VFB #131 - 重大海难再次引起关注 2011.10.16

2011-10-17 19:03  浏览次数 42



一:头条新闻 (Headline news)  

贸易风周刊 1005           本月3日巴拿马货轮瑞兴号 “Jui Hsing”  (1974)  11,531-dwt在基隆卸完碎石后空船开往厦门时,不幸在基隆港外受到台风 尼格” Nalgae” 的影响搁上礁石,船身断为二段, 前半搁在石上,船尾被浪吹走, 导致燃油外泄, 7名船员丧生3名失踪. (  1).

这是亚洲航线上另一艘老船发生海难的案例, 因此业界对超龄货船的安全引起极大的关注. 这种老船根本不允许在欧洲航行, 但在亚洲仍然有一定的市场, 也是在亚洲这类老船发生海难的次数出现最多.

这条37岁超龄旧船之船级为巴拿马机构而非国际船级之会员, 专业人士认为如果安全管理到位和关注天气报告此次出事完全可以避免.

Fatal loss puts Asian fleet back in spotlight

The loss of another veteran bulker trading in the intra-Asian shipping markets is a big concern.

Another fatal bulker loss causing pollution is highlighting the safety problems associated with an ageing Asian fleet. The loss of the Panama-registered, 11,531-dwt Jui Hsing (built 1974) off the northern coast of Taiwan over the weekend is being attributed to strong winds.

A spokesperson for the vessel’s manager, Taipei-based Jui Zong Ship Management, tells Trade­Winds that the vessel was in ballast at the time, having discharged in Taiwan before heading for Xiamen in China. Its cargoless condition would likely have made it more vulnerable to the winds, which dragged it onto the shore. The ship grounded and broke in two. Only 11 of the 21 crew were rescued, three are missing with the death toll at seven.

The spokesperson claims the ship did not appear to suffer any mechanical failure prior to the accident. He adds that pollution will be limited as there is a maximum of 200 tonnes of heavy fuel oil on board.

Experts believe that with proper safety management, weather tracking and routing such accidents are avoidable.

The age of the vessel, like many Chinese-controlled ships involved in recent losses, was well above the market average at 37 years but was still trading internationally, mainly between China and Taiwan.

Its hull is certified with Panama Maritime Documentation Services, which is not a member of the International Association of

Classification Societies (IACS) and only ranks as a medium performer on the Paris memorandum of understanding (MOU)’s assessment of recognised organisations (ROs).

The Jui Hsing’s port-state-control (PSC) record suggests it had ongoing safety problems with a catalogue of deficiencies and detentions over the past four years. Its last inspection was in June this year at Xiamen, where it picked up 10 deficiencies. Back in December, it was detained in Fuzhou with 13 deficiencies. Earlier that year, it racked up a whopping 33 deficiencies and was again detained in Xiamen.

The loss seems to fit the recent trend with older vessels operating in the intra-Asian trades contributing the most to casualty statistics.

Dry-bulk association Intercargo’s assessment of casualties suggest that six out of seven losses logged last year involved vessels operating in Asia.

Twenty out of 59 losses over the past 10 years have been registered in Panama. Age is also a major factor with 27 of the 59 losses involving ships of 25 years old. Although Panama is the world’s largest flag state, its loss ratio still seems to be out of proportion with its share of the world fleet.

One broker said: “While this type of vessel would find it difficult to operate in Europe, there is still a market in Asia and that is where we see this type of accident happening the most.”

贸易风周刊  1005日社评                在亚洲船只的安全应列首位-- 贸易风105日周刊社论称亚洲港口国检查单位应向欧洲同仁学习加紧检查工作以防瑞兴号类似海难的重发……...            

Safety first in Asia!

Port-state control (PSC) in Asia needs to follow Europe and start getting tougher if it is to stop accidents like the Jui Hsing happening again.

The Tokyo Memorandum of Understanding PSC records show that the vessel had a poor record of detentions and deficiencies but it was not enough to deter the 19,000-dwt bulker from trading around Asia until the ripe old age of 37.

The region is already getting a reputation as a ghetto for substandard shipping and the majority of accidents involving dry-bulk tonnage seem to happen there. China’s growth has also provided plenty of demand for older vessels that should have left the market years ago.

Europe faced a similar problem with general cargoships but a ban on frequent PSC offenders from the start of this year is addressing the situation.

A similar stance in Asia would make it more difficult for substandard ships to trade.

Panama, where many of the ships involved in Asian bulker losses are registered, also has a role. As the world’s largest flag state it would benefit both itself and the worldwide shipping industry if it investigated these accidents. It can also take the lead in removing substandard tonnage from its books.

         贸易风周刊 1 001-15

1. -德国货箱船公司担心艮行为保障自己利益对无法交付贷款之船只将被接管或拍卖.

2. -分析家指出起大型之船管公司未必最称职.

3. -排名世界笫三的法国 CMA CGM 因未能从欧洲银行借到贷款而转向中国银行商借 20亿美金于中国造船.

4. -因搁浅于新西兰之 “Rena” 货轮船员为菲律宾籍影响到当地之菲律宾侨民受到恐嚇.

5. - 10家希腊船务公司因世界航运已迁往远东而到新加坡办公.

6. -Hamburg-Sud  因周转不灵只好卖掉 6条货轮得款 2亿美元应急.

7. -20条由德国 Global Hanseatic Phoenix Reederie 管理之船只因周转不灵恐被拍卖.

8. -台湾 2013年开始将禁止外国旗单壳油轮之进入.  

         希腊船务日报 1001-15

         1. -APL 再次被业者评为2011年最佳之航运公司.

         2. -K Lines下月3日将开始一条亚洲新航线从青岛-上海-宁波-香港-马尼拉-椰加达-泗水-马尼拉-香港-青岛.

        3. -美国 Diamond S 船务公司向 Cido 船务公司买进 30条中型之成品油轮.

         4. -香港到洛杉叽之现场运费已跌到1500美元/40尺箱.

         5. -台湾评级机构降低阳明级位从 BBB+ BBB.

         6. -马士基 LNG 船队已卖给由 Teekay Marubeni 合作之集团.

         7. -印度 SCI 公司削减新船计划为一半.

         8. -英国海员组织评论权宜国船只人员工资太低工作时间过长而降低工作表现. 本月于新西兰搁浅之 “Rena” 轮便是一例.

         9. -台湾三大公司长荣,阴明和万海业务继续下滑.

         10. -2011年前半年索马里海盗共攻击 266条船, 业界损失约 162亿美元. 2010年同比事件为196.        

劳氏船务 1001-15

1. -国际各国因经费问题明年派往索马里护航军舰将酌量减少.

2. -劳氏 (Lloyds) 建议中国造船厂对技术,质量和人员训练水准应有所提高. 

二:造船 (Shipbuilding)

         1. -纽约福茂公司向沪东中华造船厂订造 2 87,000-dwt之干散船, 造价每条 3,750万美元, 2013年交船.

         2. -印度国企 SCI 船务公司放缓造船计划而取消国内 Cochin 造船厂3 3,500箱位新船订单.

         3. -台湾电力公司向高雄中船以 1.82亿美元所订造之 4 93,000-dwt干散船, 其中3条经己交船, 4条将于今年11月交船. 该公司船队每年从国外运回 2,700万吨煤炭.

         4. -荷兰 Dockwise Heavy lift公司新船 “Dockwise Vanguard” 可装超大机件. ( 2).

     5. -日本各造船厂手上约有40 Capesize 新船因买家放弃将减价出售. 该类 Capesize Newcastlemax 型载重 206,000 . 台湾 Hsin Chien Marine 1亿美元向 Universal Shipbuilding买进二条.

三:海难 (Casualty)

    1.-本月3日巴拿马货轮瑞兴号 “Jui Hing”  (1974)  11,531-dwt在基隆卸完碎石之后空船开往厦门时,不幸在基隆港外被台风 尼格” Nalgae 吹上礁石,船身截为二段, 前半搁在石上,船尾被浪吹走, 导致燃油外泄, 7名船员丧生3名失踪.

         2. -MSC所租用之利比里亚旗 “Rena”(1990) 3029-teu本月5 2.30 am于新西兰Tauranga港外之珊瑚礁搁浅, 二个货舱进水, 左倾约10, 船上之2,100个货箱部份己移动, 1,700吨燃油搁浅后不久开始外泄. 船长和二副经被当局扣押. 船上25名船员平安无恙.( 3,4 & 5 ).


         3. -德国货轮 “Courier” (1995) 1444-teu 上星期四于孟加拉之 Chittagong港外搁浅.

四:码头 (Terminal)

     1. -中国将投资5亿美金于中美洲委瑞利亚之Puerto Cabello 港兴建一个货箱码头.

     2. -中东固惠特 (Kuwait) 码头因工人罢工, 共有6条油轮被困.

五:买卖/租贷         (S/P & Chartering)

1. S & P

-“Ttitan Seema”              (1993)  275000-dwt, Tanker    usd   25.00M, Brazil

-“Harmonious”               (2007)  174000-dwt, Bulker     usd   39.00M, unknown

-“Cape Wakaba”             (1996)  171978-dwt, Bulker     usd   18.20M, Greek

-“Bunga Saga 9”             (1999)    93127-dwt, Bulker   usd   16.50M, S. Korea

-“Freedon Lady”              (2005)    56000-dwt, Bulker   usd   25.50M, Greek

-“Day Beam”                    (2005)    46619-dwt,Bulker             usd   22.50M, Hong Kong

-“Siam Garnet”                (1984)    35501-dwt, Bulker   usd     4.50M, China

-“New Alliance”               (1996)    27900-dwt, Bulker   usd   13.00M, Turkish

-“MSC  Vivian”                  (2003)      6402-teu,  Container  usd   60.00M, Greek

2. 拆船                      

                             -“Australia”                         (1993)  172972-dwt                usd 508/ldt, Bangladesh

                             -“Barunawati”                    (1992)  111689-dwt                usd 540/ldt,Pakistan                    

                             -“Java Sea”                        (1991)    99116-dwt               usd 545/ldt, Bangladesh

                             -“Paros Warrior”               (1989)    93822-dwt                usd 536/ldt, Pakistan

                             -“Louka”                             (1989)    68159-dwt                usd 452/ldt, India                            

                             -“Zorina”                            (1982)     46745-dwt                 usd 452/ldt, China

                             -“Anjani”                            (1985)     36882-dwt                usd 520/ldt, Pakistan


-“Cape Spencer”     (2010)    169000 dwt dely Longkou 01 Oct  trip via EC Australia redel Japan  $22000 daily – K Line

-“Deng-A Rhea”      (1993)    150000 dwt dely Longkou 05/16 Oct  trip via Newcastle redel S.Korea  $20000 daily – SK Shipping

-“Atlantic Legend”    (2009)    83685 dwt dely Penang  03/10 Oct trip via EC S.Am redel S’pore-Jpn range $13750 daily - cnr

-”Darya Jyoti”        (2010)     80545 dwt dely Paradip   12/13 Oct  trip via EC S.Am  redel S’pore-Jpn range $14000 daily – CJ Int’l

-“Tou Fu 3”            (1993)     62348 dwt dely Guangzhou Prompt  trip via Indonesia redel S.China  $9250 daily – cnr

-“Jin Yuan”            (2007)     55400 dwt dely Beihai 29/30 Sept trip via SE Asia redel  China, int.nickel ore, $18500 daily- cnr

-“Marietta Bolten”    (2009)     53000 dwt dely Singapore Spot trip via Indonesia redel  India $14000 daily- Oldendorff

-“IVS Shikna”          (2008)     29664 dwt dely Singapore 10/12 Oct  trip via Indonesia redel Philippine  $13250 daily – cnr


-“Kerveros”              (2003)    76602-dwt, 5-7 months.  usd 12500/daily      STX  Panocean

-“YN Brightness”     (2004)    77684-dwt 4-6 months      usd 13250/daily      cnr

-“Mandarin River”    (2011)    57000-dwt 11-13 months  usd 13250/daily      Sinochart

-“Georgios P.”         (2010)    57000-dwt, 3-5 months.    usd 18000/daily      HBC

5. ORE

-“Iron Beauty”     (2001)            160000/10%, Dampier/ 青島,            mid Oct      usd 10.75   fio,    sc/30000sc --  Rio Tinto

-Tbn                                       160000/10%, Saldanha Bay/ 青島,   20/30 Oct   usd 18.50   fio,    sc/30000sc --  Kumba

-Tbn                                       170000/10%, Port Hedland / Korea  17/26 Oct   usd   9.38   fio,    sc/30000sc --  POSCO

6. Daily Summary of Baltic Exchange Dry Indices 2011.10.14

Baltic Exchange Dry              Index      BDI     2173 (up     18)
Baltic Exchange Capesize    Index      BCI     3587 (up     41)
Baltic Exchange Panamax    Index      BPI     2084 (up     22)
Baltic Exchange Supramax  Index       BSI     1594 (up     11)
Baltic Exchange Handysize  Index      BHSI     822 (up       4)

2011/10/14 船用燃油价格(每吨/usd)

来源: Bunkerworld

                                IFO 380           __IFO 180              MDO           MGO   

新加坡                       673                     683                     895            903

鹿特丹                       648                     668                     -----            950

            休士顿                        660                     695                     -----            982

        洛杉矶                       670                     700                     -----            995


备注:        tbn         = to be named                       ldt          = light d/weight ton

usd        = u.s.dollar                           mtpa        = million ton per annum              

cbm       =cubic meter                           tpa        =million metric ton per annu

上一篇:VFB #132 - 港口..    下一篇:VFB #130 - 马士..
