VFB #177 - 違犯劳工公約被扣 2013.09.16

2013-09-17 22:41  浏览次数 13




国际海员劳工公约实施仅数天便有一条利比里亚油井供应轮 ‘Atlantic Carrier’ 在丹麦Esbjerg港口因船员没有雇用合约而被扣一天, 很明显的丹麦港口国单位已把 MLC 包括在检查工作之中.

First MLC detention in Denmark

Friday, 06 September 2013 | 11:27

The Liberia flagged offshore supply vessel Atlantic Carrier has for 24 hours been detained in Esbjerg. The Danish Maritime Authority discovered during a control Tuesday that the crew was without contracts. The detention is the first in Denmark as a result of breach of MLC requirements.
"It is satisfying to see that the MLC requirements are incorporated in the Danish authority’s port state control. The seafarers' employment is quite basic. The contract is a piece of paper that states under which conditions he or she is employed. Conditions such as wages, rights during sickness , etc must be included in the contract and if this is missing, no one can be aware of the terms, "says President of CO-Søfart, Ole Philipsen.
The seafarers' working and living conditions have with the entry of the MLC, Maritime Labour Convention on 20 August become part of a supervisory system.
Ole Philipsen has on several occasions emphasized the MLC requirements as a most important measure for seafarers since World War II. Conditions on board a ship have not previously been part of the inspectors' duties under the Port State Control.
The company behind Atlantic Carrier corrected the situation and the ship will continue to operate in the North Sea, where it operates in connection with the offshore wind farm DanTysk, which is currently under construction.
Source: CO-Søfart

于此同时在加拿大也有一条货轮 ‘Lia M’ 因船员雇用合约缺乏详细资科和船东拖欠船员工钱被扣. 国际运输工人协会(ITF) 对此措施表示赞尝.

ITF applauds MLC detentions

Thursday, 12 September 2013 | 10:00

The ITF today applauded port state control in Canada and Denmark for their action in detaining two vessels under the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC) – and pointed out how the detentions prove the new convention’s potential.
In Canada the Lia M was detained, and in Denmark the Atlantic Carrier was held. Both were stopped over lack of employment contracts. In the case of the Lia M crew complaints included unpaid wages, a ‘collective bargaining agreement’ that lacked the vessel name, a date or a wage scale; crew with no money, no shampoo, toothpaste or other items; a crew member who had twice been refused access to a doctor; and crew membershaving been forced to sign blank contracts.
Following the intervention of PSC and the ITF both vessels are now MLC compliant.
ITF seafarers’ section chair Dave Heindel commented: “It’s great to see the MLC in action. These were serious infringements and remedial action has been swiftly taken. These detentions should be a wake up call to shipowners who are not complying with the MLC, and a further reminder to those countries who haven’t yet ratified of why they need to.”
Source: ITF

在利比里亚注册之船只已有94% 拥有符合 MLC要求之证书, 远远超过其他国际船舶注册单位.

Liberia Storms Ahead on MLC Certification

Monday, 02 September 2013 | 00:00

Ninety-four percent of qualifying Liberian-flag ships have achieved successful Maritime Labour Convention 2006 compliance, just one week after the convention entered force, putting Liberia far ahead of any other international ship registry.
MLC 2006 certification is a multi-step process. The first step involves the issuing of a Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance (DMLC) Part 1 at the request of the owner. This is followed by the owner’s submission of DMLC Part 2 for approval. In the case of Liberia, which has opted not to delegate flag state inspection to classification societies, this means approval by the Liberian flag. Thereafter, the vessel is inspected and the certificate duly issued to compliant ships.
The Liberian-flag fleet is the second largest in the world and includes 3,215 ships to which MLC 2006 applies. To date, DMLC Part 2 has been accepted in respect of 3,016 Liberian-flag ships, equating to 94% of the qualifying Liberian fleet. Liberia has issued 1,464 MLC 2006 certificates. It has also issued 3,084 DMLC Part I documents.   The certification process meanwhile continues apace.
Liberia was the first flag state to ratify MLC 2006, and one of the first to adopt inhouse measures to anticipate implementation of the convention. David Pascoe, maritime operations and standards chief of the Liberian International Ship & Corporate Registry (LISCR), says, “Other flag states have been relying on class societies to inspect vessels. While still recognising inspections conducted by class and by other Recognised Organizations where appropriate, Liberia has elected to deal with owners directly, using its dedicated global workforce of more than 180 MLC-trained inspectors to conduct inspections. The figures show that this was the right decision.
“There is still some way to go in terms of MLC certification, but Liberia is moving forward rapidly. In our experience, most responsible owners will have no problem complying with MLC, but they need to get their certification in place. Liberia is doing everything it can to help them achieve that goal.”
Source: Liberian International Ship & Corporate Registry (LISCR)


Korean Register signs cooperation agreement with Panama Maritime Authority

Wednesday, 11 September 2013 | 19:00

The Korean Register (KR) – an IACS member classification society – has signed an MoU with the Panama Maritime Authority (PMA) to allow cooperation on technical research and to work together on a range of international activities.
The MoU is specifically aimed at owners with Panamanian flagged vessels and will bring them a range of benefits including enhanced survey and certification services. In addition, both parties have agreed to cooperate on future technical and research projects and to exchange technical information as well as manpower.
At the signing ceremony held in Busan, Korea, Mr Kim Kyu-seob, KR’s executive vice-pres
ident said “I am delighted to sign this agreement which heralds a long and fruitful relationship between this classification society and the Panama Maritime Authority. Both parties will benefit and it is good for both of us to work together particularly in the current climate of fierce competition, unpredictability and change.”
Mr Reynaldo Garibaldi, chief of navigation and maritime safety from the PMA replied:
“It is enormously helpful for the PMA to sign this agreement with KR. The Korean Register is leading the way with classification-related technology and we are looking forward to working alongside them”
Source: The Korean Register

DMV船级社和德国劳氏船级社之合并经己得到官方的批准, 并于912日开始以 DNV GL GROUP的名义运作. 新公司在世界上共有雇员 17,000,营业额每年 25亿欧元.

DNV GL merger approved by competition authorities

Thursday, 12 September 2013 | 00:00

The merger between DNV and GL is now approved. The new company - DNV GL - will be operational from 12 September. DNV GL will be the world’s largest ship and offshore classification society to the maritime industry, a leading provider of technical assurance and risk management services to the oil & gas industry and a leading expert in wind and power transmission and distribution. DNV GL also takes the position as one of the top three management system certification bodies in the world.

The competition authorities in South Korea, the USA, the EU and China have cleared the merger between the two well-regarded companies, both of which will soon celebrate 150 years of independent operations. The new company, formally called DNV GL Group, will comprise 17,000

employees across 300 sites in more than 100 countries, and have revenues of EUR 2,500 million per year.

“It is with great pride that we can now inform that this vision-driven merger for growth has been cleared by the competition authorities in all four required jurisdictions. The merging companies both represent leading market positions, complementary commercial positions and an acknowledged reputation for advanced technology and high quality and integrity,” says Henrik O. Madsen, Group CEO of DNV GL.
Source: DNV


         1. -据专家分析 ‘MOL  Comfort’ 在海上断成二段之原因是货箱重量误报所致.

         2. -航运界在 ‘MOL Comfort’ 海难后要求IMO对海运货箱重量之申报立法.

         3. -货箱业船东们对货箱重量据实申报一案赞成和反对者各半.

         4. -DNV GL的合并将帶来其他船级社的合并风潮.

         5. -印度国企 SCI船务公司总裁于去年12月离职, 新的人选因种种原因迄今尚未决定.

         6. -中国 7月份原油进口达每天629万桶, 6月份为 520万桶.

         7. -马士基公司自从超大型货箱 (14-18,000teu)船加入亚欧航线之后己停止从亚洲到美东经巴拿马运河之航班.

       8. -台风万宜本月15日于日本中部登陆带来强风和强降雨.台风范围涵蓋日本全国.().

         9. -Marine Traffic.com显示出香港,福建泉州和厦门16/9即时之船只追踪图.


二:造船 (New Building)

          1. -民生艮行贷款给地中海船务公司 (MSC) 向韩国订造 18,400-teu新船.

  2. -中东 UASC公司向韩国现代船厂订造 518,000-teu 5+6 14,000-teu新船.

  3. -目前全球超大型货箱新船订单高达 370万箱位, 它将影响到中小型货箱船的业务和生计.

          4. -日本 K-Lines订造 4艘下一代运車船, 新船宽度扩大到 38, 船长仍为200, 载量提高到   7,200, 交船期为 2015-2016.

三:港口 (Terminal)

                   1. -上海港 8月份货箱运作量同比上升 13.3% 295万箱.

                   2. -越南近年来兴建数十个码头, 但因成本高和航道浅无法吸引收国外航商. 40尺货箱从越南运到美西之费用较香港多出28%.

四:海难  (Casualty)

1. -荷兰旗货轮 ‘Maersk Kampala’ (2001) 6,802-teu,  829晚于苏彝士运河之南发生火灾,起火点为船首第一排最下面的货箱然后延至其他货箱. 经过船员和岸上救火船三天的抡救大火得以撲滅.

    ‘Maersk Kampala’ on fire

It’s been three days since a fire broke out on board the containership Maersk Kampala just south of the Suez Canal and the crew on board has yet to douse the flames inside six of the cargo containers on board. In an emailed statement this afternoon, Maersk spokesperson Mikkel Linnet notes that the fire has remained isolated to the two foremost cargo bays of the vessel and that all crew are “accounted for and safe in the accommodation area with no injuries reported.”

Maersk notes that on August 29th, the fire originated in a container at the bottom of a stack before spreading to a second container.

Tugs soon came to support the onboard fire-fighting efforts, but the flames eventually spread as unfavorable weather conditions prevented these tugs from getting close enough to have maximum effect.

Since Saturday, Maersk notes weather conditions have improved resulting in more effective fire-fighting support from the tugs, while keeping the fire contained to the two foremost bays. Maersk adds, “the fire fighting team on board is also now well into the process of extinguishing the fire inside containers by cutting open the hot containers as well as those nearby and flooding them with water. To speed up this process, an additional fire fighting team will come aboard this evening.”

Although fire still burns inside six containers, the extent of the damage is likely far more extensive.

Source: Ecaptain

五:买卖/租贷         (S/P & Chartering)          

1. S & P                                                               

Bulker: -“Ocean Lord”        (2005)         82754-dwt       usd      18.10M,

-“Botafogo”          (2001)         76623-dwt       usd      13.00M,

-“C. Journey”        (1995)         73095-dwt       usd       7.40M,

-“Pacific Future”    (1998)         29517-dwt       usd       4.50M,

-“Oriente Noble”     (1996)         23522-dwt       usd       5.80M,

Tanker: -“Stavanger Bay”     (2004)       105744-dwt        usd      20.10M,

-“Eagle Bay”         (1991)         47083-dwt       usd       6.00M,

-“Twinkle Express”   (2006)         45750-dwt       usd      19.80M,

-“Bro Axel”          (1998)         16839-dwt       usd       6.20M,

-“Libelle”           (1999)         13050-dwt       usd       8.50M,

-“Saag Siriuss”      (2009)          7058-dwt       usd       8.00M,


-“Taunton”          (1986)       186324-dwt        usd   380/ldt, China

 -“Hukanghai”       (1994)       149860-dwt        usd   373/ldt, China

 -“J.Friend”        (1984)        35493-dwt        usd   360/ldt, China

 -“Lindesay Clark”  (1985)        29989-dwt        usd   365/ldt, China

. 2013/09/11    远东2003年造二手船平均价值:

种类                       油轮                            干散货轮                           集装箱轮         (teu)

船型        VLCC   Suezmax   Aframax   Cape   Pmax   Supramax    Handy    P/Pax    Pmax    Handy   

吨位()             31          16           11          18         7.5            5           3         6500     4000      1400  

价值(万美元)    0.0%    0.0%     +2.5%    +2.1%     +1.3%    +5.2%     +0.8%    -0.7%   -0.6%    +0.0% 


来源: Bunkerworld

                                IFO 380           __IFO 180            MDO           MGO   

新加坡                       597                     607                   915              920

鹿特丹                       595                     618                   -----              928

            休士顿                        620                     605                   -----              1015


备注:        tbn         = to be named                       ldt          = light d/weight ton

usd        = u.s.dollar                           mtpa        = million ton per annum              

cbm       =cubic meter                           tpa        =million metric ton per annu

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