VFB #209 - 上海:世界第一大港 2015.02.15

2015-02-16 20:16  浏览次数 13




2015-2-5 10:24

2014年,全球10大集装箱港口吞吐量排 序依次为,上海港、新加坡港、深圳港、香港港、宁波-舟山港、釜山港、青岛港、广州港、迪拜港、天津港。

近日,中港网发布的2014年全球10大集装箱港吞 吐量统计排名表显示,2014年,全球10大集装箱港排行榜中,包括香港港在内的中国港口共包揽七席,余下的第二、第六、第九名分别由新加坡港、韩国釜山港、阿联酋迪拜港摘得。前十大港口中,中国港口“军团”完成的集装箱吞吐量所占比重为68.6%,与上年68.7%的水平持平。总体来看,2014年前十港口均是上年的“老面孔”,2014年排名与2013年相比,位次变化也不大,唯有变化的是,中国的宁波-舟山港在2014年超越了韩国釜山港,首次跻身世界前五,釜山港则由 2013年的第五名滑落至第六位。
2014年世界第一大集装箱港口仍为我国的上海港, 完成3528.5万标箱的吞吐量,以3500万标箱量级的巨大体量傲视全球,连续5年稳坐全球第一的宝座。排名第二的新加坡港与上海港的差距扩大到 141.6万标箱。
近三年来看,上海港与新加坡港的差距逐步拉大,据chineseport.cn数据,2012年上海港与新加坡港差距为80余万标 箱,2013年扩大到100余万标箱,2014年差距再拉大到140万标箱左右。2014年,上海港的增幅为5%,稍高于新加坡港的4%。
2014 年,深圳港完成集装箱吞吐量2403.7万标准箱,比香港港口多出175万标箱,坐稳全球第三的位置。
据中港网数据,2013年,深圳港首次超越香港港, 跃居全球第三,集装箱吞吐量多出香港港口近100万标箱,2014年,再将差距扩大。值得注意的是,香港港口是全球十大集装箱港中唯一再次出现负增长的港口,
釜山港,在2014年被身后大步追赶的宁波-舟山港 拉下马,首次滑落至第六名。宁波-舟山港近年快速发展态势明显,步步紧逼排在前面的釜山港。据中港网数据,两港差距从2012年的87万标箱缩小到 2013年的32万标箱,2014年,宁波-舟山港一举超过釜山港70余万标箱,首次坐上世界第五的位置。值得注意的是,宁波-舟山港不仅在2013年是前十大集装箱港口中增速最快的港口,2014年11.8%的增幅,仍然保持了增速最快这一纪录。分 别排名第七和第八位的青岛港与广州港,吞吐量均属于1600万标箱量级,二者差距不过30万标箱左右,位次竞争十分激烈。从近年的形势来看,据中港网数据 显示,2012年,青岛港以微弱差距惜败广州港,
排名第九的阿联酋的迪拜港,2014年完成集装箱吞吐量1525万标箱,同比增速为11.8%,增长水平可以与宁波-舟山港媲美。2013年,天津港已经向 迪拜港发起争夺第九名的挑战,两港差距缩小到60万标箱左右,迪拜港在2014年的高增速,确保了第九的位置暂时无虞。排名第十的天津港,在2012年将劲敌鹿特丹港挑落下马、首次跻身十大集装箱港行列之后,目前已牢牢坐稳自己的位置,将差距从2013年的约140万标箱,扩大到2014年的近180万标箱。
据中港网测算,2014年全球前10大集装箱港共完成箱量21590.5万标箱,较2013年的20427.6万标箱,增长 5.7%,此增幅均高于2013年的 3.1% 和 2012 年的 3.4%。

ClassNK streamlines its classification process     日本船级社简化申请船级手续和程序


Leading classification society ClassNK announced today that it has successfully halved the time it takes to deliver its classification certificates by revamping its registration system.

The registrations for the classification of ClassNK ships are carried out through a rigorous process in order to confirm complete compliance with rules at each stage of plan approval, material and equipment inspections, and hull and machinery surveys. Until recently, ClassNK would issue provisional classification certificates at the completion of class entry surveys on board before delivering the final certificates once the registration had been completed at Head Office. This process meant that shipowners often had to wait weeks before receiving the final certification.

As part of ClassNK’s goal to continuously improve its 24/7 365 days a year service policy, it has completely revised its registration process, successfully halving the time it takes between issuing its provisional and final certificates whilst ensuring to provide the same thorough, quality service. Under the new streamlined registration system, classification certificates will reach the ship simultaneously with conventional certificates, considerably cutting down on waiting time for shipowners.

ClassNK will continue revising and improving all aspects of its processes to provide the best possible services to its customers.
Source: ClassNK

其他新闻 (Other News)

China Shipping, Bank of China enter into $14bn strategic cooperation 中海和中国艮行签署90亿人民币的战略合作

China Shipping Group and Bank of China have signed a RMB90bn ($14.4bn) strategic agreement aimed at cooperation in various areas.

Under the agreement, the two sides will collaborate in the areas including credit facilities, cash management, direct financing, financial advisory, investment, and insurance, with an aim to extend the reach of state corporations to a global scale.

The cooperation is also in line with the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone to bring about economic and social reforms.

Established in 1997, China Shipping Group owns and operates around 500 ships with a total capacity of 30m dwt.

Thursday, 05 February 2015 01:17

造船       (New Building)

1. 厦船首制小型 LNG 船背后的故事

(周刊选读)根据双方签订的合约,船舶造价应在3个月内予以确定。但澜玛与厦门仍在与供应商洽谈,以期将单船价格从目前的约8500万美元压低至8000万美元左右。但鉴于此后还将打造更多这类船舶,他们的心理价位甚至更低.“将来,7500万至8000万美元或会是合理价位,”Wu 说道。“这意味着,与同一规模的薄膜船相比, 我们的造价能便宜约20%。”
Wu 向《贸易风》透露,澜玛计划通过总部设于新加坡的LNT自行经营船舶,主要目标是马来西亚及印尼至中国的
来自贸易风 2015-2-6

2. Cosco orders Wärtsilä engines for five boxship newbuilds 中远向瓦斯兰订购五部 14,500-teu 新船副机

Wärtsilä will outfit five new 14,500 teu container vessels under construction at China's Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding with 20 Auxpac 32 generating sets.

The vessels, being built for Cosco, are expected to be delivered from 2017 onward. The Wärtsilä components, ordered from a Wärtsilä joint venture with Yuchai Marine Power Company, Wärtsilä Yuchai Engine Co (WYEC), are slated for delivery from mid-2016.

The Wärtsilä Auxpac 32 engines were chosen for their combination of economic fuel consumption, reliability, and high availability.

"This is a very important order that marks the re-establishment of Wärtsilä generating sets within the container vessel market," says Roger Holm, senior vp Wärtsilä Ship Power. "The Wärtsilä Auxpac 32 engine with its excellent reliability and fuel efficiency is highly suited to this application. We are also very pleased to be working with Cosco, a company with whom we have enjoyed a long and successful cooperation and a major player in the industry."

Tuesday, 10 February 2015 09:04

3. 慧洋海运船队即将扩大至100艘

2015-2-2 09:27

三:港口和引航     (Terminal/Pilotage)

1. 广州拟3年建成国际航运中心

中新网211日电 据美国《星岛日报》报道,农历羊年在即,但很多民众恐怕到下周新年过后也无法等到从中国运来的年货。上周末奥克兰港口和其他28个西海岸港口因去年6月底开始未解决的劳资纠纷而不得不关闭两天,虽然港口9日重开,但员工历时近三个月的消极怠工已经导致大量国际船只货物积压,经济损失巨大到无法预估。

2. ICSTI Oregon 'very disappointed' at Hanjin's decision to quit the Port of Portland  韩进公司因码头工人合约未定退出美西波特兰港航线

ICTSI Oregon said it was “very disappointed” in Hanjin Shipping’s decision to stop calling at the Port of Portland blaming the sustained action by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU).

Hanjin Shipping will quit calling at Terminal 6 in the Port of Portland on 9 March. According to ICTSI Oregon the decision was, “Due to the sustained and deliberate actions of ILWU workers is a significant blow to the regional economy and will cause substantial disruption to many local businesses, workers and consumers.” Friday, 13 February 2015 04:45

3. 印尼港口运营(Pelindo I)公司计划,于今年第一季度末期才开始兴建 Kuala Tanjung 港口。

虽然佐科威总统已在苏北省 Kuala Tanjung 港口建设工程举行奠基仪式,但印尼港口运营(Pelindo I)公司还没开始兴建该工程。该公司定下指标,于今年第一季度末期才开始动工。日前Pelindo第一公司仍在完成招标程序,以决定该工程的承包商。Pelindo第一公司公关助理Muhammad Eriansyah称,希望3月份底已有结果。”Pelindo第一公司仍保密参与投标的企业。但是,有消息称,有两家投标者是Pembangunan Perumahan (PP) 公司和Waskita Karya公司。因为作为特许经营合作伙伴,PP公司和Waskita公司均拥有经营 Kuala Tanjung 港口的优先承办权。Pelindo第一公司与这两家公司共同成立合资企业举办招标事宜,该企业号称Prima Multi Terminal公司。若3月份开始建筑工程,Pelindo 第一公司定下该港口能于2018年开始运营。该工程建设过程将分为两个阶段。第一阶段,兴建液体和干散货码头,码头长度400米。第一阶段的集装箱码头年储存量为 40万标准箱(TEUs)。第二阶段,兴建集装箱码头。

:买卖/租贷  2015-02-11 (S/P  & Chartering)         

Name              Size       Built Buyer      Price (Mln$)

GC Haikou         298552     2000    New Shipping      31.00
Sark              113041     2009    Malaysian         40.00
Midnight Sun      45219      1997    Far Eastern        8.00
HF Pioneer        19991      2010    S.Korean          25.30
Begim Aslanova     7150      2015    BMZ Group         18.00
Name              Dwt      Ldt   Built     Buyer      Price (per ldt usd)
Cape Eagle        161475   19574    1999      Pakistan         420
Fu Yuan           152011   15952    1992      Bangladesh       390
Global Victory    149155   18302    1996      Unknown          405
Fernie            122292   16516    1996      Bangladesh       407
Chios Sunrise     73653    10353    1993      Bangladesh       402
Star Tatianna     69634     9686    1993      Bangladesh       417

3. CHARTERING- Dry bulk (2015-02-11)


The handy and supra market is also being affected by the marginal volume of activity in the commodity sales. We see a small upturn in the TA market from last week, but it is still being done at low levels. The small increase on TA rates from last week could also be affected by the Chinese New Year which is coming up next week and chrts wanting to cover their positions. TA's are now paying ard Usd 5,5k. In the Feast we do not see a whole lot of difference from last week. Pac rounds are being fixed on APS bss and levels ard 3-4k while ows willing to go WCI-PG range are able to fix at ard Usd 5k.


The Panamax market seems to have found its logical bottom, for now. Rates are up from last week, but with small margins. We do believe the recent rate increase is much lead by the upcoming Chinese New Year and chrts wanting to cover their market_ positions. It is also an affect of owners saying that they will not go any further down and rather ballast or drift until they see better rates. The TA's are now being fixed at ard Usd 3,300 which is well below OPEX. Fhauls are being fixed in region of Usd 8k and bringing owners to a much more depressed market. Pac rounds are being fixed tick below 4k while ows willing WCI-PG rge are getting ard Usd 4-4,5k. The period market is still somewhat active but this for the ows willing to do index linked deals.


The best description for the market is, Flat. Although there has been healthy fixing activity out of West Australia, the rates have remained around mid usd 4's. This is considered disappointing as the bunker prices have risen and this should be been reflected in the rates. On the Front haul there is little to report, even from the operators. The Atlantic has also been quiet with fixing being in line with the paper market. There has been a bit of period activity but either at depressed levels or index linked. Not surprisingly, the list of re-let Coa's is longer than we have seen for quite some time.


Crude- VLCC

The firming VLCC market reached a peak at the beginning of this week as ws high 60'ies was concluded for Meg/Spore. At the time of writing, it seems the market has gone a bit quiet, most likely in view of all the activity during IP week in London.

So tar, we have recorded about 112 fixtures concluded for February as the short month is rapidly coming to an end. If a rough call for remaining stems are about 10 (if even that many...), then the supply side remains sufficient balanced. Rate levels in the Atlantic have also flattened out for the time being mainly due to lack of tonnage in natural positions. Activity for Suezmaxes during the past week in West Africa slowed down as the February lifting program came to an end and we did see rates soften. There is still ample tonnage available and when Charterers start with March stems for voyages going west we expect to see rates weaken even further. In Med/Bsea area rates during the beginning of the week stayed flat/stable due to a strong Aframax market. However, rates have dropped significantly in this segment and it is no longer an option to load Suezmaxes on part cargo and consequently with several vessel left spot we expect to see a drop in rates in this area as well. Aframax rates in the Nsea and Baltic gained strength last week mainly due to a rush of cargoes from Primorsk and Ust Luga., Charterers was in a hurry to cover forward stems prior to IP week which drove the market up. However at time of writing the activity has come to a stop with ship lining up for any employment that might come along and rates are expected to decline in the short term. In the Med/Bsea we have seen a dramatic decrease in rates the last couple of days. While starting the week at above ws200 we now see ships on subs at low-120 levels for a cross med voyage. The reason for this is that a lot of ships have got firm positions and the list of available tonnage is again looking long. This, together with low cargo activity, has forced owners to except lower numbers. Going forwards we see bad weather is expected in eastern parts of the med and the bsea, which could help rates stabilize at current levels


We were proven right with what we wrote in this column exactly one week ago, more cargoes than available vessels were put on the market. February started looking sold out of vessels a few days ago, and when a couple of February cargoes were put on the market today one may wonder how the charterers will cover it. Spot rates have already reached mid USD 90's for the index voyage - equivalent to roughly USD 80,000 per day on a modern vessel. We are confident it does not stop there, there are some more unconfirmed fixtures concluded very recently, and the USD 100 pmt barrier MEG/Japan is at high risk of being taken down any time soon. A quick glance at March tells us that the list of vessel availabilities is already on the short side versus normal/typical monthly outputs and unless unforeseen events in the commodity markets occur, VLGC freight rates will be heading up over the next few weeks.

2015-02-12  远东2005年造二手船平均价值:

种类                       油轮                            干散货轮                           集装箱轮         (teu)

船型        VLCC   Suezmax   Aframax   Cape   Pmax   Supramax    Handy    P/Pax    Pmax    Handy   

吨位()             31          16           11          18         7.5            5           3         6500     4000      1400  

价值(万美元)    +5.7%   -0.4%     -0.2%    -7.8%     -0.7%    -2.9%     -0.5%    +0.0%  +3.5%   +0.6% 


来源: Bunkerworld

                                IFO 380           __IFO 180            MDO           MGO    

新加坡                       360                     375                   560              570

鹿特丹                       313                     338                   -----              563

休士顿                       345                     390                   -----              658




备注:     tbn         = to be named                       ldt          = light d/weight ton

usd        = u.s.dollar                           mtpa        = million ton per annum               

cbm       =cubic meter                           tpa        =million metric ton per annu

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