VFB #205 - 北斗卫星导航被认可 2014.12.01

2014-12-04 23:22  浏览次数 9



一:其他新闻       (Other News)





China: Beidou navigation system approved for operations at sea


China’s independently developed Beidou Navigation Satellite System has taken a huge step toward going global as the International Maritime Organization approved its use in operations at sea, the country’s Maritime Safety Administration said.

The IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee reviewed and passed a key document known as a commitment letter for the Beidou system during its 94th session in London Nov 17-21.

It means the system has been formally included in the Worldwide Radionavigation System. Beidou is the third system to gain such acceptance after the United States’ Global Positioning System and Russia’s Global Navigation Satellite System.

It is the first time the Beidou system’s standards have been ratified by an international organization, the administration said in a statement. It described the achievement as “a milestone” in its efforts to promote the system overseas that will provide a foundation for Beidou’s use in global maritime operations.

During its 93rd session in May, the IMO committee adopted the performance standards for ship-borne Beidou receiver equipment, and agreed to recommend that IMO members have Beidou receivers installed on their seagoing vessels from July 1, 2016.

The inclusion of Beidou in the Worldwide Radionavigation System is an important step in the system’s maritime expansion overseas, as the IMO stipulates that its members ships must carry satellite navigation receivers, said a government official who wished to remain anonymous.

“With the IMO’s support, it will be much easier for the Beidou system to be adopted by foreign shipping companies,” she added. 

More than 50,000 Chinese fishing vessels were equipped with Beidou terminals by December 2013, according to Ran Chengqi, director of the China Satellite Navigation Office.

The system began to supply precise positioning, real-time navigation, location reporting, time readings and short message services to users in China and the Asia-Pacific region in December 2012. The government is aiming to establish it as a global system with 35 satellites by 2020.

Beidou has established a strong presence in Thailand, where three demonstration ground stations were opened in June to serve disaster prevention and relief operations. Wuhan Optics Valley Beidou Geo-Spatial Information Industry Co was established in June 2013 to promote the Beidou system in the civil sector at home and abroad.

The company said more than 200 ground stations will be set up in Thailand within five years, and cooperative projects have also been launched in other Asian nations including Malaysia and Laos.

Sun Jiadong, an academic at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and chief designer of the system, said, “Five experimental satellites will be deployed before 2015 to help establish global coverage to provide better services.”
Source: ECNS

2.福建省海运集团揭牌 欲打造航运龙头企业


二:造船 (New Building)     

1.消息称马士基航运为巩固在全球班轮业的领先地位,计划投资10亿美元在韩国船厂下单订造6   19,000-teu 集装箱船。据悉,马士基航运已经邀请了现代重工、三星重工和大宇造船为这一项目投标,这将是该公司在3年前订造3E级集装箱船后首次订造超大型集装箱船。

马士基航运并未透露这笔将要签署的订单中具体的新船及备选船舶数量,这些新船预计将于2017年交付。Alphaliner的数据显示,包括在建新船在内,马士基航运旗下集装箱船船队运力达到288 TEU,运力位居全球首位。  

市场参与者认为,马士基航运将要订造的集装箱船造价超过每艘1.55亿美元。此前,民生租赁在大宇造船订造的319,000-teu集装箱船造价也在这一水平。新船造价相比3E级集装箱船有所降低,马士基航运曾于20112月和6月在大宇造船订造203E级集装箱船,当时每艘船造价约为1.85亿美元 1.9亿美元。随着竞争对手陆续着手订造18,000-teu以上的集装箱船,马士基航运作为全球最大班轮公司的地位也受到威胁。

马士基航运与地中海航运联手组建的2M联盟计划租赁12艘超大型集装箱船,其中大部分来自中国金融公司。以前,马士基航运面临的主要挑战来自于达飞轮船、阿拉伯轮船(UASC)及中海集运组建的O3联盟,以及商船三井、东方海外等组建的G6联盟,后者正在 计划订造超大型集装箱船。中海集运也刚刚接收了19,100 TEU “CSCL Globe”号(2014年建造),新船将于本月投入亚洲至北欧航线运营。

尽管如此,马士基航运依然保持先发优势,该公司123E级集装箱船已经投入亚欧航线(AE-10)运营。第13“Morten Maersk”号也已于近日由大宇造船交付,剩余7艘船则将于明年9月交付。


   消息人士称,这是外高桥造船自2000年成立以来接获的首份苏伊士型油船订单。外高桥造船一直以建造大型散货船而闻名,不过该船厂也曾建造过VLCC 阿芙拉型油船。今年4月,中船租赁曾表示,2014年将投资70亿元(约合11.4亿美元)在中船集团所属船厂订造新船。

   业内观察人士指出,目前,中船租赁已经下单订造了一系列Ultramax型散货船、Newcastlemax型散货船、超大型集装箱船及海工船;不过, 中船租赁至今并未订造过任何油船,在外高桥造船的苏伊士型油船订单标志着中船租赁已经订造了该公司计划的全部船型。中船租赁订造的新船已经租赁给 OceanBulkAquavita International及达飞轮船等公司。


这是今年第二家订造苏伊士型油船的亚洲公司,此前新加坡船东Eastern Pacific Shipping也曾订造过苏伊士型油船。这一船型市场通常由西方航运公司主导。克拉克松的数据显示,目前中韩船厂苏伊士型油船手持订单量达到44艘,其 中有31艘于今年订造。


2.中国船舶工业集团公司在工业和信息化部、财政部的支持下自主研发设计、建造的18,000-teu超大型集装箱船,日前进坞搭载。作为目前国内建造的最大集装 箱船,18,000-teu集装箱船不仅拥有世界先进的性能指标,获得了国际知名班轮公司的高度认可,而且打破了韩国船企在该领域的垄断,使我国正式跨入世界超大型集装箱船第一方阵。我国船舶工业的这一重大突破,正是中船集团多年来以科技创新驱动发展,不断升级产品结构、抢占市场制高点的结果。

3. 台湾船东慧洋海运(Wisdom Marine)在日本 JMU订造280,800-dwt散货船订单

根据慧洋海运表示,每艘新造船价为3,550万美元,没有提及交付期。    相关2艘船舶是JMU公司的下一代节省能源型 “G-系列,采用了优化“G81BC”船体设计及各种节省能源设备,从而进一步降低燃耗量。

慧洋海运从去年开始在日本造船厂接连订造了中小型散货船,今年除了JMU公司以外,还在Kawasaki重工(KHI)订造过1 55,000-dwt 散货船;在 Imabari造船订造了281,000-dwt散货船;在Namura造船订造了281,700-dwt 散货船。该船东眼下在日本造船厂在建的散货船共计约36艘。

4.  大连中远船务建造大连海大实习


   该实习船为远洋单桨柴油机驱动的多用途重吊船,该船以大连中远船务曾经成功建造的系列30,000吨多用途重吊船为母型船,是我国自行设计的第二 代载货教学实习船,适用于装运谷物、煤、金属浓缩物、盐、糖、袋装水泥以及碎金属和矿石等散货,棉花及其他农作物、钢卷、木材等杂货,以及工程件和集装箱。

   除此之外,该船还将用作航海教学实习船,用于航海类专业的教学实习,并可进行交通运输工程、航海和轮机工程等学科的科学研究和试验。船总长199.80 米,型宽为27.80米,型深为15.50米,设计吃水10.30米,航速为17.5节,续航能力为15000海里。该船将于将于2015年交付。


1. 经过一场剧烈的争论希腊 Piraeus 港口当局最终批准中远在该港三亿美元的投资……

Piraeus finally clears Cosco Pacific's additional $300m port investment

After a stormy session, the general meeting of Piraeus Port Authority (PPA) has approved a long-awaited agreement with Cosco Pacific, which paves the way for a Chinese investment of EUR230m ($300m) in the western flank of Greece’s biggest port.

Even towards the end, the agreement did no come easily and before the vote of approval PPA head, George Anomeritis, threatened to resign when port unionists tried to block his entry to the conference hall, 25 November. Originally labelled a "friendly arrangement" between the PPA and the Greek subsidiary of the Chinese giant (SEP), obstacles kept on cropping up.

It was evident the Chinese were annoyed by the delays especially after a number of top level meetings in Athens since the spring. Bejing has placed great emphasis on the successful completion of the investment, which was planned for more than two years ago. It had cleared the European Commission’s competitiveness concerns but ran into issues with legal interpretations with Greece's State Audit Council.

Some $300m has already been spent by Chinese investors in Piraeus. Further, a planned $2.5bn investment in infrastructure in Southeastern Europe, and even a strategic plan by Beijing worth $40bn for the so-called new “Roads of Silk” were factored in during the shareholder discussion leading up to the decision taken to green-light development of container terminal III under a 35-year concession signed with the PPA in 2009 Cosco Pacific secured operational rights over terminals II and III.

China sees Piraeus as a gateway to Europe, and some 4m teu is expected to be handled in the port this year, making it one of the 10 largest box ports in Europe and the fastest growing.

Thursday, 27 November 2014 15:37

2. 香港集装箱货运量再度下降

香港集装箱货运量于201410月连续第四个月下降,同比下降了3.5%,降至1.785M20英尺集装箱,据香港港口发展局声称。同比下降的 201410月的集装箱货运量紧随前三个月之后9月下降7.3%8月下降0.4%7月下降0.7%,这些数据均是与去年同期同比。

9月份以来香港集装箱码头的运量下降归因于港口拥堵,因为该港口在努力处理不断增加的转运货物。这些转运集装箱构成了该港口至少70%的吞吐量, 同时缺乏足够的场地空间也加剧了交通拥堵情况。这导致驳船与集装箱船码头上的空间竞争,导致船舶堵塞或去其他港口。此外,一些较大的航运公司部署了他们最 大的船只在香港,这些船往往运载更多的集装箱并在港口停留时间更长,进一步加剧了延迟的状况。


利比里亚籍15万吨级散货轮鹰歌角(CAPE EAGLE轮缓缓靠妥如皋港务12号泊位.    昨天(1120)下午17时许,在如皋海事局海巡艇的精心维护下,利比里亚籍15万吨级散货轮鹰歌角(CAPE EAGLE)”轮缓缓靠妥如皋港务12号泊位。至此,如皋港自开港以来进靠15万吨级及以上大型船舶数量累计达到 100艘次。  

据海事部门数据显示,从2011721日首艘15万吨级希腊级货轮安娜琦自豪(ANANGEL PRIDE)” 成功进港靠泊之后,进港的15万吨级船舶的数量呈逐年高速增长之势。进靠前5015万吨级船舶用了2年多时间,而从第50艘到第100 仅用了1年多时间,增长趋势明显。

15万吨级船舶的成功接卸,为如皋带来了可观的经济效益。据粗略估算,一艘15万吨级船舶在如皋港卸载货物约 7.5万吨,按平均每艘船舶带来近500万元的直接经济效益,100艘船舶带来直接经济效益近5亿元,有力推动了如皋港口经济的快速发展。据悉,随着长江如皋段12.5米深水航道即将启动建设,如皋港进出大船将更加频繁,港口竞争力将进一步增强。

四:买卖/租贷      (S/P  & Chartering)         

Name                         Size         Built     Buyer           Price (Mln$)
Chemtrans Rhine              35024        1999      Greek           7.40
Ozay-6                       11505        2008      Undisclosed     9.50
Ozay-5                       11490        2007      Undisclosed     9.50
Global Winner                171036       1996      Chinese         15.20
Genyo                        77509        2001      Undisclosed     11.30
Mulberry Wilton              76453        2004      Greek           14.75
Zhejiang resale #401         63500        2015      Ocean Agencies  27.00
Zhejiang resale #402         63500        2015      Ocean Agencies  27.00
Sansho                       55848        2012      Greek           24.58
Hudson Bay                   29671        2011      Greek           18.00
Name                        Dwt          Ldt     Built      Buyer    Price (per ldt usd)
Leander                     88506        18540   1983       Undisclosed      136
Morichal                    88506        17912   1984                        136
Moruy                       55919        12305   1983                        136
Paria                       55999        12227   1982                        136
Yavire                      11800        6600    1983                        136
Paramacay                   11800        6600    1983                        136
Mega Grace                  47036        9589    1991       Pakistan         453
Growing                     41545        7447    1994       Bangladesh       420LDING


3. CHARTERING- Dry bulk (week #48-2014) 


We have experienced a firming market the last couple of weeks. More activity from cargo owners in the Atlantic and less available tonnage for prompter dates causing the market to increase. Especially out of the USG we see more grain and coal cargoes destined for both Europe and the Feast. The TA's are up abt Usd 1,300 w-o-w and a Smax can now achiecve around Usd 11,500 for a round voyage. In the Feast we also see the same firming tendency with more cargo in the market. SE Asia rounds are paying ard Usd 10k where China positions can fix at ard 11k for trips direction India. The period market is also back in play and Supras are getting fixed in region of 10k for short period while the bigger Ultramaxes are being fixed at ard 11500-12k depending on delivery.


Steady activity in Atlantic this week more coal orders for December and also Fronthaulbiz from Brasil and Usg to far east. Despite we see more cargoes it has limited impact on rates. Rumours of delays in some ports and the fact that we are in the end of November with wind, weather and charterers normally pushing more orders in the market to empty their stocks. Expectation' s for a strong end of year rush, disappear day by day. We seen some 2 laden Atl with redel US gulf at healty 16000. While strait fronthaul now arnd same 16000 to 16.500 per day. Pacific rounds around 10.000 and nopac for beg jan fixed at 8500/9000. We still hope for a December rush before activity slow down, but number of ships open for orders makes us uncertain to which extent so will happen.


The Transatlantic market looked like the only market that would hold, due to a tight tonnage supply, but has now started to fall from a high of about usd 30000 down to low usd 20000's daily. The West Australian market has been relatively active with a mix of Miner activity and operator relets, but the resistance from the owner's side has been week and rates have drifted. The same can be said for the Brazil to China trade which has fallen into the upper teens, last report was usd 18.50 per mt down from usd 20.50'ish. Paper has followed suite and the period numbers attainable for a one year deal have fallen to +/- usd 1500-0 daily which is proving to be hard to swallow for owners and thus index linked deals have been the solution. It can be noted that even with the downward trend there is still volatility in the market.



The VLCC market rebounded sharply with increased activity in basically all areas pushing rates up considerably. The general optimism among owners is higher than for quite some time and they seem to be united in their attempts to push the rates upward. The December program in the Meg is well underway with some 50 deals concluded , and despite the upcoming and Thanksgiving holidays , activity likely to remain firm as tonnage both for MegWest Africa is thinning. The Caribbean/East remains the strongest market with rates for Chinese discharge in excess of $8 million paid. The Suezmax market in West Africa the last few days has been inactive due to Charterers trying to co-load with others on VLCC's in attempts to slow down the firm sentiment for the Suezmaxes. We expect the market in West Africa to come off the peak (td 20 w152,5) however we still anticipate this market to remain firm throughout the year. In BSEA/Med the market remains firm particularly due to the increased delays in Turkish strait. North Sea and Baltic declined last week mainly due to a record light cargo program in Primorsk and Ust Luga. With Christmas holidays and Baltic Ice season emerging both markets could rebounce with charterers wanting to cover outstanding's before the new year. Sentiment for afras in the Med and Black Sea are in general falling, but end November/ely December replacement jobs are keeping rates at above ws200 level. We expect a downward correction in rates coming closer to 2nd half of December. Black Sea stems are looking light for December, and this combined with more tonnage build-up for 3rd decade December loadings, charterers will use this to their advantage. In the Caribbean we saw rates decline drastically last week. As the list of prompt ships is long, owners are eager to employ their ships before the thanksgiving holiday. ,Caribs/Usg is at time of writing paying w122,5, but is expected to drop further.


It has been a fairly uneventful week in the VLGC market, a handful spot fixtures were concluded - three in the West (ex Houston) and two in the East (to India). The West fixtures proved a marginal improvement of rates, while the East fixtures were concluded lower than previous level. The Baltic VLGC index has fallen gradually and stands at the lowest level since May this year - low USD 80's pmt - needless to say a rock solid number that net returns some USD 64,000 on a modern VLGC. So where does the spot market go from here ? On the the fleet supply side it seems rather normal for December, however, the LPG importers and consumers are still not in a buying mood and FOB plus current spot freights are still way too high to encourage trading beyond "forced" liftings. Besides it seems there are no shortage of unsold LPG on the water already, hence the difficult commodity markets may very well carry on for a few weeks. Hence we struggle to see any freight upside on this side of the New Year.

2014(week #48)  远东2004年造二手船平均价值:

种类                       油轮                            干散货轮                           集装箱轮         (teu)

船型        VLCC   Suezmax   Aframax   Cape   Pmax   Supramax    Handy    P/Pax    Pmax    Handy   

吨位()             31          16           11          18         7.5            5           3         6500     4000      1400  

价值(万美元)    -0.2%   +0.6%     -0.0%    -5.4%     -0.7%    +0.0%     -0.8%    +0.0%  +0.0%   +0.0% 


来源: Bunkerworld

                                IFO 380           __IFO 180            MDO           MGO    

新加坡                       440                     450                   663              673

鹿特丹                       385                     405                   -----              645

休士顿                       412                     505                   -----              803




备注:     tbn         = to be named                       ldt          = light d/weight ton

usd        = u.s.dollar                           mtpa        = million ton per annum               

cbm       =cubic meter                           tpa        =million metric ton per annu

上一篇:VFB #206 - 货箱..    下一篇:VFB #204 - 百艘..
