VFB #165 - 北极航道 2013.03.16

2013-03-17 23:43  浏览次数 16





Warmer climate to open new Arctic shipping routes by 2050

Wednesday, 06 March 2013 | 00:00

The quickest way to get goods from Asia to the U.S. East Coast in 2050 might well be straight across the Arctic, where a warming climate is expected to open new sea routes through what is now impenetrable ice, a study reported.
Most shipping traffic between these two centers currently goes through the Suez or Panama canals, and that is likely to continue even as melting Arctic sea ice makes the far north more accessible.
However, by 2050, using projections of global warming and Arctic ice loss, Smith said the Northwest Passage will be sufficiently navigable to make the trip from the North American east coast to the Bering Strait in 15 days, compared to 23 days for the Northern Sea Route, about a 30 percent time savings.
This is never likely to be a year-round proposition, since winter sea ice will always recur, Smith said. And as Arctic shipping lanes open up, land transportation in the far north is expected to suffer, as winter ice roads deteriorate. These ice roads are the only economically viable way to do heavy construction and remove ore in the far north, he said.
"The distances are vast, the landscape is boggy and wet and covered with lakes," Smith said. "We've done modeling of this as well and what you see is a shutdown of human access on land and an increase of human access in the ocean."
Source: Reuters

今年夏天中国船公司将派船经北极航线前往欧州, 比起经苏彝士运河航线可减少5135公里.

China plans shipping short cut across Arctic Ocean

Thursday, 14 March 2013 | 00:00

A Chinese shipping firm is planning the country's first commercial voyage through a shortcut across the Arctic Ocean to the United States and Europe in 2013, a leading Chinese scientist said.
Huigen Yang, director general of the Polar Research Institute of China, told Reuters that the trip he led last year on the icebreaker Xuelong, or Snowdragon, to explore the route had "greatly encouraged" Chinese shipping companies.
"One commercial voyage by a Chinese shipping company may take place this summer," he said.
For China, the world's No. 2 economy after the United States, the route would save time and money. The distance from Shanghai to Hamburg is 2,800 nautical miles (5,185 kms) shorter via the Arctic than via the Suez Canal, Yang said.
Despite ice risks on a route that is opening because of climate change, shipping as well as oil and gas exploration and mining businesses are being drawn to the Arctic region.
Beijing sent the Xuelong across the Arctic Ocean to Iceland last year, the first Chinese ship to use a route between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans that was used by almost 50 commercial vessels from other nations in 2012.
The thaw will also make it easier to reach remote regions in the Arctic, without crossing from the Pacific to the Atlantic. That could mean more tourism on cruise ships and access to coastal communities and minerals.
Source: Reuters                                           



2012-07-20 09:34:38 来源: 互联网 强国论坛 




据新华社雪龙718日电 经过3515海里(1海里等于1.852公里)的航行,中国第五次北极科学考察队于北京时间18744分乘坐雪龙号极地科考船穿过北纬6633分的北极圈,开始实施北冰洋科学考察。

CHN强网论坛 bbs.chnqiang.com


据新华社雪龙718日电 经过3515海里(1海里等于1.852公里)的航行,中国第五次北极科学考察队于北京时间18744分乘坐雪龙号极地科考船穿过北纬6633分的北极圈,开始实施北冰洋科学考察。

CHN强网论坛 bbs.chnqiang.com


军事新闻 www.chnqiang.com http://www.chnqiang.com/uploadfile/article/uploadfile/201207/20120720093545814.jpg

转载自军事新闻 www.chnqiang.com



  历时90余天 我国北极科考船龙号凯旋归来 成功辟北极黄金航道


  而在船上40名船员中,担任二副的80女孩白响恩特别引人注目——外表青春靓丽,还是中国第一位穿越北冰洋的女舵手、全国唯一本硕博连读的远洋轮女驾驶员……回国的当天上,白响恩就与本报记者畅谈起90天惊心动魄的航程,以及她年轻却丰富的人生历程。 / 报驻上海记者贺涵













  白响恩向记者介绍了龙号航海日志“72日,考察队乘龙号从青岛启程,718日穿越白令海峡进入北冰洋后,成功穿越北极东北航道,首次进入大西洋扇区开展考察工作。 816—20日,科考队应邀访问冰岛,我作为船员代表还受到冰岛总统的接见。 824—98日,龙号穿越北极高纬航线,从大西洋扇区回到太平洋扇区,99日通过白令海峡离开北冰洋,直到927日回国。










军事新闻 www.chnqiang.com

军事新闻 www.chnqiang.com其他新闻:


-士基 Triple-E新船将于2014年加入服务, 届时将带来更多的竞争.     

二:造船 (Shipbuilding)

1. China Steel orders two bulkers  台湾中钢向日本三菱订造二条20万吨干散船,造价共 1.05亿美金


China Steel Express, the shipping unit of Taiwan’s steel giant China Steel, has announced that it has placed an order for two 200,000dwt capesize bulkers at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.
The two bulkers cost $105m in total and deliveries are scheduled in the second half of 2014 and first half of 2015.
China Steel Express said it is taking advantage of the low ship prices to update its fleet by replacing old vessels with newbuildings. The total capacity of the fleet will be increased to 3.2m dwt by 2015, and the current fleet expansion plan which was started two years ago has also finished after these orders.
Source: Sino Ship News

Friday, 08 March 2013 

三:港口 (Terminal)

1. -香港启德游轮码头已开始试用.

                                2. -美西 LA LB港口今年2月份货箱运作上升33%.                                        

三:买卖/租贷         (S/P & Chartering)          

1. S & P                                                               

-“JVS Merlot”           (2005)       76297-dwt     usd     15.80M,

-“Jag Amav”            (1995)        71122-dwt     usd       5.85M,

-“Tritin Swift”           (2006)        56024-dwt     usd     17.00M,

-“Salamanca”         (2000)         46743-dwt     usd     10.00M,

-“Nana J”                 (1995)         42975-dwt     usd       6.80M,

-“Sea Bell”               (2000)         24997-dwt     usd       6.00M,

-“Muroran Maru”      (1996)     114106-dwt      usd       8.50M,

-“Pacific Harmony” (1997)         70560-dwt     usd       9.50M,

-“Oriental Kerria”    (2004)         14297-dwt     usd     14.00M,


-“Warrior”                         (1990)      144651-dwt           usd   432/ldt, Bangladesh

-“Femg Lin Wan”            (1988)      110296-dwt          usd   395/ldt, China              

                                -“MSC Austria”                (1984)        48485-dwt           usd   450/ldt, India

                                -“SB Queen”                   (1985)        43598-dwt           usd   418/ldt, Bangladesh

                               -“Judi Alamar”                 (1984)        21362-dwt           usd   408/ldt, India

                               -“GC Uran”                      (1974)        14200-dwt            usd   384/ldt, China                     

                              -“Hansa London”             (1992)        12380-dwt            usd   395/ldt, China

                               -“Green Wave”                (1980)          6998-dwt           usd   375/ldt, China        

3. 2013.03.14远东 2003年造二手船平均价值:

种类                             油轮                          干散货轮                           集装箱轮    (teu)_

船型           VLCC     Suezmax     Aframax    Cape     Pmax     Supramax   Handy      Pmax      Handy   Fmax

吨位()           31           16             11            18         7..5            5            3             4000       1400       750

升降(百分比)  -0.6%     0.0%         -0.6%      0.0%     0.0%       -1.5%       0.0%        0.0%      0.0%       0.0%


来源: Bunkerworld

                                IFO 380           __IFO 180            MDO           MGO   

新加坡                       628                     638                   905              910

鹿特丹                       618                     628                   -----              898

            休士顿                        615                     695                   -----              998


备注:        tbn         = to be named                       ldt          = light d/weight ton

usd        = u.s.dollar                           mtpa        = million ton per annum              

cbm       =cubic meter                           tpa        =million metric ton per annu

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