VFB #100 - 航运界百强 2010.06.30

2010-07-01 18:23  浏览次数 53




1.       贸易风周刊本月出版一份专栏介绍世界航运界100位最具影响力的人士和他们的成功史.

        第一名是油轮大王挪威 Frontline公司之 John Fredriksen 先生, 第二名为中远集团的魏家福船长. 名单上共有14位东方人, 其中包括中国4,南韩3, 台湾2, 香港, 印度, 日本,新加坡和马来西亚各一名,他们是:

No.2          Wei Jiafu             Cosco                  Beijing       

No.6         Yasumi Kudo       NYK                     Tokyo        

No.17        Nobu Su              TMT                      Taipei

No.18        Hyun Jeong-eun  Hyundai Group    Seoul         

No.19        Chang Yung-fa   Evergreen            Taipei

No.30        Tan Zuojun CSSC                            Beijing

No.35        Ho Ching              Temasek              Singapore

No.41        Chen Qiang         Rongsheng          Beijing

No.43        S.Hajara              SCI                       India

No.52        Robert Kuok        Kwok Group        Malaysia

No.54        George Chao       Wah Kwong        Hong Kong

No.64        Kang Duk-soo     STX Group           Seoul

No.71        Min Keh-sik          Hyundai Heavy Ind. Seoul

No.77        Li Changyin         CSIC                     Beijing

 Power 100 ( 1)


Shipping means power: from the Phoenicians to China’s Zhang He, from the Dutch East India Company to post was Greek entrepreneurs. The stories may be different but the message is the same: ships and shipping create the intoxicating allure of power.

The power is historically often associated with the political control of ships and trade. No empire could survive without control of the seas. But of course in the modern world shipping is not just about power for power sake.

It’s mostly about money and it’s from that cash that power and influence is generated.

Few modern industries have the aura that shipping still retains-the myths that tell it’s about more than just the steel. Some of that aura is exactly that: myth. Running a shipowning enterprise or operating a shipping-service company in the early 21st century is fundamentally about efficient business practice not the legend of the past. But ask anyone with any experience of the industry what makes it tick and what gives it colour and they will tell you it’s the personalities and the gambles they have taken the friendships and the rivalries.

Shipping remains a business where – to adapt a phrase – character remains a king.

That is why Tradewinds has produced this supplement – to catalogue some or the most influential figures in the industry today.

It’s not just about wealth, nor the number of ships in their fleet. It’s more than that. It’s an assessment of who has made the contemporary global shipping industry what it is today and who is making the decisions that will fashion changes in the decade to come.

The list not only includes shipowners from every corner of the globe but also key users of the industry’s transport services as well as some of those whose skills make the industry happen.

From owners in Athens to mining in Brazil, from bankers in Hamburg to oil companies in Houston the spread is wide.

With only 100 names it can hardly be comprehensive as there are likely 100 figures of some influence in each of the 10 or so major shipping countries around the world.

It’s without any shame a purely subjective list as everyone will believe there are many other names that should have been included.

If it stimulates a little late-night debate so much the better. After all it should not be taken too seriously.

Nevertheless, there is a perhaps a significant underlying message that emerges from the list, one that has resonance both within and outside the industry.

That is just how deep and extensive the skills experience and resources of today’s shipping business really are. Those at the coal-face everyday – either fixing ships or arranging loans – may sometimes lose sight of exactly how important global shipping is in helping to lift living standards globally by facilitating world trade.

Anyone reading this supplement will appreciate just how broad in scope and deeply rooted today’s shipping industry is.

2.    墨湾排油第72. 台灣信榮航邠朴痛?lt;/span> 馳援墨灣



1100呎長,10層樓高「鯨魚A號」(A-Whale)撈油船,今年才在南韓打造完工,剛剛在葡萄牙經過改裝,以在海上撈油。這艘船可以在距海岸4050哩處作業,利用船首兩側的12個孔道汲取油水。( 2 and 3).



該公司計畫主管格蘭桑(Bob Grantham)說:「我們必須開始向大家顯示我們的能耐。我們正認真探究能否前往實地自行作業。但是這並非很好的做法,我們需要與別人合作。」






該公司副總裁T.K. Ong說:「我相信這是空前的溢油事件,需要前所未有的解決辦法。」

The “A-whale” oil skimmer is sitting idle in Norfolk, VA in a sea of EPA regulatory hurdles and government red tape.     

 The  “A-Whale” bills itself  as the largest open-water oil skimmer in the world, and it’s at least very impressive. Originally an oil and ore tanker, the ship’s owners recently refitted the ship to do exactly the kind of work that the US so desperately needs in the Gulf of Mexico, and to do it on a vastly larger scale than current operations can handle.

According to the ship’s project manager, the entire American effort in 66 days has skimmed off 600,000 barrels of oil. The ship’s owners claim that A-Whale can skim 500,000 barrels a day.

So where is the A-Whale now? In the Gulf? Not yet. It’s on its way there after being tied to a dock in Norfolk, Virginia, and won’t be allowed to join the cleanup effort until the Coast Guard and the EPA figure out whether it meets their standards...



1. -热帶风暴 “Alex” 正在墨湾形成, 强风和高潮将把水面之污油帶进更深的美国墨湾地区. ( 4)

2. -因亚/欧航线之复苏世界各地正闹货箱荒, 虽然 CIMC货箱制造公司今年第一季经已售出新箱达102900. 于此同时货箱价格也从每只 1900涨到 2700元美金.

2. -希腊某船东向德国 Offen 公司购买5 2000年造的2500箱位货箱船.每条价值 2500万美金.



1. -中国于新疆天山发现3处矿砂石儲存共20亿砘, 其中有5亿万吨经己证实.

2. -丹麦政府发出通告所有通过北极航线之船舶将不许使用重油 heavy fuel.

3. -印度船级社 IRS (Indian Registry of Shipping) 经过20年的水准提高,被国际船级公会纳为正式会员.

4. -古巴因缺少外汇去年进口下降60%.

5. -处于马来西亚沙劳越州 (Sarawak)  Miri市之 Shin Yang船务公司总裁 Ling Chiung Sing先生表示因该公司共有54条船只于波斯湾营业而准备在该区设立修船厂.

彭博新闻 630

1. -武钢投资20亿美元与澳洲 Riverside 矿业公司于非洲之 Zambeze 开发煤矿. 武钢将拥该煤矿40%之股权和购买40%之年产.

2. -据世界21名经济学家之预测中国今年第二季之煤炭和矿砂石进口量将减到10.5%和第三季的9.6%, 因此影响到 Capesize船只之运费. 从今年一月到六月底Capesize新船共增加81条迏1031艘可说是供多需少,

3. -宝钢经已接受今年第3季矿砂石价格每吨147元或23%的上调.

4. -安钢准备于5年内, 年产提高到5000万吨, 成为中国最大的产家.

5. -洲总理陸克文因提议增收矿业公司40%之税金遭到商业界之强烈反对, 26日被迫下台.

二:造船 (Shipbuilding)

         1. -厦门造船厂将为国内HongXin 船务公司建造2 57000-dwt Supramax型干散船.造价每条 2700万美元. 交船期为2012.

         2. -中国正在协助缅甸 Ahlone造船厂建造 15000吨之货轮.

         3. -法国 Bourbon Offshore公司向 Sinopacific造船厂订造 62条价值10亿美金之 Supply vessel,

三:码头       (Cargo terminal)

         1. -美西波特兰 (Portland)港之6号货箱码头因业务欠佳去年出口仅有 157306箱和今年第一季运作量为 34415 , 同比下滑17.8%, 而决定把它出租给菲律宾之 International Container Terminal Services Inc (ICTSI), 租期25.

         2. -美国 Northern Gas 公司暫停在离美西哥伦比亚河河口 Astoria 25浬之 Bradwood Landing 所策划之 LNG 接收站.

         3. -长荣集团将在西班牙巴塞罗那 (Barcelona) 港兴建一座年运作 150万箱之货箱码头. 第一个泊位将于2011年年底启用.

         4. -希腊法院視 Piraeus港码头工人本星期之罢工为违法.

         5. -以色列 Zim Lines将上调亚/欧航线运费达每 teu 400元美金.

         6. -韩国5月份煤炭进口跌到850万吨,今年1-5月共进口 4680万吨, 同比上升7.7%.

四:海难 (Casualty)

         1. -2艘小型日本化油轮 “Kamako Maru #15” “Kaiwa Maru” 于东京外海相撞.

         2. -自卸货轮 “Sophie Oldendorff” (2000) 70,000-dwt 于美国佛州 Tampa 港卸货时船上运送帶着火.

         3. -澳洲海事安全局指责国轮 “Silver Yang” 二副在撞到游艇后没有通话联系或停船进行拯救. 确实違反海上条规则.        

         4. -国轮 “Fu Ping Yuan” (1990) 3000-dwt 和韩国货轮 “CS Crane” (2007) 11300-dwt 相撞.

         5. -台湾 TMT 公司 “A.Whale” 污油汲收轮正前往墨湾協助清理工作.

        6.  -国轮 “Hai Xiang” 号货轮 (1983) 1600-dwt, 于日本横滨港卸货吋货舱起火. (5)


:买卖/租贷         (S/P & Chartering)

1. 船舶买卖 (S & P) 

The main talking point of this week has been Peter Georgiopoulos's Genco Shipping & Trading's US$ 545m acquisition of 16 modern Supramax b/c's from clients of Setaf Saget.

The 16 ship deal includes 14 units on the water and a further 2 newbuilding resales building at Dayang S.B due for delivery in 2011.

A newbuilding Cape size, Sungdong Hull No. 1073 (180,000 dwt Jan 2011 blt) is said to have been sold to Greek buyers for US$ 54m including a 10 year timecharter at US$ 24,674 per day. An older Cape size the M/V CHINA FORTUNE (152,011 dwt 1992 blt CSBC) has been concluded at US$ 20.8m; this vessel has recently passed her docking survey.

The Japanese controlled geared panamax M/V YK SENTOSA (73,625 dwt 2000 bltHashihama Zosen) has been sold for $32.6 million to Malaysian interests basis an August 2010 delivery tc free.

In the Supramax sector, the M/V SUNNY GLORY (56,057 dwt 2006 blt Mitsui) reported sold at US$ 35m.

In the Handysize sector, a modern handy size, M/V XIN DONG GUAN 6 (33,076 dwt 2008 blt Wuzhou) has been reported sold within China for US$ 22.5m.
The M/V OCEAN SUCCESS (38,455 dwt 1987 blt Japan) is sold at US$ 13m.
Log/bulkcarrier the M/V ROYAL FOREST (31,770 dwt 1998 blt Hakodate) obtained US$ 20.3m.
M/V GREAT CHANCE (28,701dwt 2004 blt Shin Kochi H.I.) has been sold basis delivery September 2010 for US$ 26.2m to undisclosed Greek interests.
The older vintage M/V PAGONA H (30,898 dwt 1984 blt Hashihama) went to Turkish buyers for US$ 7.6m.
Finally, TBS has sold the IHI Fortune type M/V SAVANNAH BELLE (22,558 dwt 1982 blt IHI Japan) to Singapore buyers for US$ 2.85m.

The M/T LIVIA (105,889 dwt 2003 blt Hyundai Samho) has now been sold to Greek interests for US$ 39.5m..
The VLCC M/T AROSA (291,381 dwt 1993 blt Hitachi) reported sold for US$ 18m to undisclosed buyers.

2. Time charter

         “Navios Pollux” (2009) 181000-dwt del Bolivar 20-25/7 trip redel Continent $25000/daily Swiss Marine

         “Yin Zhu Hai” (2009) 76463-dwt del Recalada 1-10/7 trip redel China $33750/daily Sinorich

         “Royal Epic” (2008) 56026-dwt del Fangcheng spot redel S’pore/Jpn range $21900/daily CNR

3. Period charter

                “Yuan Hui Hai” (2006) 74259-dwt del Dalian 26-28/6 redel worldwide 3-5 months trading  $23000/daily Vitol

“Aqua Rosa” (2009) 57000-dwt del N.China spot redel worldwide 4-6 months trading  $24000/daily HMM

4. 拆船.

         “Yron”                 (1982)        62153-dwt Bulker         usd390/ldt  India

         “Champion Lion”  (1985)        44979-dwt Bulker         usd425/ldt  India

         “Ghazi 1”             (1976)        33715-dwt Bulker         usd388/ldt  Pakistan

         “Amar”                 (1980)        14650-dwt Bulker         usd330/ldt  China

5. 矿砂石

                Tbn                                  160000/10%, Tubarao/青岛,        1-15/July,  $21.25, fio, sc/30000sc. Cargill

“Tian Rong Hai”    (2002) 160000/10%, Saldanha/Qingdao ,2-6/7        $17.00, fio, sc/30000sc. Kumba

“Rubin Grace”                  160000/10%, Dampier/Qingdao,  5-15/7       $8.80, fio, sc/30000sc   Rio Tinto

“Skythia               (2010)  160000/10%, Dampier/Qingdao , 1-10/7       $ 8.80, fio, sc/30000sc. GMI

“Scope                (2006)  160000/105,  Dampier/Qingdao, 12-20/7      $8.80, fio, sc/30000sc   STX Pan Ocean

6. 煤炭:

Tbn               160000/10%, Richards BayQingdao, 5-15/7  $16.00, fio. sc/30000sc. Mercuria 

7. Daily Summary of Baltic Exchange Dry Indices 6/30/2010

Baltic Exchange




2406 (DOWN 41)

Baltic Exchange




2711 (DOWN 2)

Baltic Exchange




2748 (DOWN 127)

Baltic Exchange




2066 (DOWN 30)

Baltic Exchange




1155 (DOWN 10)


来源: Bunkerworld

                                IFO 380           __IFO 180              MDO           MGO   

新加坡                       428                     437                     628             633

鹿特丹                       416                     435                     -----             662

            休士顿                        422                     443                     660             -----


备注:        tbn         = to be named                       ldt          = light d/weight ton

usd        = u.s.dollar                           mtpa        = million ton per annum              

cbm       =cubic meter                           tpa        =million metric ton per annum

上一篇:VFB #101 - 银行..    下一篇:VFB #99 - 二手船..
