pointed toward a finding of 'human causes' in the grounding of the Shen Neng 1.

"This is again like the Pasha Bulker, decisions not being taken or vigilance not being carried out."


First Mate ‘Snoozing’ When Ship Hit Reef, the Australian Says

By Marion Rae

April 8 (Bloomberg) -- Australian investigators are checking whether the first mate of China’s Shen Neng 1 was “snoozing” when the coal carrier ran aground on the Great Barrier Reef on April 3, the Australian newspaper reported today.

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau will continue interviewing the crew today, as the salvage crew prepares to drain fuel oil from the vessel, the newspaper said.


其他新闻 贸易风周刊415

1. -Zodiac 公司以每条 1900万美元低价从 NYK 购进 5 6214箱位的货箱船.

2.. -因市场复苏, APL, ZIM MISC 上月经己起用16条停航之货箱船, 预计本月将有38条继续被解封用于亚欧航线之上.

3. -由二位原 Maersk CMA CGM 高层丹麦人所组成 Containership Ltd 本月10日从太仓开出一条前往洛杉矶 Great Dragon新航线. 该公司注册于丹麦去年以低价租进5条货箱船..

希腊船务日报 415

1.. -近日来Capesize spot 市场因中国抵制外国矿砂出口商而几乎陷于停顿

2. -富城轮船长和大副被召前往挪威开庭审查去年搁浅和排油事件.

3. -越南公司极想购买二手船但苦于贷款无门.

4. -伦敦经纪人 Howe Robinson 看好远东航运市场己把公司移往新加坡.

5. -香港燃油供应商 Brightoil 最近以 5250万美元购进 “Arsos”  (2006) 107500-dwt 阿芙拉型油轮.

6. -浙江船务公司目前订有8 57000-dwt Supramax 型干散船, 并准备再订21条新船. 该公司现有船队为405000 60000万运煤干散船.

7. -“Nosco  Glory” 轮前天从温哥年运载 54300Canola seed到厦门, 但被政府检查人员发现该批货物帶有黑杆病 (Leptosphaeria maculans) 病毒而被检疫.

8. -中国 Yangzhou 煤炭公司投资32亿美元于澳洲 Moolarben 煤矿,每年产量1200万吨.

劳氏船务 415

1. -Seaspan 公司总裁控告造船厂非但没有及时用上新科技反而增加船身重量,累及新船东未能减排和节省用油.

2. -意大利 RINA 船级社因中国造船业发达而增加业务.

3. -韩国现代船务公司一条18万吨新Capesize“Feg Success” 号和河北钢铁签订一份15年运输合同.

4. - 神能一号 搁浅发生引发澳洲政府考虑加紧大堡礁领航制度和要求.

5. -因驶进大堡礁禁区而被扣的 “Mimosa” (2007) 53556-dwt船长和其他二位船员获保外出待审.

彭博新闻 415

1. -中国为世界最大之荑豆进口国今年将从阿根廷进口黃豆达90万吨.

2. -因世界炼油厂开始停工维修, VLCC 油轮运费应声下跌,从月初之每天44576美元下滑到28758美元.据分析去年共有54艘和今年的 71艘新造 VLCC 加入服务, 油轮前景并不乐观.

3. -身为世界最大货箱船公司之一的长荣在3年前疯狂订造新船时并无签下任何新船合同而能全身而退.在目前造价下跌40%之吋,该公司已开始下手向中日韩台各造船厂商谈订造100 (包括 32 8000箱位) 新船之意向.

4. -神能一号出事之后沃洲政府将提高闯进航道禁区船只之罚款从沃币 180万升到 1000.


1. -中石化以24.75亿美元收购非洲安哥海上18号油田之50%股权. 该油田储量为100200万桶.

2. -山东钢铁投资 25.88亿美元透过香港洪桥集团购得巴西 VNN 公司Salinas 铁矿之65%股权. 该铁矿储量为62亿万吨, 铲年产精矿粉 2500万吨.

3. -有色金属华东地勘局以12亿2千万美元收购巴西第二大铁矿伊塔米纳斯. 该铁矿储量为13亿9千万吨, 年产 2500万吨.

二:造船 (Shipbuilding)

1. -CSDC China Shipping Development 公司和珠海新世纪合作成立一支庞大船队. 该公司于2009年共拥有164条船只, 并将于2010年接收23条和 201258条新船..

2. -中远公司向泰州口岸造船厂订造10条和芜湖 Xinlian 造船厂8 27000-dwt MPP,准备进军MPP Heavy lift市场.

3. -新加坡Tanker Pacific 向韩进造船厂菲律宾分厂订造416万吨Suezmax油轮, 每条造价5900万美元. 交船期2012年年底.

4. -宁波 Henghou集团向韩进造船厂菲律宾分厂订造218万吨Capesize, 每条造价5500万美元. 交船期2011/2012.( 4,韩进菲律宾分厂).

5. -希腊 Almi 油轮公司向韩国大宇造船厂订造2 32万吨之VLCC, 造价每条1亿美元,2013年底交船. 

三:码头       (Cargo terminal)

         1. -澳大利亚装煤港 Hay Point 因台风Ului过境损坏严重关闭6个星期整修之后, 港外等待装货的船队长龙已达 218.

         2. -洲昆士兰 Gladstone 煤港每年出口量将从今年之 8400万吨提升到 2016年的 1亿4000万吨.

         3. - 美国长堤港口货箱运作量好转跟去年3月同比上升 13.8%.

四:海难 (Casualty)

         1. - 台湾四维公司之 “Giant Pescadores” (1998) 72000-dwt 319日于土耳其Bosporus 海峡因机件失灵与 “Bora” (1980) 9300-dwt 货轮相撞.

         2. -“CMA CGM Verlaine” (2001) 6456-teu “Odessa Star” (2000) 1702-teu 于土耳其海面相撞.

五:买卖/租贷         (S/P & Chartering)

1. S & P

-“Sea Sapphire”              (1994)  96000-dwt. Tanker               usd 12.0M, 中东

-“Hebei Eagle”                (1985)  81351-dwt. Bulker       ,        usd 12.5M, 中国

-“Bahia Blanca”              (1998)  74000-dwt. Bulker       ,        usd 28.2M, 中国

-“Maja Vestida”               (1994)  70213-dwt. Bulker       ,        usd 22.0M, 中国

-“Camel”                          (1978)  44700-dwt. Bulker       ,        usd   3.6M, 中国    

-“Sanon”                          (2004)  19800-dwt, Tanker,               usd 22.0M, 不详

-“Camel”                          (1978)  44700-dwt. Bulker       ,        usd   3.6M, 中国    

                                -“Oliva”                             (1985)  12349-dwt. Bulker,                usd   3.1M. 中国         

2. 拆船                     

                             -“Taxiarchis”                       (1987)    81351-dwt. Tanker,              usd 442/ldt, Bangladesh

                             -“Pacific Sun  ”                    (1976)    34005-dwt. Bulker,              usd 435/ldt, India

                             -“Master Nicos”                   (1976)    28306-dwt. Bulker,              usd 430/ldt, China

3. Daily Summary of Baltic Exchange Dry Indices 2010/04/14

Baltic Exchange Dry             Index      BDI      2966 (UP 38)
Baltic Exchange
Capesize   Index       BCI       3001 (UP 56)
Baltic Exchange
Panamax   Index       BPI      4021 (UP 24)
Baltic Exchange
Supramax  Index      BSI       2567 (UP 27)
Baltic Exchange
Handysize  Index      BHSI    1361 (UP 1)

4. Daily Fixture 2010.04.12

Time  charter

'Zheng Yu' 1985 170698 dwt dely retro Qingdao 10 Apr trip via EC Australia redel China-S.Korea $31000 daily - Flame
'Gina Iuliano' 1990 122829 dwt dely Taranto 18/22 Apr trip via Black Sea redel China $43250 daily - Richstone
'Alam Padu' 2005 87052 dwt dely aps Santos 15/20 Apr trip redel Continent $33000 daily + $800000 bb - cnr
'Washington Trader' 2000 74428 dwt dely Kagoshima 14/16 Apr trip via Australia redel Continent $21000 daily - Cargill
'Great Loyalty' 1999 73659 dwt dely San Cyprian prompt trip via USEC & Ploce redel Passero $35000 daily - Klaveness -
'Sea Resolute' 1997 73322 dwt dely Kashima 15/17 Apr trip via Nopac redel Singapore-Japan rge $33000 daily - Noble
'Paiute' 1995 70231 dwt dely Dalian 13/14 Apr trip via Nopac & Iraq redel PMO $31000 daily - Shadab
'Vanessa Oldendorff' 1994 69087 dwt dely Immingham 18/27 Apr redel Skaw-Passero rge $34000 daily - Oldendorff
'Bulk Leo' 2008 55679 dwt dely Mumbai spot trip via India redel China $29500 daily - WBC
'Elegant Sky' 2007 53549 dwt dely Charleston 15/20 April trip via USGulf redel S’pore-Japan approx $44000 daily - Cargill
'Merlin' 2001 50296 dwt dely Lanshan 12/13 April trip via Indonesia redel India $15500 daily - Oldendorff
'Amber K' 2000 47282 dwt dely Greece 16/18 April trip redel W.Africa intention clinker $19500 daily - ED&F Man Shipping
'Yang Hai' 1999 47077 dwt dely Ploce spot trip via Black Sea redel PMO-India $33000 daily - Cargill
'F & K' 1998 32942 dwt dely Singapore prompt trip via Australia redel Singapore-Japan rge approx $18500 daily - Clipper
'Silverstar' 1999 31762 dwt dely Inchon prompt trip redel Continent $13000 daily - Bolten
'Zeus 1' 2009 27315 dwt dely Naoetsu mid Apr trip via Nopac redel Singapore-Japan rge $16750 daily - STX Pan Ocean
'Prelude' 1984 23904 dwt dely Casablanca 15-20/4 trip via Spain with bulk cement redel P. Harcourt $15500 daily -NOM


'Red Iris' 2003 75730 dwt dely Hualien 20/25 Apr 7/9 months trading redel worldwide $30000 daily - STX Pan Ocean
'Iorana' 2009 75000 dwt dely Worldwide June 35/37 months trading redel worldwide $20000 daily - Alfred C.Toepfer
'Bianco ID' 1998 70521 dwt dely Hamburg 30 Apr/4 May 8/10 months trading redel worldwide $32000 daily - CTP
'Fortezza' 1993 69634 dwt dely Port Said 20/30 Apr 11/13 months trading redel worldwide $27000 daily - E Ships
'CS Brave' 2010 57000 dwt dely China end April about 6/8 months trading redel worldwide $26350 daily - Copenship -
'Pacific Wisdom' 1992 42010 dwt dely Shanghai 13/15 April 4/6 months trading redel worldwide $21500 daily - Sino-East


Tbn 3 shipments of 170000/10% each, Port Hedland/Qingdao 20-30/4 $10.5 fio sc/30000sc - FMG

'Tong Hao' 2006 160000/10 Bolivar/Qingdao 16/26 Apr $29.50 fio scale/30000 sc -Lizhou Steel


来源: Bunkerworld

                                IFO 380           __IFO 180              MDO           MGO   

新加坡                       480                     492                     695             706

鹿特丹                       469                     488                     -----             716

            休士顿                        470                     481                     675             -----


备注:        tbn         = to be named                       ldt          = light d/weight ton

usd        = u.s.dollar                           mtpa        = million ton per annum              

cbm       =cubic meter                           tpa        =million metric ton per annum

上一篇:VFB #96 - 集美船..    下一篇:VFB #94 - 矿砂石..
