VFB #158 - 美西航线船只乱象 2012.12.01

2012-12-02 22:19  浏览次数 25




法国 CMA CGM公司月初从韩国大宇造船厂接过 16,020-teu新船 “CMA CGM Marco Polo” 号并立即安排它于亚欧航线, 该轮在明年夏天马士基公司接收 18,270-teu新船之前将是世界最大之货箱船.

此类 16,020-teu新船将替代亚欧航线上现有之 11,000-13,000-teu船只, 该公司已将13,000-teu用于横太平洋航线 (亚洲到美西), 今年年初业界刚用9,000箱位替下5,000箱位, 现在又以13,000箱位替代9,000箱位, 看来横太平洋航线己变成亚欧航线退下船只的拉圾场.


Cascading clogs transpacific

A key trade is being swamped by giant boxships just when it needs them least.

Cascading is turning the transpacific into the dumping ground for large container vessels that are no longer wanted in the Asia-to-Europe trades.

This raises the spectre of massive overcapacity on the world’s second-largest boxship trade.

The scenario was heightened with the delivery of the world’s largest containership, the 16,000-teu CMA CGM Marco Polo (built 2012). That vessel is being deployed into the Asia-to-Europe trades but its impact will be felt elsewhere.

One consequence is that the 11,356-teu CMA CGM Libra (built 2010) will be shifted out of the Asia-to-Europe trades and onto the transpacific by the end of the month.

It will be the largest vessel the French carrier has ever deployed on the trades from Asia to the US but that is just the start.

The CMA CGM Marco Polo is the first of three 16,000-teu ships planned for the Asia-to-Europe trades and the company is expected to switch more 10,000-teu-plus vessels to the transpacific to replace the larger vessels. That continues a trend set by Mediterranean Shipping Co (MSC), which has, for several months, been deploying larger post-panamax ships on the transpacific.

The Geneva-based carrier set the ball rolling earlier this year when it replaced a series of 8,000-teu and 9,000-teu ships operating in the Pacific with 11,000-teu to 13,000-teu units.

The 13,000-teu MSC Altair and MSC Flavia (both built 2012) and 11,600-teu MSC Francesca (built 2008) operate on its Pearl River Express Service in place of the smaller vessels.

This is pushing up capacity on the transpacific at a time of weak US economic growth and dwindling Chinese exports.

German bank DVB estimates that capacity has increased by 11.1%, or 53 vessels, over the past seven months.

This has coincided with falling freight rates. Spot rates from Asia to the US West Coast (USWC) have lost around $500 per 40-foot container (feu) in the past six weeks to $2,224 per feu.

DVB believes that liner operators need to plan their capacity more carefully in order to keep rates at sustainable levels. It warns of an end to double-digit growth rates on the trade as China begins to export less.

But this has not prevented some carriers from moving back to capture market share.

By Ian Lewis London ian.lewis@tradewindsnews.com

21 November 2012, 08:44 GMT

美国老牌船身保险公司 American Hull Insurance Syndicate (AHIS) 该公司开业迄今己90, 但最近16年来均有亏损加上对船身保险市场失去信心而准备结束营业, 这对世界船身保险界将带来极大的震撼.

American Hull sees no future in underwriting

The ‘landmark’ US underwriter is calling time after 90 years with the decision expected to have a major psychological impact on participants in the ocean hull market..

The American Hull Insurance Syndicate (AHIS) is ceasing underwriting in the most important signal to date of the chronic unprofitability of insuring the world fleet

The New York-based underwriter that has been a landmark in the hull-and-machinery insurance market for more than 90 years stopped issuing quotations this week and will not write new business from the start of December.

AHIS was one of the most professional players in the hull market with first-class claims handling, so the move to quit the business raises questions about the future of other hull underwriters.

As such, the decision is expected to have a major psychological impact on participants in the ocean hull market.

Syndicate chief executive Harry Yerkes is telling business contacts that following a strategic review of the business, it had been “concluded that it is no longer feasible to effectively carry out the purpose originally intended by the syndicate”.

The syndicate leads the insurance of a significant number of US and Greek fleets but also writes business from elsewhere in Europe, the Far East and South America.

The AHIS had a modest line on the hull and increased value cover of the Costa Concordia but it was the general state of the market, rather than this casualty, that brought the syndicate down.

Although the core hull account has been unprofitable for about 16 years, most underwriters are able to turn a profit from related covers such as loss of hire and war risks as well as a broader book of marine business.

By Jim Mulrenan London jim.mulrenan@tradewindsnews.com

21 November 2012, 08:06 GMT


                   1. -贸易风1129日周刊中有7篇并于福州船务现况和船务人才的文章. 这些难见的详细报导.

                   2. -Capesize16万吨干散船船价跌到历史新低, 五岁船龄仅售 545万美元.

                   3. -到目前为止共有300条大小货箱船抛老锚停航.

                   4. -横太平洋航线联盟提高每货箱400元美金运费之计划己押后两个星期.

                   5. -某些英国 P & I Club准备于明年保费提高 12.5%.

                   6. -希腊货船 “African Oryx” (1997) 26项安全措施不合格被英国海事安全处扣留达 17.

                   7. -中远之亏损有望于第三季开始好转.

                   8. -印度国营 SCI 船务公司拥有船只达 585dwt约印度全国之半数.

                   9. -油轮业者担忧中远兴造50 VLCC新船计划将带来市场之不稳定.

                   10. -阴明公司招标租用5+5 13,000-14,000箱位船. 这笔达13亿美元之订单正是各造船厂所求.

                   11. -阳明和 K Lines 继长荣之后准备租用14,000-teu货箱船, 业者预测到2015年亚欧航线各公司所用之船上将全部是14,000-16,000箱位.

:造船 (Shipbuilding)

1. -中国东方能源公司向江南造船厂订造 6+1683,000-cbm大型天然气船 (VLPG), 造价为每条6000万美元, 交船期2014-2015.

2. -新加坡 PIL 公司向大连造船厂订造 4 3,800-teu货箱船, 造价为每条4300万美元, 交船期2014-2015.

3. -台湾裕民公司向日本 Oshima造船厂订造2Post Panamax 干货船, 造价为 338万美元.

三:港口 (Terminal)

1. -北欧港口预计明年货箱运作量将跌10%.      

四:海难 (Casualty)

              1. -马来西亚海事安全处 1124日于柔佛海峡 (Johore Strait)扣留新加坡旗油轮 “Amba Bhakti”

因未得允许而转移原油到另一条船. 船上 25名印度船员也同时被扣. 如被判有罪, 船长牢刑为二年加罚款.

                   2. -今年6巴拿马旗船 “Bai Chay Bridge” (2011) 4400-teu从美西开往香港途中遇巨风甲板货箱因绑札不牢而翻倒. (1 and 2).


                  3.  -今年8月马绍尔岛旗船 “Sunny Breeze” (2007) 19,124-dwt 于南美智利西岸 San antonio港附近担浅被巨浪冲击. (3 and 4).


:买卖/租贷         (S/P & Chartering)

1. S & P

-“Cape Amsterdam”      (1990 )    149000-dwt    usd     7.20M, China

-“Cape America”             (1991)     149000-dwt   usd     8.50M, China

-“Yong Jin”                       (1995)       71747-dwt usd     6.80M, China

-“Thalasiimi Axia”           (2010)       58608-dwt usd   21.00M, Greek

-“Curia”                            (2001)       51029-dwt usd   13.90M, unknown

-“ID Tide”                          (1995)       45406-dwt usd     7.50M, Bangladesh


-“MT Faith”                        (1994)      96173-dwt            usd   427/ldt, Pakistan

-“Yang Ping”                      (1983)      64583-dwt           usd   380/ldt, China   

-“Ocean Lucky”                 (1981)      64300-dwt            usd   365/ldt, China

                               -“Northern Faith”               (1994)      42673-dwt            usd   402/ldt, India

                               -“Mohegan Princess”       (1983)      26320-dwt          usd   417/ldt, Bangladesh

3. 本星期远东 2002年造二手船平均价值:

种类                         油轮                                 干散货轮                               集装箱轮      (teu)_

船型               VLCC         Suezmax      Aframax    Cape    Pmax    Supramax     Handy         Pmax         Handy         Fmax_

吨位()           31                 16               11            18         7..5            5            3                4000           1400            750

升降(百分比)   0.3%            -0.4%            -1.3%        -1.0%     0.0%        1.5%      -0.9%            -0.4%          -0.5%          0.0%

4. Daily Summary of Baltic Exchange Dry Indices 2012.11.30

Baltic Exchange Dry              Index    BD       1086  (-    11)

Baltic Exchange Capesize    Index    BPI       2199  (-    42)
Baltic Exchange Panamax    Index    BPI         980  (-    14)
Baltic Exchange Supramax   Index    BSI         766  (+     6)
Baltic Exchange Handysize  Index    BHSI       448  (+     2)


-“Katherine Warrior” (1997)         177000 dwt  dely Piraeus spot trip via Black sea redel China $30000 daily – Phaethon

-“Bulk Asia”            (2001)        170578 dwt  dely Zhanjiang 14/16 Nov trip via W.Australia redel China $18000 daily – Daiichi

-“Anangel Legend”   (1996)         161059 dwt  dely Amsterdam 24/26 Nov trip via options redel China, $27000 daily  – Classic Maritime

-“ROSCO Gingko”   (2005)         76620 dwt  dely Xiamen 18/23 Nov trip via Indonesia redel Malaysia $6750 daily  – cnr

-“Hephaestus”        (2001)        74306 dwt  dely Port Kelang 11/20 Nov trip via Indonesia redel S.China $12000 daily – North China Shpg

-“Betelgeuze”          (2007)           77053 dwt  dely Zhoushan spot  trip via EC Australia redel China $73500 daily – BHP Billiton

-“Densa Dolphin”     (2010)           58772 dwt  dely Shibushi spot trip via Nopac redel SE Asia $8500 daily  –  Noble

-“Marylaki”             (2010)           58144 dwt  dely Singapore spot trip via Indonesia redel S.China $9000 daily  – cnr

-“Western Texas”    (2011)           57970 dwt  dely Mundra spot trip via WC India redel China $5000 daily  –  cnr

-“Darya Ganga”      (2012)           36845 dwt  dely Surabaya 15/20 Nov trip via Australia redel S’pore-Jpn range $8250 daily  – Trafigura


-“ROSCO Plum”      (2004) 76801-dwt              4-6             months       usd  7500/daily      cnr

-“Eleftheria”  (2001)   76099-dwt  4-7             months       usd  7750/daily      cnr

-Ocean Gem”         (2011)   75681-dwt  8-15             months       usd   8200/daily     Norden

-“Golden Lyderhorn”          (1999) 74242-dwt              4-6    months       usd 12500/daily      Aquavita

-“Arethusa”            (2007) 73593-dwt              18-24         months        usd   7300/daily     Cargill

-“Navios Kypros”    (2003)        55222-dwt             3-5   months        usd   8500/daily     Noble

7. ORE

-Tbn                               160000/10%, Pointe Noire/青島     20/30  Dec    usd    28.00  fio.    sc/30000sc    --  Shagang

-Tbn                               160000/10%, Dampier/青島         22/24 Nov    usd      9.55  fio     sc/30000sc    --  Rio Tinto

-Tbn                               160000/10%, Itaquai/青島            20/30 Dec    usd    21.25  fio     sc/30000sc    --  Rio Tinto

-“Baltic Bear”         (2009) 160000/10%, Saldanha Bay/青島  14/20  Dec   usd    16.20  fio     sc/30000shinc    --  Oldendorff

-“Fu Yuan”             (1992) 150000/10%, Tubarao/青島          15/25  Dec    usd    22.65  fio.    sc/30000sc    --  STX Pan Ocean

-“Cape Providence” (2010) 160000/10%, Sept isles/青島       17/25  Dec   usd     27.00  fio    sc/30000sc    --  Rio Tinto

-“Chou Shan”          (2005) 160000/10%, Dampier/青島         14/24 Dec    usd       8.65  fio,    sc/30000sc    --  Rio Tinto


-“Lake Dahlia”         (2009) 70000/10%, Richards Bay/青島   01/15  Dec   usd     18.25  fio    sc/15000shinc    --  Rio Tinto

2012/11/30 船用燃油价格(每吨/usd)

来源: Bunkerworld

                                IFO 380           __IFO 180            MDO           MGO   

新加坡                       595                     612                   925              930

鹿特丹                       587                     608                   -----              930

            休士顿                        610                     685                   -----             1015


备注:        tbn         = to be named                       ldt          = light d/weight ton

usd        = u.s.dollar                           mtpa        = million ton per annum              

cbm       =cubic meter                           tpa        =million metric ton per annu

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