VFB #117 - 50艘新船的巨大订单 2011.03.16

2011-03-17 20:11  浏览次数 182



一:头条新闻 (Headline news)

1.       贸易风周刊 0303      头版新闻说鉴于中国政府呼吁更多的进口原料应由中国船只负担运输,总公司在天津的一个中国政府支持的基金( China Ship Fund)正准备向国内各大造船厂订造50艘新船, 第一批为2032万砘的 VLCC油轮. 该基金曾于 2009年投资 15亿美元建造新船.( 1 and 2)


Chinese fund in 50-vessel order spree

The mammoth order has kicked off with 20 VLCCs booked at three domestic yards.

A state-backed Chinese shipping fund is lining up a massive order for 50 ships in a move that appears to be aimed at building more Chinese ships to carry the country’s own cargoes.

Informed sources say Tianjin-based China Ship Fund is in contact with state-owned shipyards over its massive newbuilding requirements. Its order splurge is expected to run to several billions of dollars.

China Ship Fund, which spent close to $1.5bn booking bulkers in 2009 and early last year, is said to be looking to contract both tanker and bulker newbuildings in its latest spending spree.

The order is said to include kamsarmax and capesize bulkers, aframaxes, suezmaxes and VLCCs.

“It is kicking off the order with VLCCs,” said a market source.

Market players say three China Shipbuilding Industry Corp (CSIC) yards have been approached to construct the 320,000-dwt tanker newbuildings, with freight forwarder and container carrier Centrans Ocean Shipping Logistics Group said to be negotiating the newbuildings on behalf of the fund.

The exact number of other ships that the fund is seeking to book has not been disclosed.

“Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Co, Qingdao Beihai Shipbuilding and Bohai Shipbuilding Heavy Industry have been asked to build the VLCCs. The discussions with the yards are still at the early stage,” said one source.

TradeWinds is told that Dalian Shipbuilding has been asked to construct 11 vessels while Qingdao Beihai and Bohai Shipbuilding will be responsible for five and four vessels, respectively.

China Ship Fund is said to be looking to take delivery of the VLCCs from the second half of 2013.

“As this is a massive order contract to a single shipbuilding group, we think the buyer will be quoted a good price. We expect it to pay slightly over mid-$90m but less than $100m per ship,” said a shipbuilding player.

Sources say China Ship Fund will charter out the newbuildings to domestic shipping companies such as Cosco, China Shipping, China Merchant Group and Nanjing Oil Tankers.

“China Ship Fund will be able to raise the funds for the newbuildings as it has the backing of the state. China is calling for Chinese ships to carry its own cargoes,” said one shipping player.

Centrans Ocean is said to have a close relationship with China Ship Fund as the former is a member of the fund. Centrans chairman Xu Hui is also said to have assumed the role of chief executive of the fund’s management company.

China Ship Fund was established in 2008 in Tianjin and is supported by the central government. It has around $3bn in cash to invest in shipping. Since its establishment it has booked 32 newbuildings comprising eight capesize bulkers, 12 post-panamax bulkers, eight supramaxes and four 50,000-dwt semi-submersible heavylift ships worth close to $1.5bn.

The capesizes are currently under construction at Qingdao Beihai Shipbuilding while the 92,000-dwt bulkers are being built at Jinling Shipyard. The order for heavylift ships and supramax bulkers is split equally between Jinling and Qingshan shipyard. Jinling has since delivered three post-panamax vessels.

Chinese government-owned agribuisness COFCO is said to have chartered the 92,500-dwt bulker newbuildings for eight to 10 years at $23,000 per day.


贸易风周刊 0316

         1. -本月11日之地震和海啸导致 6个日本海港之停顿.

         2. -日本地震后工厂停产将再影响到 Cape size 船只之运费市场. 目前是10条在角逐一批货, 因此运费巳降到每天仅 4800元美金.

        3. -韩国 Korea Line 破产案越演越烈, 现已牽连到 137家国际船务公司.

        4.  -印度船东们不滿意政府之财政预算因它没有作出鼓厉新船的增加和税金的优惠.

        5. -印度孟买市之 Allcargo物流公司以 2200万美元买进二家香港物流公司以便进入中国市场.

        6.  -德国冷冻船业者将拆掉20条旧船.

        7. -马来西亚政府因无许可证装油而扣留 “Formosaproduct Alphine” (2004) 70000-dwt 和油驳船 “Sentek 20” Tanjong Piai”.

        8.  -神華和中海合作组成珠海神华中海船务公司准备投资 53亿美元于煤矿开发, 码头建设和合併其他能源能源公司.

希腊船务日报 0316

1. -利比亚动乱油价上涨将提高船东们运作成本.

2. -索马利亚海盜于 2010年共挾持 49条货轮.

3. -国际糧商Cargill 已准备在他们的船队装上大风筝以减轻燃料.

4. -国库存减少中国己继续进口铁矿砂. 上星期从澳洲进口2900万吨, 巴西2180万吨和印度1363万吨.

5. -2010年全球前十名钢铁生产者排名为:

         Arcelor-Mittal, 河北钢铁, 宝钢, 安钢, 武钢, POSCO (韓国), 日本钢铁, JFE, 上钢和首钢.        

劳氏船务 0316

1. -爱尔兰艮行有意转让 14亿美元之船舶贷款.

2. -世界船东要求英国下调船舶吨位税 (Light dues) 每吨6分钱英镑.

3. -因近日运费之下降将有 80条旧的 Cape size 船被卖给拆船厂.

4. -因中国进口减少影响到 Cape size 船僧多粥少, 每一批货都有10条船以上的船在竞争.

5. -孟加拉国拆船业者经过数月的安静已开始返回市场.

6. -淡水河谷公司所订造之 40万吨 VLOC 12条交船期将延迟.

7. -今年 2月份共有 47VLCC 被用来儲存成品和原油.

8. -因现金周转不灵之 Korea Line 将不是最后一家破产公司而有很多较小之公司也会步上后尘.

彭博新闻 0316                  下列为今年二月份巴拿马和苏彝士运河之船只通过表:

Panama Canal February Ship Transits Summary (Table)

March 7 (Bloomberg) -- Following is a summary table of the February data from the Panama Canal Authority on ships transiting the waterway.

                         Feb.   Jan.   Dec.   Nov.   Oct.  Sept.    Aug.    July
                         2011   2011   2010   2010   2010   2010    2010    2010
Total Ocean Transits    1,110  1,174  1,085  1,114  1,127  1,004   1,021   1,032
 Under 91 ft Beam         398    466    393    373    369    386     373     389
 Over 91 ft Beam          712    708    692    741    758    618     648     643
 Over 100 ft Beam         614    599    590    643    656    519     550     535

 Over 900 ft Length       118    130    128    124    139    117     118     109

Suez Canal February Traffic Details: Net Tonnage

Following is a table of the February vessel traffic in the Suez Canal by net tonnage from the Suez Canal Authority.

                Feb.      Jan.        Dec.       Nov.       Oct.        Sept.        Aug.

                                     2011       2011       2010      2010       2010        2010        2010

TOTAL                      60,470     65,461   67,616    63,461    65,279     63,241     67,679

 Tankers                    6,134       7,196      7,954      6,820     6,305       6,052       7,039

 LNG Ships               5,046       5,260       5,652     4,348      4,665      3,983        4,830

 Bulk Carriers          4,183       3,952      5,133       5,333     5,812       5,438       5,950

 Combined Carriers       0            29             0            44          77            99             83

 General Cargo        1,019       1,201       1,517       1,280     1,445       1,074       1,343

 Container Ships    38,649     41,670     41,476     39,417    41,383     41,042     42,712

 Ro/Ro                        354          474            509         425          564          507         427

 Car Carriers           4,576       5,227       4,690       5,000       4,695       4,607      4,915

 Passenger Ships         43           158          218          396          201             0          34

 Others                       466           294          467          398          132          439         346


                  -------------------------------------Ballast Tonnage---------------------------------

TOTAL                   8,618        10,040       8,947       9,003        9,322       9,569       10,635

 Tankers                 1,400         2,439        2,798       2,265        3,183       2,957         3,392

 LNG Ships            5,476         5,485        4,352       4,723        3,301       4,457         3,595

 Bulk Carriers       1,203        1,523        1,435       1,581         2,350       1,575         2,936

 General Cargo         185           277            99          218          195           133             215

 Container Ships       45             44             59              8           36            153               76

 Ro/Ro                          30             31            33             39         109              46               31

 Car Carriers             206           160           90           157           31            138             200

 Passenger Ships        26               0            61            12            24                0                 3

 Others                        47              81           20              0            93             110             187 

二:造船 (Shipbuilding)

        1. -长荣将向台湾中国造船厂订造109000箱位新船,造价每条10500万美元.交船期 2012/2015.

    2. -上海南通造船厂获得 Seadrill 公司订造一座价值 13000万美元之海上钻油井.

    3. -新加坡 PIL 公司向大连新造船厂订造 4 4300箱位新船,造价每条 5000万美元.交船期为2013.

    4. -荷兰 Vroon 公司向中远广州造船厂订造 3 15000-dwt之牲口运输船 (Livestock),  造价每条 3720万美元, 交船期为 2013/2014.

    5. -加拿大Seaspan 公司向扬子江造船厂订造 22 (6+6+5+5) 10000箱位新船,造价共 20亿美元交船期从 2014年开始.

    6. -欧洲造船业有意前往越南投资但心该国造船厂之建设尚未达水准.

    7. -虽然干散船新船订单放慢许多亚洲造船厂已收到其他船舶如FPSO,油上钻油井和LPG 等的订单.( 3)


:海难 (Casualty)

         1. -日本311日海啸所导致的6宗轻微海难:

                   “CSE Integrity”         (2002)       175775-dwt    Kashima

                   “Shiramizu”              (2005)         91430-dwt    Shinchi

                   “Shirouma”              (1998)         77739-dwt    Haramati

                   “Coral Ring”            (2006)         75395-dwt    Onaham

                   “CS Victory”              (2009)         32385-dwt    Miyagi

                   “Glovis Mercury”      (1989)           6901-dwt   Sendai

                   “Asia Symphony”    (1998)           6175-dwt   Kamaichi

四:码头       (Cargo terminal)

         1. -Ras Laffan港口之6个码头上星期全被停滿. 这是笫一次看到 6 LNG 同时在装货.( 4).

         2. -南非Durban港口将投资 12亿美金扩大设施.

         3. -NYK 因中国汽车市场、乙之增大将在该公司于大连, 天津, 上海和广州码头之儲车位扩大到65300. 该公司拥有105 PCC (Pure car carrier) 的船队.

         4. -越南政府准备投资 33亿美元改善和扩大港口建设, 希望于 2015年运作量可达5亿万吨.

五:买卖/租贷         (S/P & Chartering)

1. S & P

-“Pacific Jasper”          (1995) 269000-dwt. Tanker(S/H)       usd  18.0M, Unknown

-“Cape Tallin”               (2006)   73000-dwt. Tanker                usd  40.0M, Unknown    

-“Cape Bilbao”             (2006)   40000-dwt, Tanker                usd  27.0M, Europe

-“Mighty Michaels”       (1983)   62000-dwt. Bulker                 usd    6.2M, China

-“Paloma C.”                 (1983)   37000-dwt, Bulker                 usd    5.1M, China

-“Lian Hua”                   (1985)   25400-dwt. Bulker                  usd    5.5M, North Korea 

2. 拆船                      

                             -“Doceriver”                         152000-dwt  Bulker,                      usd 470/ldt, China

                             -“Good News”                     138000-dwt  Bulker,                    usd 530/ldt, Bangladesh

                             -“Santa Catari                       29190-dwt  Tanker,                    usd 449/ldt, Pakistan

                             -“MSC Shaula”                     19900-dwt   Bulker,                     usd 452/ldt, India


-“Alina II”                 (1986)  179802 dwt  dely S’pore prompt trip via Indonesia  redel China $10000 daily - Winning
-“Bulk Integrity”        (2010)  176000 dwt  dely Beilun 14/18 March trip via W.Australia redel Japan $6000 daily - cnr
-“Winkey”                (1987)    86661 dwt  dely Qingdao 10/15 March trip via Indonesia redel N.China $9300 daily – Grand Trans.Group     -“Ikan Kembong”      (2005)    76447 dwt  dely Haldia prompt trip via EC S.America redel S’pore-Japan range $20500 daily - cnr
-“Navios Primavera” (2007)    53460 dwt  dely Bejala 10/19 March trip via NC S.America redel China $20500 daily - Copenship
-“Equinox Dawn”      (2002)    52015 dwt  dely Batangas spot trip redel China $18000 daily – Billiongain                                                -“Kite”                    (1997)    47195 dwt  dely Mumbai spot trip redel China $14000 daily – North China Shipping


-“Marco”                (2009)            81900-dwt,             4-  6 months      usd 17000/daily  Cargill

-“Golden Kiji”          (2007)            76662-dwt,             4  -6 months.    usd 17500/daily  COSCO

-“Lotus Sun”           (1995)            73556-dwt,           11-13 months      usd 16500/daily  cnr

-“CMB Biwa”           (2002)            53505-dwt,             4-  6 months.    usd 17250/daily  STX Pan Ocean

-“Trading Fabrizia”   (2011)            35000-dwt,           11-13 months      usd 12250/daily  Marinepex

-“Rio Cardiff”         (2010)              4250-teu,          32-36 months.      usd 28000/daily  NYK

5. ORE

-“Welsuccess”        (1989)          85000/10%, Tubarao/青島,         25/3-5/4  usd 32.50 fio,    65 hours/25000sc --  Vale

-“Orsola Bottiglieri”  (2011)        170000/10%, Port Hedland/青島,  15/25 Mar, usd 7.50 fio     sc/30000sc --  BHP Billiton

-“Hai Shi”               (1992)        160000/10%, Dampier/青島,         18/26 Mar  usd 7.55 fio,    sc/30000sc --  GMI


-“Australia”   (1993)          148000/150000  min/max Richards Bay/青島,   8/20 Mar, usd 11.70 fio     sc/25000sc --  RGL

7. Daily Summary of Baltic Exchange Dry Indices 2011.03.16

Baltic Exchange Dry              Index      BDI     1538 (down   10)
Baltic Exchange Capesize    Index      BCI      1744 (down   67)
Baltic Exchange Panamax    Index      BPI      2114 (down     2)
Baltic Exchange Supramax  Index       BSI      1661 (up       12)
Baltic Exchange Handysize  Index      BHSI      748 (up         6)


来源: Bunkerworld

                                IFO 380           __IFO 180              MDO           MGO   

新加坡                       625                     635                     945             955

鹿特丹                       597                     617                     -----             949

            休士顿                        605                     635                     980             -----

        洛杉矶                       630                     655                     850             -----


备注:        tbn         = to be named                       ldt          = light d/weight ton

usd        = u.s.dollar                           mtpa        = million ton per annum              

cbm       =cubic meter                           tpa        =million metric ton per annum

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