VFB #129 - 不要错怪中国人 2011.09.16

2011-09-17 22:09  浏览次数 48



一:头条新闻 (Headline news)  

贸易风周刊 0916日版社评          把事情忘掉. 不要错怪中国人

近日来中远与四家国外船公司发生纠纷, 西方媒体大幅刊登, 业界认为中国人不懂租约条款要求减租等等. 其实并非如此, 中远和 Jinhui, Dryships, Navios and Bunge的纠纷反是件非常普通的业务措施, 在中远租进之200多条船来说, 它的百分比是很小, Dryships船东 Economou先生一边带头拒绝与中远谈判和绝无妥协之处,但另一方面却同意给西方某租家在租约上减掉50%租金. 这就是他所说的绝无妥协的原则吗?      . ,,,,,,,,,,( 全文如下)

笔者附注: 这是一篇非常中肯和中立之报导, 希望大家从此可得到一些启发.

                  Get over it, don’t blame the Chinese

Western shipping professionals who have links to China must have been reading the business press in recent weeks with sweaty palms and a racing heartbeat.

They could have been forgiven for tearing up the plane ticket to Pudong, ditching the Mandarin coursebook and turning their backs on the Chinese market.

That is because a story that began on the pages of Tradewinds as a spat between China’s largest shiopping company, Cosco, and a handful of overseas owners has become a global clash of business cultures, according to the international media. The Chinese, it is claimed, “defy business norms”. Globally held definitions of a contract are considere alien in China, we are being told.

To explore this viewpoint more fully, one should focus on the issue in its simplest form: Cosco is attempting to force its charter parties to alter existing agreements.

Firstly. The company is said to have over 200 vessels on charter, its recent wrangles have been with Hong Kong based Jinhui shipping, Greek shipowner George Economou, Navios and Geneva based Bunge SA. It was said to have withheld payments for a few weeks on the latter three, while Jinhui always claimed it had received payment but was involved in heated talks with Cosco over rates.Therefore, to accuse China of ceasing to hornor contracts when defaults were only alleged with a trio of shipowners may seen like an exaggeration.

Secondly, one has to look at the conduct of the owners in these high-profile disputes. Economou was perhaps the most vociferous in his response to Cosco with his “zero tolerance” approach from the outset, perhaps encouraging others to oppose the Chinese state player.

But any shipowner will tell you (usually in private) that there is always room for negotiation. “You can never say never,” is how one chief executive recently put it to Tradewinds.

Indeed, as Economou was leading the crusade against renegotiation, his flagship company, Dryships, agreed to cut rates by 50% for the 171,000-dwt Manasota (2004), on charter to an European player.

So much for zero tolerance.

Given the twin facts that renegotiation appears to be a global- rather than Chinese- phenomenon and that the Chinese were defaulting on a relatively small number of vessels, it can be discounted that ripping up contracts is a purely Chinese business approach.

But while the Chinese by and large stay within legal parameters with regards to business, ask any expatriate boss of a representative office in the country and they will tel you the locals are on the lookout for more favourable terms.

But it could be foolish to pigeonhole this as “cultural”. It is more down to simple economic reality. The Chinese know they hold all the cards when negotiations are being carried out on contracts. It is their imports that are booming and it is their shipping capacity that is too small to meet this demand.

As uncertainly still clouds the economic outlook in the debtridden Eurozone and a US burdened with high unemployment, China still offers the best bet for companies that want tp get back on their feet curing the painfully slow recovery from the financial crash in 2008.

The Chinese know this better than everyone.

贸易风周刊 0901     国际船级社已赞同将船上之重要文件上载到网上供有关人士使用, 此举对港口国之检查方式将带来极大的变更. IMO也觉得此举将引进船只电子通关之可能性并同意尽快通过有关公约.

Class endorse online certification checks               Moves will bring about significant changes to Port state control.

Leading classification societies are backing a proposal to allow coastal authorities to access and verify statutory ship certification online. The move promises to bring significant changes to the Port state control (PSC) inspection of ships and improve transparency in the industry.

In a paper provided to the IMO the IACS said online access to ship certification is an “objective of the organization”. It says electronic ship certification is already being used to verify compliance with international convention within the IACS during transfer of class. It also points out that its database of ship certification is freely accessible through the PSC database, Equasis.

The IMO is keen to move on the initiative as part of its programme of developing a more efficient electronic clearance of ships at port.

A minimum of 12 statutory certificates are required to be held on board ships that can be anything between 12 and 25 pages in length. Lack of on board paper certification is an often cited reason for ship detention under PSC.

         贸易风周刊 0908  德国船东 Oldendorff 公司日前以租金依照BFI (Baltic Freight Index)指数的办法租进二条Capesize 干散船, 租期三年. 这种新思维的租船方式将确保租家在租金极度波动时之风险


贸易风周刊 0901-15

1. -Baltic Exchange Cosco己恢复支付租金而无需对该公司采取任何行动.

2. -忠诚之日本船东因日币升值而改向山东黄海造船厂订造22 13,000-dwt 近海货轮.

3. -洲今年雨水充沛小麦丰收. 出口将达 2040万吨, 这对维持小麦价格有极大的帮助.

4. -中远于2008年错解租船市场和未曾采取任何避风险之措施, 因而对公司带来极大损失.

5. -犹太船务大亨 Sammy Ofer 之弟 Yuli Ofer 于本月11日去世. 两兄弟于1945年开始船务生意, 60年来创造巨大船队.

6. -日本因核电厂停产而大量进口LNG 和煤炭.

7. -长荣追加环保 PrimeLine冷冻货箱到 4000.

8. -淡水河谷公司有意把几条40万吨 VLOC 卖给中国公司然后租回.

9. -DNV 推出网上船队管理法以帮助资浅之中国公司职员.

10. -GL船级社经营有方迄今已有 7200条船只采用他们的船级服务.

11. -新加坡 PIL公司于99日开始一条从上海-宁波-广州-Chittagong之航线, 班期为每月二班.

12. -Maersk Line 新开航之 Daily service 对亚欧线上之其他船公司带来极大的压力.

13. -俄罗斯船级社 (RS) 驻希腊分社职员因对船只签发假证书被开除.

14. -日本和欧洲船东最近纷纷把3-6万吨旧船推到市场出售.

         希腊船务日报 0901-15

         1. -中国港口1-8月运作量上升13.4% 5.97亿吨, 货箱上升12.6% 1亿600万箱位.

         2. -台湾第一航运 1H 净利 1620万美元.

         3. -波斯湾 VLCC 过剩, 100单货有 124条船在竞争.   

         劳氏船务 0901-15

1. -OPEC预测因世界经济欠佳2011年度需量将下降.

2. -油轮业者传说中国将建造80 VLCC这对西方船东带来极大竞争.

3. -河北远洋总裁呼吁业者应把超龄船只退出市场以减少竞争.

                4. -印度船东们要求政府扩建码头, 因一卡车货物从47公里外的仓库运到孟买之码头需要一整天.扩大码头和挖深航道估计要 265亿美元, 根据当地条例其中60%需由商家支出.

二:造船 (Shipbuilding)

         1. -厦门国际游轮公司和Shan Hai Shu集团投资 2.35亿美元跟厦门造船厂签署合约建造一艘2000名乘客之豪华游轮.该轮设计和监造将得到 Royal Caribbean公司之协助. 此举将是中国进军游轮建造之先驱.

         2. -韩国之 Samgong 在一艘新的 VLCC 安装一部 VOS (Venture Oxygen Stripping)之压舱水处理器, 每小时可处理 6350立方米之压舱水.

三:海难 (Casualty)

     1. -香港公司管理货船 “RBD Ocean of Joy” (2010) 92500-dwt 本月14日离开巴西港口时搁浅于 Rio de Janeriro Sugarloaf rock.

     2. -淡水河谷公司所租用货轮 “BW Odel”(2007) 206,000-dwt 从巴西 Tubarao装满矿砂石前往北仑, 513日因船上之矿砂石高度液化影响安全而驶往 Reunion Islad Port Louis. 当开仓检验时发现液化之水已从舱底冒到砂石表面, 这是非常罕见之液化情况, 因该港水浅无法进港解决难题该轮迄今仍抛锚于港外. 淡水河谷对此不愿声张但船租为每天5万美元化似乎很难承受.

四:码头 (Terminal)

     1. -中国将在中美洲委斯瑞拉之 Bolivar 省投资 9.92亿美元开发铁矿砂矿,兴建码头和挖深航道以供大型船只进出.

     2. -上海港码头货物运作量迄今同比上升6.2%.

     3. -美西华州 Longview 500名码头工人与当局发生纠纷而罢工.

     4. -印度 Chennai (Madras) 港码头工人因一名工友工作中伤亡末得合理处置而罢工.

五:买卖/租贷         (S/P & Chartering)

1. S & P 

-“Triton Osprey”              (2001)    81448-dwt, Bulker   usd   28.00M, Greek

-  New ship                     (2011)    57000-dwt, Bulker   usd   26.00M, unknown

-“Poseidon V.”                (1984)    41373-dwt, Bulker   usd     5.50M, unknown

-“Lord Byron”                  (1985)    25700-dwt. Bulker   usd     5.70M, Russian

-“Queen Flower”            (1997)    30848-dwt, Bulker   usd   15.90M, unknown

-“Fidel”                             (1982)    26400-dwt. Bulker   usd     2.80M, Mideast

2. 拆船                      

                              -“Kingsway”                   (1985)  76324-dwt          usd 510/ldt, India

                             -“Pagame”                      (1982)  54158-dwt          usd 505/ldt,Bangladesh 

                             -“Kadmos”                      (1983)  38913-dwt          usd 498/ldt, China

                             -“Win Express”               (1977)  27606-dwt          usd 445/ldt,China   

                             -“Fu Jin”                           (1977)  25884-dwt          usd 460/ldt, China

                             -“Noblesse”                    (1979)  20692-dwt          usd 512/ldt, India

-“Cape Laurel”        (2010)   180197 dwt dely S.Spain  24/26 Sept trip via Brazil redel China $40000 daily – Noble

”Cape Venture”       (2010)   180000 dwt dely Qingdao spot           trip via W. Australia redel Japan $24750 daily  K Lines
-“Pina Cafiero”        (2002)     75668 dwt  dely Beilun   10/15 Sept trip via Newcastle redel  china $142500 daily- DHL

-“Jin King”              (2007)     55300 dwt  dely Xingang  7/9 Sept   trip via S Asia redel.China $15350 daily – Intermarine


-“FPMC B.Guard”    (2011) 185000-dwt  4-6 months           usd 18500/daily      Swiss Maritime

-“Scan  Express”    (2010)   93038-dwt,  5-7 months.         usd 12250/daily      Cobelfret

-“Endless”              (1999)  73427-dwt 6-8 months            usd 13000/daily      STX Pan Ocean

5. ORE

-“DHL Pacific”          (2010)            170000/10%, P. Hedland/ 青島,         24/30 Sept      usd 10.25   fio,    sc/30000sc --  FMC

-Tbn                                            160000/10%, Dampier/ 青島,            22 Sept           usd 10.70   fio,    sc/30000sc --  Rio Tinto

-“ZOSCO Quzhou”    (2010)            160000/10%, Tubarao/ 青島,             15/30 Oct        usd 27.50   fio,    sc/30000sc --  Oldendorff

-“Aquajoy”              (2003)             160000/10%, Saldanha/ 青島,            Spot               usd 25.00    fio,    sc/30000sc --  Ore & Metals


-Tbn                        70000/10%, Smarinda/ Taiwan     17/20  Sept     usd 7.19   fio,    sc/22000sc --  Taipower

7. Daily Summary of Baltic Exchange Dry Indices 2011.09.16

Baltic Exchange Dry              Index      BDI     1814 (down      93)
Baltic Exchange Capesize    Index      BCI      3008 (down    254)
Baltic Exchange Panamax    Index      BPI      1746 (down        2)
Baltic Exchange Supramax  Index       BSI      1448 (up            8)
Baltic Exchange Handysize  Index      BHSI      677 (down       3)

2011/09/16 船用燃油价格(每吨/usd)

来源: Bunkerworld

                                IFO 380           __IFO 180              MDO           MGO   

新加坡                       657                     655                     925            935

鹿特丹                       652                     672                     -----            960

            休士顿                        640                     675                     -----            980

        洛杉矶                       650                     675                     -----            990


备注:        tbn         = to be named                       ldt          = light d/weight ton

usd        = u.s.dollar                           mtpa        = million ton per annum              

cbm       =cubic meter                           tpa        =million metric ton per annu

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