VFB #104 - 干散船航商寄望非洲 2010.08.31

2010-09-02 21:11  浏览次数 35




1.       贸易风周刊820

世界三大矿砂石出口商联同中国买家最近大笔投资非洲开发新矿源. 这对大型干散船 (VLOC) 船东来说 无疑是大旱逢甘霖, 因从西非到中国这条长距离的航线将替船东们帶来新的希望. 但这个投资的成功与否,主要因素将是中国进口的方向. (1).



Investment and interest in a new iron-ore market are firing hopes of fresh long-haul trades for larger bulkers. A major long-haul iron-ore trade is set to emerge between West Africa and the Far East that will provide a fresh market for a new generation of very large ore carriers (VLOCs).

So far, exports from the region have come mostly from Mauritania on a comparatively small scale but two new projects are set to change all that.

Rio Tinto’s decision to plough $170m into developing infrastructure, including an offshore wharf, at its Simandou project in Guinea is the clearest signal yet from the Anglo-Australian miner that it finally believes the project is ready to roll after years of development.

UK-listed Bellzone Mining also says it has started work on a logistics system, including port facilities, along with Hong Kong’s China International Fund to export iron ore from its Kalia mine in Guinea.

Rio Tinto says it could be ready to produce in five years’ time and has set an annual production target of 95 million tonnes. The Kalia mine eventually hopes to produce 50 million tonnes annually and Bellzone estimates it will be up and running in 2014.

China has paid $1.35bn for a stake in the Simandou project through state-controlled aluminum giant Chinalco’s Hong Kong-listed subsidiary Chalco and Rio Tinto says most of the exports will be heading east.

The initial production targets alone are enough to turn West Africa into a major iron-ore source with an estimated 2.25 billion tonnes in reserves ready to be tapped at Simandou and 2.5 billion at Kalia.

Guinea has the potential to surpass South Africa’s annual exports of 50 million tonnes and perhaps even India, which exports some 120 million tonnes annually.

One factor in favour of the Guinea projects is the claim from Rio Tinto that its mines will produce high-grade sinter fines that will be attractive to Chinese importers and, because of the high ore content, make it more efficient to ship.

Because of this, interest in West Africa is growing. Further development in northern Simandou is being undertaken by Brazil’s Vale, which bought a controlling stake in a BSG Resources development project in the region.

Meanwhile, others, including steel mills such as AccelorMittal and Shandong Iron & Steel, are joining miners Vale, Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton in exploring opportunities to tap iron-ore resources further afield in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Gabon and Ivory Coast.

Forecasts suggest West Africa could be producing upward of 10% of the growing one-billion-tonne global seaborne iron-ore trade, although it is likely to lag far behind Australia, which exports a total of 390 million tonnes annually, or Brazil, which exports 290 million tonnes annually.

Rio Tinto declines to reveal the size of its proposed iron-ore terminal but brokers suggest that as the wharf at Matakang is being built some six kilometres (3.7 miles) offshore, it should allow for deep-draught vessels. And with predominantly long-haul destinations in mind, it is likely to be suitable for the new generation of bulkers in excess of 200,000 dwt to maximize efficiency. Bellzone has also specified it will build a deepwater port.

Optimism over the prospects of increased long-haul iron-ore trades has seen investment swell the size of the VLOC fleet, with 188 vessels in the water and 189 on order.

A key factor in the success of the West African projects will be China’s determination to diversify in sourcing its ore. The region could provide a competitive alternative to China’s shorter-haul procurement from Asian countries, which is largely carried in smaller panamax and handymax vessels. India, a major exporter to China, is expected to divert more of its iron ore for its own needs.



1. -丹麦 Nordic 公司之 “Nordic Barrents” 货轮 (1995) 44000-dwt 从挪威之 Kirknes 港装运41000吨矿砂石经北极航线前往中国. 航程缩为25, 同时可节省18万美元和减少炭排量.( 2).

2. -巴西淡水谷 Vale 公司投资 25亿美元买进非洲 GuineaBSG 公司51%股权. 该公司之 Simandou矿场将于 2012年开始年产1000万吨矿砂石.

3. -世界最大和最具权威之中介行 Clarkson 今年首6个月利润达 1900万美元.

4. -据报导世界货箱船队达4841,载量 1400万箱位, 包括 今年首6个月所增之新船 178.

5. -大西洋颶风 Earl 已迫近美国东海岸, 美国 USCG 经已发出警告. ( 3).



1. -德国 Hapag-Lloyd 公司准备以债券方式融资 6.35亿美元.

2. -Capesize 型租金上周发生剧烈变化, 3天之内从上升7% 下降8%.

3. -印度本年度将需煤炭达 6.53亿万吨.

4. -宝钢准备开始与矿沙石公司商谈第4季之价格. 今年首6个月价格同比上升32%.

5. -长江5年来为世界最忙碌可航行之河道. 2009年运作量达 13.3亿吨货物. 比美国密西西比河多2, 比欧洲莱茵河多3.


         1. -迪拜港口集团因负债累累( 399亿之巨) 而需变卖公司资产还债.

         2. -IMO 祕书长, Mr.Efthimios Mitropoulos, 将于2011年退休, 日本经己推出现任 IMO Marine Safety Division Director Mr.Koji Sekimizu 参加竞选. 新任祕书长之职位由40个会员国家代表投票选出.

         3. -亚洲经己超过欧洲成为南非煤炭最大买家.

         4. -据英国 Drewry Shipping Consultants 因求过于供, 优秀之高级船员缺乏经己提早出现, 这将引起新一轮之薪金上调. .

二:造船 (Shipbuilding)

         1. -长荣与韩国STX造船厂有关128000箱位新船之谈判因交船时间无法同意而告吹.

         2. -Jianhe 公司向澄西造船厂订造 2 53000-dwt干散船,交船期为2012.

         3. -挪威 Jo Tankers 公司向新时代 (New Times Shipbuilding) 訂造2 74000-dwt (Long range 1-LR1)化学油轮. 造价每条约 4500万美元. 交船期 2013.

 三:码头       (Cargo terminal)

         1. -印度东岸大港 Krishnapatnam 位于 Chennai(Madras) 之北200公里, 本月创该港记录于24 小时卸清 “Ikan Kedewas” 55374吨煤炭. 该港水深 14.2.大型泊位共有8.

         2. -巴西亚马逊6个港口因职员贪污和管理不妥已被政府接管.

         3. -澳洲南部 Adelaide Spencer Bay将兴建一个深水码头以供附近 12个铁砂矿产品之出口.

         4. -LA 7月份进口货箱运作量同比上升 26.8% 730745. 该港上年度 (2009.7.1 2010.6.30) 运作量为 7200万箱.

 四:海难 (Casualty)

         1. -印度籍货轮 “Nanda Aparajida” (1992) 2277-dwt 18日撞上印度西岸 Kavaratti島之珊瑚礁.此乃一个星期內孟买港外第2次海难.

         2. -本月25日于浙江外海发生海准, 法国旗VLCC  “Flandre” (2004) 305700-dwt撞沉小型货船 “ Hua Chi 8” 导致 6名海员失踪. 该油轮刚离开宁波空船前往中东, 出事时船上有领港.

         3. -利比亚旗 “Magdalene” 25日于沃洲 Koogagang 島发生拽油事件.

         4. -2条加拿大船只 “Algosoo” 31546-dwt “CSL Niagara” 34938-dwt 24日于大湖 Welland 船闸中因前者主机失灵而相撞.

5. Baltic Exchange Dry Indexes  2010.08.31

         Dry                 Index                  BDI            2713         (up     1)

         Capesize      Index                  BCI            3516         (up   67)

         Panamax      Index                  BPI            2950         (down       28)

         Suprama      Index                  BSI            2066         (down       43)

         Handysize    Index                  BHSI          1077         (down       2)

五:买卖/租贷         (S/P & Chartering)

1. -船舶买卖 (S & P)

 “Princess Katherine”(1986)      164100-dwt        Bulker       usd 1045   China

 “Sanko Spark”           (1996)       150961-dwt         Bulker       usd 2500     Greek

 “Qu Shan Hai”           (2010)         57000-dwt         Bulker       usd 3600      Unknown

“Bao Wealth”              (2009)         56900-dwt         Bulker       usd 3350      Europe

“Mount Fuji”                (2003)         40000-dwt         Pro.tkr       usd 2400      Unknown

“Dai Long”                  (1988)         29996-dwt         Tanker      usd   300       Indonesia

“Chemstar Venus”    (1999)          19400-dwt          Ch.tkr    usd 1350        China

“African Challenger” (1984)          28200-dwt          Bulker    usd   650        Greek

“Chemstar Venus”    (1999)           19400-dwt          Ch.tkr    usd 1350      China

2. -Time charter

       -“Ariadne”  (2009) 180000-dwt del Hunterston 8-12 Sept trip via Point Noire redel China, $59000/daily. Pacific Bulk

       -“Pantelis” (2000) 74000-dwt  del Huangpu 20-25 Sept  trip via Indonesia redel China, $22000/daily. cnr

      -“Medi Paestum” (2009) 55614-dwt   del NC S.Am end Aug  2 laden legs redel Far East, $35000/daily. EBC

      -“Tai Shun Hai” (1991) 47378-dwt del Cristobal end Aug  trip via NC S.am redel WC S.Africa, $30000/daily. Oldendorff

3. -Period charter

         -“Rubin Phoenix”         (1997) 171080-dwt del China 15 Sept.  12 months trading redel Worldside $32000/daily.Morgan Stanley.

        -“Maritime Century”     (2010)   95200-dwt del ex-yard Jpn end Sept, 24 months trading  redel worldwide $23000/daily. cnr.

        -“Dimitris S.”               (1990)    66088-dwt del Port Said 4-6 Sept      3-5 months trading redel Atlantic      $23000/daily.CTP.

        -“Star Gamma”            (2002)    53098-dwt del Qingdao end Aug, 4-6 months trading  redel worldwide $24250/daily. STX Pan Ocean.

4. -拆船.

“Kritti Episkopi”       (1992)        145242-dwt        Tanker        usd460/ldt  Pakistan

“Aramis”                (1983)          59459-dwt       Tanker        usd465/ldt  Pakistan

                “Jeannie III”            (1977)          24537-dwt       Bulker         usd350/ldt  China

                “Orient II”                (1975)          16265-dwt       Bulker         usd408/ldt  India

5. -矿砂石            

                - “Zosco Dalian”          (2010)       170000/10%,Dampier/青岛,             1/10 Sept.   $11.85,  fio, sc/30000sc. Rio Tinto

                -“Mineral Ningbo”         (2009)       170000/10%,West Australia/青岛,    3/12 Sept.  $11.00,  fio, sc/30000sc. Dry Bulk

                -Tbn                                           160000/10%, Tubarao/青岛,           20/29 Sept.  $28.00,  fio, sc/30000sc. J.Aron


来源: Bunkerworld

                                IFO 380           __IFO 180              MDO           MGO   

新加坡                       440                     445                     628             639

鹿特丹                       425                     445                     -----             646

            休士顿                        423                     445                     656             -----


备注:        tbn         = to be named                       ldt          = light d/weight ton

usd        = u.s.dollar                           mtpa        = million ton per annum              

cbm       =cubic meter                           tpa        =million metric ton per annum

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