VFB #118 - 保险不受理核辐射污染赔偿 2011.04.01

2011-04-02 23:02  浏览次数 72



一:头条新闻 (Headline news)

1.        贸易风周刊 0318      保险公司经己通知各船东如船舶, 货物或船员搭客受到这次福島核电厂爆炸所引起辐射线之污染处理费用, 无论是船壳或 P & I Club保单, 均不受理因保险单上有一条 (RACE) 条例清楚的指出. ( 1 )



Contamination from nuclear fallout is excluded from P & I Club and Hull policies. Owners of any ships that become contaminated in fallout from Japan’s stricken Fukushima nuclear power complex are uninsured.

Radioactive contamination is a risk excluded under Hull as well as P & I Club policies with owners facing further immense liabilities if they try to dispose of any vessel or cargo that became irradiated.

At least two panama bulkers were driven agrounded by the tsunami and appear to be most at risk if the problems at Fukushima develop into a nuclear catastrophe

In the absence of insurance cover, the Japanese government might have to provide a financial guarantee that picks up the bill for any radioactive contamination to persuade ships to enter affected waters.

Insurers and reinsurers routinely incorporate a radioactive-contamination exclusion (RACE) clause in policies that excluded not only damage from atomic weapons but contamination from or ionshing radiation from any nuclear installation.

1. -日本311日海啸核爆后所关闭之海港共有:

                   Kashima               Hitachinaka      Hitachi               Onahama

                   Soma                    Sendai               Shiogama         Ishinomaki

                   Kashennuma      Ofunato              Kamaishi          Miyako


           海啸后18天约有30%的港口已恢复运作. 但仙台港却徹底损坏. (2 & 3)


         2. -因港口受到海啸影响无法运作东京电厂 (TEPCO) 已宣布无法抗拒- Force majeure”, 避开支付运煤船的滞留费- Demurrage).

        3. -“MOL Presence” (2008) 6,350-teu本月15日从美西经福島外海67海哩抵厦门因被发现核辐射污染超标而被禁. 该轮己于 27日开回日本. ( 4).


2.       彭博新闻 0329        中远预测2011年干散船货运因环球船舶供过于求将下降32%.

China Cosco Predicts 32% Bulk-Cargo Slump as Global Fleet Outpaces Demand

Mar 29, 2011 7:35 PM PT

China Cosco Holdings Co., Asia’s largest shipping company by market value, forecast a 32 percent drop in dry-bulk traffic this year as expansion in the global fleet outpaces demand.  

Commodity shipments will slump to 959 billion ton- nautical miles this year from 1.42 trillion last year, the Tianjin, China-based shipping line said in a statement late yesterday. Container volumes will rise 9.4 percent to 6.8 million, it said.

Global dry-bulk capacity will expand 14 percent this year, outpacing a 6 percent rise in demand, the shipping line said, after China financed orders for new vessels during the global recession to help prop up shipyards. The capacity increase has caused the Baltic Dry Index, a commodity- shipping rates benchmark, to drop 47 percent in the past year.  

“There are simply too many bulk ships on order right now,” said Um Kyung A, an analyst at Shinyoung Securities Co. in Seoul. “The Baltic Dry Index could remain at current levels for about four years unless there’s a spike to demand.”

Bulk Backlog

The backlog of on-order bulk ships is equal to 43 percent of the current global fleet by deadweight tons compared with a 25 percent rate for container ships, according to data on the Bloomberg terminal.

Iron ore imports by China, the world’s biggest buyer, may also fall for a second year in 2011 as record high prices spur output from domestic mines, according to Mysteel Research Institute. Shipments into the country fell 1.4 percent last year,   the first decline since 1998.


贸易风周刊 0317-31

         1. -福建省交通运输公司 (FPCT) 两家子公司将即接收10条新船:

      厦门船务公司共2, 一条由厦门造船厂所造之Hong Bao Shi (57,000-dwt), 另一条于明年交船.

      福建船务公司 (FUSCO) 将从南通造船厂接2 5万吨和6条由扬子江造船厂之45,000- dwt干散船.

         2. -台湾阳明公司2010年净利为117.8亿台币远胜 2009年的158.4亿台币亏损.

         3. -根据德国  DVB银行报导因将有 200 Capesize 新船于 2012年加入服务和日本核爆的影响,导致吨位过剩, 目前5-10年旧船每天运费已降到 5,000-10,000美元, 远低于船东每天 26,000美元的break-even, 可说是前景堪扰. 该报导同时指出 Capesize 新船价值已下跌 58%, 每条从 2008年的 7700万美元跌到 2010年的 3900万美元, 船东抵押贷款之船舶已变成負资产.  ( 5). 

         4. -大中华集团去年购入挪威 公司 Offshore Heavylift Transport (OHT) 60%股权之后, 大力扩展船队从目前的 4艘增加到 20.

         5. -希腊 Livanos 公司以 5600万美元低价买到 Norden Bank 拍出 Korea Line 175,000-dwt新船.

         6. -Livanos以每天租金 14300美元租期一年租到破产Korea Line 所放弃之 “Navios Azimuth” (2011) 180,000-dwt.  Korea Line 原租约为12年租金每天 27400美元.

        7. -新加坡 IMC 公司因市场欠佳而将公司唯一的 VLCC “MC Amethust” (2011) 301,000-dwt 9700万美元卖给韩国之 Sinokor 公司. 该轮买进价钱为 13000万美元, 净亏 330万美元.

        8. -振华重工去年外销之STS货箱为199座较2009年略有下降:

                                    2010              2009                                2010              2009

                  中国           50                  43                   北美         10                  18

                  欧洲           57                      53                       拉美         25                      33

                  亚洲           24                      89                       中东         16                      35

                  非洲           17                      9

         希腊船务日报 0317-31

1. -长荣新启一条新亚洲航线 (TMI)连接泰国-马来西亚-印尼, 替代旧的 (ISI) 航线.

2. -数月前于印度孟买港外相撞之 “MSC Chitra” 号货轮其船东 MSC公司将负担1亿美元之清洁和赔偿费用.

3. -韩进公司 (Hanjin) 刚接收该公司第一条 30万吨之 VLOC “Hanjin Tabarao”, 该轮将川走巴西/韩国为 POSCO装运铁矿砂.

4. -印度国企 SCI计划二年内添置 26,八年内增造80条新船.

5. -印尼国油 Pertamina准备于国内建造 8个小型 LNG接收站, 总运作量每年 140万吨. 第一个接收站于2013开始运作其他7个在 2013-2015年陆续完成.             

6. -因日本核辐射关系 OOCL己在其亚洲/美西航线上取消名古屋和东京.

劳氏船务 0317-31

1. -亚欧航线运费因日本海啸影响已降到每箱850美元.

2. -大型 15/18000箱位船的加入将会把较小的8/9000箱位船迫上绝境.

3. -德国 Beluga 公司因财务和内部纠纷已宣布破产重组.

:造船 (Shipbuilding)

         1. -有些中国造船厂已改变传统由中个行介绍方式进行买卖而直接向国外船东推销.

         2. -OOCL 向韩国三星造船厂订造6+4 13,000箱位新船.交船期为 2013.

         3. -德国 Hamburg Sud公司向韩国现代造船厂订造 6+4 9,700 teu新船, 每条船上配有 1600个冷冻箱插头 (reefer plugs), 造价每条1亿美元, 交船期从 2013年开始.

     4. -日本大地震受到損坏之 Kitanihon and Yamanishi二个造船厂需 6-10个月之整修.

:海难 (Casualty)

         1. -巴旗货轮 “Costis” (1978) 29112-dwt, 三月卄二月于台湾外海 63海哩处机舱进水而弃船, 13名船員被救, 4名留守船上

四:码头       (Cargo terminal)

          1. -宁波港将投资 400亿人民币于12-5期间扩大设施跟上海竞争.

          2. -Maersk Line将中国重点从香港移往广东南沙, 前往香港班船已从每星期30减到22航次.


     4. -越南政府准备投资 210亿美元于胡志明市外56公里位于湄公河中段之 Cai Mep兴建年运作 110万箱位之货箱码头,该码头今年1月剛收到由振毕 23运到之6 STS(shore to ship)货杆. (6).

         5. -业者认为越南政府雄心勃勃兴建大型码头与中国竞争,可能会因物流,运输和管理方面尚未到位而步越南造船厂的后尘.

:买卖/租贷         (S/P & Chartering)

1. S & P

-“Neverland”          (2003)   105000-dwt. Tanker       usd  40.0M, Unknown

- New building       (2011)   92000-dwt. Bulker          usd  35.0M, Greek 

-“Kefallonis”           (2011)   57000-dwt, Bulker          usd  28.5M, Greek

-“Cariad”                 (1996)   44000-dwt. Tanker         usd  11.0M, Unknown

-“Fidelity”                 (1985)   29100-dwt. Bulker          usd    4.0M, China

-“Nord Cloud”         (1997)   1684-teu. Container      usd  13.5M, Greek

-“Simon Solo”         (1999)   1354-teu, Container      usd  11.0M, Indonesia

2. 拆船                      

                             -“Cape Santa”                     139826-dwt  Tanker,                       usd 465/ldt, China

                             -“Fly Eagle”                           98570-dwt  Bulker,                         usd 500/ldt, China

                             -“Xing Dong Da”                   44750-dwt   Bulker,                       usd 432/ldt, China

                             -“Sun Suma”                         38540-dwt   Bulker,                       usd 527/ldt, India


-“Anangel Happiness”  (2008)  177720 dwt  dely Whyalla 4/8 Apr  trip  redel China $6900 daily + $725000 bb- BHP Billiton
-“Alpha Cosmos”        (2001)  169770 dwt  dely S’pore prompt trip via Goa  redel China $13000 daily - Oldendorff
-“Grand Ocean”          (1990)  149498 dwt  dely Kaohsiung prompt trip via Indonesia redel China $5000 daily - Winning
-“Pradhu Das”            (2005)    76015 dwt  dely Japan 15/25 March trip via Dalrymple Bay redel China $17000 daily – Sino East
-“Ocean Life”             (2003) 75318 dwt  dely Taiwan prompt trip via W.Australia redel S’pore int Alimina $15750 daily – Sino East            -“Ikan Kembong”       (2005)    76447 dwt  dely Haldia prompt trip via EC S.America redel S’pore-Japan range $20500 daily - cnr
-“United Milos”          (2010)    58000 dwt  dely Busan spot trip via Indonesia redel China int Nickel ore $18250 daily – cnr

-“Pella”                 (2010)            82191-dwt,             4  -6 months.    usd 18200/daily  Bunge

-“Marco”               (2004)            77834-dwt,             4-  6 months     usd 18500/daily  Torm

-“Felicia”               (1997)            72000-dwt,                24 months.    usd 15000/daily  Swiss Marine

-“Anna Bo”            (2010)            56700-dwt,             4-  6 months.    usd 16000/daily  cnr

-“Karavados”         (2002)            51000-dwt,                12 months     usd 16800/daily  Hudson

-“Navios Serenity” (2011)            35000-dwt,                12 months     usd 13000/daily  Cargill

5. ORE

-Tbn                                      160000/10%, Tubarao/青島,          end Mar/early Apr  usd 19.00   fio,    sc/30000sc --  Spot On

-“Nord  Hercules”   (2011)        100000/10%, Port Hedland/青島,  20/30 Mar,              usd 12.15   fio     sc/30000sc --  Atlas

-“Alpha Faith”         (2005)        160000/10%, W.Australia/青島,      1/10 Apr                 usd   7.40  fio,    sc/30000sc --  Cargill

6. Daily Summary of Baltic Exchange Dry Indices 2011.04.01

Baltic Exchange Dry              Index      BDI     1520 (down   10)
Baltic Exchange Capesize    Index      BCI      1792 (up       24)
Baltic Exchange Panamax    Index      BPI      1925 (down  43)
Baltic Exchange Supramax  Index       BSI      1511 (down  12)
Baltic Exchange Handysize  Index      BHSI      786 (down   4)

2011/04/01 船用燃油价格(每吨/usd)

来源: Bunkerworld

                                IFO 380           __IFO 180              MDO           MGO   

新加坡                       655                     666                     985             995

鹿特丹                       625                     648                     -----             1000

            休士顿                        640                     685                     995             -----

        洛杉矶                       710                     725                     1025             -----


备注:        tbn         = to be named                       ldt          = light d/weight ton

usd        = u.s.dollar                           mtpa        = million ton per annum              

cbm       =cubic meter                           tpa        =million metric ton per annum

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