VFB #96 - 集美船务公司扩展船队 2010.04.30

2010-05-01 11:17  浏览次数 56




1.       贸易风周刊416                   集美船务公司扩大船队

Jimei Shipping Company is said to be close to a deal for six 81000-dwt Kamsarmax vessels as part of a plan to boost its international trade.

Fujian-based Jimei Shipping Company is said to be in negotiation with Jiangsu Eastern Shipyard (JES). The vessels are said to have cost between $31m and $32m each, according to market players.One told Trade Winds “I Know that Jimei has been looking into finance options since the middle of last year and now looks to be close to boosting its fleet”.

Another said.”The price is quite reasonable. But as the price of steel is quite high at the moment private yards like JES have been known to increase charges during the construction of the vessels”.

Shipping databases list only one vessel owned by privately-run Jimei, the 22000-dwt handysize bulker “Jimeifa” (built 1986).

However, Trade Winds is told by sources close to the company that it has around seven vessels, mainly capsizes. They are used primarily on the Brazil-China route, while smaller ships are used in Asian trades. ( 1)

2.       华尔街日报4 30                 墨湾油井排污严重. BP损失将达 240亿美元

419日英国石油公司 (BP) 于墨西湾海上油井 Transocean 发生爆炸引起大火虽经各方大力拯救迄今仍然无法阻止每天5000桶原油向外排出. 到今天为止海上排油园径巳达600公里并向美国大陆推进. 专家预测这次排污恐远超 1986 Exxon Valdez号油轮对阿拉斯加州所帶來之損坏.

BP said it is mobilizing all resources at its disposal to prevent the oil leak turning into an environmental disaster. "We are doing absolutely everything in our power to eliminate the source of the leak and contain the environmental impact of the spill," said BP Group Chief Executive Tony Hayward.

"The company is today ramping up preparations for a major protection and cleaning effort on the shorelines," BP said in a statement. "Work will continue to complete installing marine protection booms along the coast. As well as 180,000 feet of boom already in the water, an additional 300,000 feet is staged or in the process of being deployed, with more on the way."

Around 5,000 barrels of oil a day is leaking from BP's Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico after the rig working on the well, Transocean Ltd.'s (RIG) Deepwater Horizon, was destroyed in an explosion last week. BP has been unable to stem the flow of oil and will most likely have to drill a relief well to halt the leak, a process that could take two to three months.

BP has already mobilized 32 ships and five aircraft to skim oil from the surface or spray dispersant chemicals at a cost of around $6 million a day. It is also preparing two relief wells at a cost of around $100 million each.

BP's liability for these costs, plus whatever costs are incurred by the U.S. Navy, which is also mobilizing to contain the spill after an order from President Barack Obama, has spooked investors. Since the initial explosion aboard the rig, almost GBP16 billion ($24 billion) has been wiped from BP's market capitalization.( 2,3 and 4).



1. -投资银行高盛退出大部份亚洲造船厂股权,计有鎔盛 16% 和韩国 SPP30%,剩下为扬帆20%.

2. -上海Sinochem  公司以1030万美元 购进 “Southern York” (2003) 6500-dwt 化学油轮. 该公司共拥从 280019500-dwt大小油轮 32艘其中包括4条建造中新船.

3. -天津 SITC 海丰国际为第一家国内公司得台湾当局批准在台设立分公司.

4. -世界停航的货箱船已减少到 400条以下总运量 907,000箱或世界船队 6.8%.今年一月份为 11.5%.

5. -新加坡兴隆 Ocean Tanker公司看好市场而扩大船队, 向外商桥所订的 12 318000-dwt VLCC 已有6条交船. 该公司共佣有大小油轮 100.

6. -离长江口 160公里的江阴港上星期迎来一条 10万吨巨轮. 该轮先于宁波卸下3万吨矿矽石,余者卸在江阴.

7. -利比利亚权宜旗注册当局正在考虑延长船只进塢维修期限. 船龄超过15年者每5年进坞一次, 15年以下每7年一次.

8. -东京 PSC MOU (港口国) 检查单位 3月份共拘留 14条货船. 加拿大 MOU 拘留 18.

9. -“神能一号已被拖往 Gladstone 港口, 但因风浪太大未能进口.

10. -DNV 设计将来最实用之货箱船为 Quantum 5000/7500箱位,浅吃水,1200冷冻插头和时速21.

11. -武钢于去年7月投资 2亿4千万美元成为加拿大 CLM 矿砂石公司最大股东. 该矿储量为6亿4千万吨, 年产700万砘高质矿砂石. 武钢目前尚需进口80% 所用的矿砂, 3-5年后即可自供无需向外购买.

12. -专家估计世界 Panamax 船队到 2010年年底共有 1520条但需求仅为 1259, 因此将有261条过剩.

希腊船务日报 430

1. -香港 OOCL公司从韩国三星船厂接來第15 8063-teu 货箱船 “OOCL London” , 该轮将负起亚欧航线货运.

2. -新加坡即将举办第四屆船运周今年主题为船员缺乏, 海盗和减排, 此次共有25场会议.

3. -中国今年3月共进口矿砂石 2400万吨同比上升 22.39%.

4. -Sinosteel 中国最大的矿砂进口商同意从 Brockman Resources 公司每年进口1000万吨西沃矿砂石.

5. -亚洲到美西运费升至每40尺箱美金 2000.

6. -中石油投资 163亿美元, 2012年开始从委内瑞拉 Junin 4 油田每天抽出原油 5万桶,  2016年以后升到每天 40万桶, 为期 25.

劳氏船务 430

1. -码头经营者 (terminal operators)投诉一些大型干散船设计欠妥, 导致卸货时货物被舱内死角所困而需额外人力去清除.

2. -冰島火山爆发后飞机航班停顿, 英国派遣客船前往西班牙接回受困英国人时, 竟允许客轮载客量超出证书所限制而跟 SOLAS公约发生矛盾.

3. -欧洲各航空公司因火山爆发而停航的损失并无包括在保险单上, 因此公司必需自己承担.

4. -南京油轮获得批准, 5 46000-dwt MR 油轮和 3 5000-dwt沥青船川走海峽二岸.

彭博新闻 430

1. -BP Transocean 于墨西于哥湾之钻油井本月19日发生爆炸和大火, 11名工作人员失踪, 大量原油正从2个地方排出, 专家担憂将引起极大之海面污染.

二:造船 (Shipbuilding)

1. -台湾的中国航运CMT 向台船订造2 203000-dwt Capesize 型干散船, 造价为每条1亿3千万元.

2. -广州文冲造船厂今年第一季依期交出 3条货箱船给德国 Gebruder W. 公司.

3. -国内船东们看好干散货运输市场共向造船厂订造2045000-dwt 10.5m浅吃水的干散船.造价每条约usd 2600万元另加政府税金19%.

4. -德国劳氏船级社认为将来货箱船动力来自核能, 船舶每5年仅需添加燃料一次. 

三:码头       (Cargo terminal)

                1. -青島港, Sinotrans 和山钢合作兴建可以容纳 40万吨矿砂石船新码头, 预计于今年年底开始运作. 据报导巴西 Vale 公司己退出原订之合作計划.

2. -3月份中国各港口货箱运作量达3187万箱同比上升22.1%.大连港净利上升45%,上海上升39.4%.

                3. -香港上市的厦门港2009年净利同比下滑 45.5%.

                4.  - 美国西岸华州长景港 (Longview) 将兴造一座由 Bunge, STX Pan Ocean Itochu 合作之小麦码头 (grain elevator), 预计于 2011年开始运作.

四:海难 (Casualty)

                1. - 韩国油轮 “Hanaro Melody” (1997) 25100-dwt 上星期于土耳其海面因主机失灵而漂流. 后由拖船拖往附近港口修理.

                2.  -“Chem Faros” (1996) 32000-dwt于美东 Wilmington 港被发现船上有直接通船外排污油之管子. 而被扣和罚款.

                3. -巴旗货轮 “Mimosa” 船长和两名船员因抄捷径通过澳洲大堡礁而被罚款 65000元美金.

五:液化天然气      (LNG)

                 1. -日本三菱船厂推出二种新的FPSO LNG tank, 策一种 Moss type 适合于产量 1-2 mtpa之用, 第二种为独立之Prismatic IMO type B tank 适合 3 mtpa 以上产量船之用.

六:买卖/租贷         (S/P & Chartering)

1. S & P

-“Kazusa”                         (1988)   227000-dwt. Capesize,        usd 22.7M, unknown

-“Pioneer Sky”                 (1983)   81650-dwt. Kamsarmax,,     usd   8.5M, 中国

-“Peoria”                          (1996)   70293-dwt. Panamax,           usd 23.0M, 中国

-“Med Trust”                     (1990)   48320-dwt. Handysize,         usd 11.3M, 中国

-“MSC Najwa”                 (2009)    4254-teu. Container,             usd 42.5M, Greek    

-“MSC Blacksea”            (1990)    2797-teu, Container,             usd   6.7M, China

-“Makiki”                           (1997)     73000-dwt. Panamax,          usd  27.0M, 中国   

                                -“Rubin Pearl”                 (1996)     26500-dwt. Handy,               usd  15.0M. 中国

2. 拆船                     

                             -“Tower Bridge”                  (1991)   49345-dwt. LPG,                  usd 360/ldt, Pakistan

                             -“Sun Flower”                    (1985)    29998-dwt. Tanker,              usd 425/ldt, Bengladesh

                             -“Wajdi Arab”                     (1980)    20376-dwt. MPP,                  usd 450/ldt, India

                             -“Fu chen”                          (1981)   10681-dwt. Container            usd 390/ldt, HongKong

3. Daily Summary of Baltic Exchange Dry Indices 2010/04/30

Baltic Exchange Dry             Index      BDI      3354 (DOWN 5)
Baltic Exchange
Capesize   Index      BCI      3936 (DOWN 62)
Baltic Exchange
Panamax   Index      BPI      3900 (UP 9)
Baltic Exchange
Supramax  Index      BSI      2715 (UP 25) 
Baltic Exchange
Handysize  Index      BHSI  1356 (UP 2)

4. Daily Fixture 2010.04.28


'Nymphe' 2009 180010 dwt dely El Ferrol 6/8 May trip via Brazil/Colombia redel Far East $64000 daily - Cetragpa
'Cape Eagle' 1993 161545 dwt dely Cape Passero 15/20 May trip via Nouadhibou redel Dunkirk $40000 daily - J.Aron
'Thor' 2005 76838 dwt dely PMO 3/8 May trip via EC S. America redel Singapore-Japan rge $33500 daily - Louis Dreyfus
'Lady Maria Luisa' 2007 76662 dwt dely CJK 3/5 May trip via EC Australia redel Singapore-Japan rge $29000 daily - cnr
'F.D. Jacques Graubert' 2008 76588 dwt dely CJK 1/5 May trip via EC Australia redel S”pore-Japan rge $30000 daily - cnr
'Achilles II' 2004 75785 dwt dely Rotterdam spot trip via USEC redel China via COGH $42000 daily - Pioneer
'Pasguale Della Gatta' 1996 75473 dwt dely Kwangyang 1/5 May trip via NoPac redel S’pore-Japan rge $32000 daily - cnr
'Nord Orion' 2006 75260 dwt dely Gangavaram ppt trip via Richards Bay redel Jorf Lasfar $21000 daily - Noble
'Leonardo Lembo' 1996 75229 dwt dely Taichung 28 Apr/3 May trip via EC Aust. redel S’pore-Jpn rge $30000 daily - cnr
'Rappallo' 2009 75123 dwt dely Praia Mole 12/15 May trip via EC S.Am redel China $41500 daily + $925000 bb - EdF
'Pearl Seas' 2006 74483 dwt dely aps San Nicolas 10/20 May trip redel PMO-Jpn rge $40500 daily + $950000 bb - Bunge
'Ocean Pride' 1997 72416 dwt dely US Gulf 14/19 May trip redel Singapore-Japan rge $41000 daily + $835000 bb - TTMI
'Fu Man' 1997 71369 dwt dely Chiwan ppt trip via Darwin redel China $30000 daily - Noble
'Fu Da' 1997 71330 dwt dely Dalian 7/12 May trip via EC S.America redel S’pore-Jpn rge $27500 daily - Alfred C.Toepfer
'Royal Ocean' 1995 70677 dwt dely Rizhao 30 Apr/3 May trip via NoPac redel Singapore-Japan rge $29000 daily - Cargill
'Thrasher' 2010 57000 dwt dely Pipavav 5/10 May trip redel China $34000 daily - WBC
'Malathi' 2005 55607 dwt dely North China end April/early May trip via Indonesia redel China $17500 daily - cnr
'Dubai Knight' 2007 55300 dwt dely Caofedian end April trip via Nopac redel Bangladesh $25500 daily - JKS
'Ranunculus' 2005 29678 dwt dely Port Klang prompt trip via W.Aust. redel S’pore-Jpn rge appr.$18250 daily - Pacbasin
'Nord Tokyo' 2009 28300 dwt dely Canaries prompt trip via north Continent redel Spain $20500 daily - Falcon Navigation
'Yuan Tong' 1985 22322 dwt dely Visakhapatnam end April trip via Sri Lanka redel China approx $9000 daily - cnr -


'Sivota'   2008 177804 dwt dely Cape Passero 15/25 May 4/6 mons trading redel w.wide $50000 daily - Classic Maritime
'Lowlands Beilun' 1999 170612 dwt dely Lianyungang 30 Apr/5 May 3.5/5 mons trading redel w.wide $34000 daily - CTC
'Navios Stellar' 2009 169000 dwt dely Caofeidian 5/7 May 12 months trading redel worldwide $34500 daily - Louis Dreyfus
'Striggla'  2009 75205 dwt dely Montoir 7/10 May 5/7 months trading redel worldwide $34500 daily - STX Pan Ocean
'Samjohn Amity' 1998 74744 dwt dely Hamburg  15/17 May abt 90 days trading redel Atlantic $35850 daily -Transbulk
'Brave Star' 73981 dwt dely Qingdao 2/5 May 4/6 months trading redel worldwide $32000 daily - GMI
'Xin Run' 1998 73317 dwt dely Bayuquan 6/14 May 3/5 months trading redel worldwide $28500 daily - Louis Dreyfus
'Celerina' 1999 73035 dwt dely Singapore-Japan rge 1/20 Aug 18 months trading redel worldwide $24000 daily - Practica
'Mass Prosperity' 1993 69625 dwt dely Mailiao 8/11 May 5/7 months trading redel worldwide $28000 daily - Glencore
'Tai Hunter' 2007 55418 dwt dely Shanghai 28/30 April 3/5 months trading redel worldwide $25750 daily - Trafigura
'Akili' 2001 52301 dwt dely Chittagong 29 April/5 May    - <vessel did not fix to GMI as per report 27/04>
'Favorita' 2005 52292 dwt dely worldwide June 2010 12 months trading redel worldwide $22500 daily - STX Pan Ocean
'Maha Avanti' 1991 43469 dwt dely Nigeria 3/9 May 5/7 months trading redel Atlantic $27500 daily - Solym Carriers
'Clipper Trader' Rizzo Bottiglieri de Carlini Armatori SPA relet 2008 30487 dwt dely Aden-Japan rge 15 May/15 June 5/7 months trading redel worldwide $18000 daily - Transgrain

6. ORE

'Golden Feng' 2009 170000/10 Port Hedland/Qingdao 11/15 May $10.95 fio scale/30000sc - BHP Billiton
'COSCO Hong Kong TBN' 160000/10 Saldanha Bay/Qingdao 15/20 May $19.50 fio scale/30000sc - Kumba
'Angelina' 2001 60000/5 Nouadhibou/Trieste 3/12 May $19.25 2 days sc/4 days sc - Lucchini


来源: Bunkerworld

                                IFO 380           __IFO 180              MDO           MGO   

新加坡                       493                     504                     708             718

鹿特丹                       481                     496                     -----             736

            休士顿                        484                     496                     700             -----


备注:        tbn         = to be named                       ldt          = light d/weight ton

usd        = u.s.dollar                           mtpa        = million ton per annum              

cbm       =cubic meter                           tpa        =million metric ton per annum

上一篇:VFB #97 - 上海在..    下一篇:VFB #95 - “神能..
