VFB #212 - 亚洲美东运费下调 2015.03.31

2015-04-01 21:21  浏览次数 11




Shipping from Asia to US East Coast becomes cheaper   亚洲到美东货箱运费下调百分之十二.

in International Shipping News 24/03/2015

The cost to ship containers from Asia to the U.S. East Coast has declined 12% from the recent peak in mid-February now that a prolonged dispute over dockworker wages on the West Coast has effectively ended.

The spot price has fallen to around $4,400 per 40-foot equivalent unit (FEU).

The labor dispute disrupted the flow of seaborne trade, causing fees for shipping from Asia to the East Coast to rise since last December. The rate surpassed $5,000 per FEU in mid-February for the first time since the current freight-rate calculation standards were introduced in October 2009. While prices have declined since, they are still more than 30% higher than a year ago.

The situation is slowly returning to normal. Cargo-handling capabilities have improved since the end of February at key West Coast ports, according to a Los Angeles port official. And shipping companies are trying to make up for delays by such measures as having their container ships make fewer stops. Still, the widespread view is that port functions on the West Coast will not fully recover until April.
Source: Nikkei

其他新闻 (Other News)

1. 船舶停靠香港须使用洁净燃料新规7月实施



  该规例指定的合规格燃料包括含硫量不超过0.5%的低硫船用燃料、液化天然气或环境保护署认可的其他燃料。 规例》明确要求,除在停泊期间的首小时 及最后1小时外,远洋船只在香港停泊时不得使用不合规格的燃料。船长和船东都必须记录转用燃料的日期和时间,并保存有关记录3年。


  据了解,远洋船只一般以重油为燃料,其含硫量平均为2.6%。远洋船只泊岸时排放的二氧化硫,占其在香港水域内的总排放量约4成。实施《规例》可减少香港12%的二氧化硫及6%的可吸入悬浮粒子的排放,这有助改善香港的空气质量,减少健康风险。 环境保护署发言人表示,香港特区政府将于 318日向立法会提交《规例》。如获立法会通过,规例》将由201571日起生效。

  新规例生效后,任何远洋船只在香港停泊期间使用不合规格燃料,即属违法,一经定罪,有关船长和船东最高可判处罚款20万港元及监禁6个月。如有关船长和 船东没有按《规例》要求记录或备存所需数据,也属违法,一经定罪,最高可判处罚款5万港元及监禁3个月。

2. 巾帼不让须眉!DNV GL举办首届巾帼海事论坛
20 多位海事业界的女性精英参加了DNV GL在虹桥迎宾馆举办的首届巾帼海事论坛。DNV GL 大中国区业务发展总监侯聚真女介绍了公司的最新发展,船型女专家(气体船和气体燃料船)邓凌和海事咨询部水动力与结构部门女经理朱伟博士与在座各位分享 了“LNG作为船舶燃料”以及“船体线性优化”两大课题。最后,中国海事界杰出女性代表、中集集团海洋工程设计研究院负责人胡安康院长做了总结发言。

DNV GL两位女性专家邓凌和朱伟与各位分享LNG燃料应用和船体线性优化的课题。

3. Busan Port Authority Chief runs for IMO Secretary General 釜山港务局局长 Mr.Lim Ki-tack 将参加下一届 IMO秘书长之位.

Lim Ki-tack, president of the Busan Port Authority (BPA), is seeking to become the secretary general of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

According to BPA, Lim is registering to run in the election, scheduled for June 30.

As a specialized agency of the United Nations, the London-based IMO is the global standard-setting authority for the safety, security and environmental performance of international shipping, according to its website. Its main role is to create a regulatory framework for the shipping industry that is fair and effective, universally adopted and universally implemented.

The incumbent secretary general is Japanese Koji Sekimizu, whose term will expire at the end of this year. 

It is the second time for a Korean to run for the position after Chae I-sik, a law professor at Korea University, did in 2011.

“Should Korea produce the IMO secretary general, the status of the nation’s shipping and shipbuilding industries will be able to take a leap forward,” Lim said.

The secretary general will be chosen by a secret vote of the 40 council members.

A candidate who gains a majority in the first round of the election will win the post, but otherwise the lowest vote-getter will be eliminated in each round until one receives majority approval.

As of Tuesday, there are six candidates running for the election and they are from the Netherlands, Cyprus, the Philippines, Kenya, Russia and Korea, respectively.

The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries is set to support Lim’s candidacy.
Source: Korea Times

4. PSC meeting: How do Danish ships avoid defects and detentions? 丹麦旗船只如何顺利通过港口国检查和避免被扣留.

in International Shipping News 26/03/2015

Again this year, the Danish Maritime Authority invites shipping companies’ employees at sea and ashore to meetings about Port State Control (PSC) with the purpose of enhancing safety on board.Avoid defects and get better at supporting the crew
The meetings will provide an opportunity to share experiences of Port State Control, for example best practice examples of how a company can improve safety and, thereby, avoid defects and detentions. Furthermore, we will discuss how the land-based organization best support its crew during Port State Control inspections.Learn how to strive for enhanced safety

The Danish Maritime Authority will provide an overview of the most common deficiencies identified in Port State Control inspections and inform about how to handle a Port State Control inspection. Probably, you can also contribute with experience gained – good as well as bad – for others to learn from.The meetings will be held as follows:

Svendborg, 19 May 2015, 10-14 hrs. The meeting will be held at SIMAC, Graaesvej 27 in Svendborg.
Aarhus, 20 May 2015, 10-14 hrs. The meeting will be held at the port office building, Mindet 2 in Aarhus.
Copenhagen, 21 May 2015, 10-14 hrs. The meeting will be held at the premises of the Danish Maritime Authority, Carl Jacobsens Vej 31 in Valby.

The Copenhagen meeting will be conducted in English, whereas the meetings in Svendborg and Aarhus will be conducted in Danish. A maximum of two persons per company can participate.
Source: Danish Maritime Authority

5. 铁矿石价格大幅下降



铁矿石价格周一跌至52.69美元/干吨。根据Metal Bulletin的数据和全球最大船舶经纪商Clarkson Plc汇编的年度基准数据,这是2004-2005年以来的最低水平。年初迄今,发送至中国青岛港的62%品位的铁矿石格累积下挫26%
全球铁矿石最大买家中国的 需求增速随着经济增速跌至多年最低水平而放缓。

中钢协本月曾表示,中国钢铁产量在去年触及8.23亿吨的峰值,预计2015年粗钢产量将下跌,至8.14 亿吨。中国钢铁行业利润率不到1%,预计有更多钢企关门。2015年海运铁矿石将占中国铁矿石供应的87.3%
  华尔街见闻提及,麦格理(Macquarie)在本月中下旬将2015年现货铁矿石价格预期从每吨68美元下调至54美元;把2016年现货铁矿石价格预期从65美元下调至58美元。该行还预计,铁矿石2015年三季度跌至每吨48美元。 摩根士丹利将2015年铁矿石均价预期下调了28%,至每吨57美元;将2016年铁矿石均价预期下调了13%,至每吨65美元;将2017年预期下调5%,至每吨71美元。


二:造船 (New Building)

1. Rolls-Royce to Deliver Multiple B33:45 Gensets to World’s First Seabed Mining Ship

劳氏获得福建马尾造船厂订单供应六套用于深海 1,600米采矿船所需之新型 B33-45中速柴油发电机

in International Shipping News 26/03/2015

Rolls-Royce has secured a landmark agreement to supply six of its new B33:45 medium-speed diesel generator sets to China’s Fuijan Mawei shipyard for configuration aboard the world’s first ever seabed mining vessel.

The pioneering vessel, designed by Singapore’s SeaTech Solutions for Dubai-based owner Marine Assets Corporation (MAC), will be powered by six B33:45L9A engines to provide 31.4 megawatts of power.

When the 227 metre long, 40 metre wide mining ship is delivered towards the end of 2017, it will operate under long-term charter to Nautilus Minerals at the Solwara 1 project in the Bismarck Sea, offshore Papua New Guinea. The vessel will be used to extract high grade copper, gold, silver and ore from the seabed in water depths of 1,600 metres.

Mark Reeves, Marine Assets Corporation, Chief Operating Officer, said: “this is very exciting to be building a ‘world’s first’ again, and we have a long history of using Rolls-Royce power and propulsion equipment, so we know the vessel will perform well.

“Since becoming involved in this project it is apparent that there is huge potential in subsea mining. Nautilus is the market leader in this segment and I believe Solwara 1 is the first project that has actually come off the drawing board. Site surveys and sampling has proven that the subsea mining sector can be extremely lucrative compared to land mining, with mineral content per tonne of ore considerably higher than land based mines.”

John Knudsen, Rolls-Royce, President – Commercial Marine, said: “This contract is a major step forward in the development of our new family of medium-speed engines designed to suit a wide range of ship types. We are very proud that the B33:45 generator sets have been selected to power this pioneering ship, which will be at the forefront of a whole new chapter in underwater exploration.

“Deep sea mining is an exciting new industry, and with our extensive pedigree in the offshore business, we look forward to working with Marine Assets Corporation and their partners in enabling them to become first movers in the extraction of valuable minerals from the seabed.” 

“This order underlines a long and prosperous co-operation between Rolls-Royce, Fujian Mawei and MAC, who previously ordered five semi-submersible accommodation units and two accommodation vessels, all equipped with Rolls-Royce engines and propulsion”.

The contract marks the first multiple order for the B33:45 engine since its official market introduction in September last year. Each engine will also feature Tier III-compliant selective catalyst reduction technology. The B33:45 engines offer a 20% increase in power per cylinder, while fuel consumption, emissions and through-life operating costs are reduced.

Rolls-Royce will deliver the six 9-cylinder engines to the Fuijan Mawei yard from March 2016. Three underwater mountable thrusters, two retractable Azimuth thrusters and two bow thrusters also form part of the supply agreement.
Source: Rolls-Royce Holdings plc

三:港口  (Terminal)


   作为与西气东输相配套的重要能源工程,江苏LNG接收站投产以来已累计外输天然气126.2亿方,输气量占江苏总用气量的三分之一强。去年冬季,其在供 气高峰期创纪录实现单月接卸量逾60万吨、单日最大气化外输量达3274万标方。去年,中石油江苏LNG二期工程获批复,总体建设规模将增至每年650 吨,年均供气87亿立方米,未来致力于打造区域性天然气枢纽。发挥独特的资源优势,如东天然气利用,风力、生物质、太阳能以及垃圾发电齐头并进。去年,全县新能源产业实现应税销售80.7亿元,占该县工业经济应税销售总量的十分之一以上。

四:买卖/租贷  2015-03-25 (S/P  & Chartering)         

Name              Size            Built       Buyer        Price (Mln$)
Abyo Four         172639          1999       Kardemiz         11.00
C.S.Rainbow       55725           2006       Greek            11.50
Ramada Queen      46412           2005       New Trade         8.60
Africa Sun        45208           1994       Greek             3.80
Bay Ranger        43825           1995       Undisclosed       4.60
AEC Faith         37700           2015       Greek            21.00
Takasuzu          279989          2000       New Shipping     26.50
Sea Glory         47149           2003       Middle Eastern   15.00
Eships Sama       45663           2005       Winson Oil       15.00
Trans Trader      8801            2005       European         10.30
Name                   Dwt        Ldt       Built     Buyer       Price (per ldt usd)
Aqua Hope             167105      22093     1997      Pakistan       400
Anangel Solidarity    161143      19436     1993      Bangladesh     380
Silver Merchant       151066      17970     1995      Bangladesh     413
Livono Express        43714       13186     1991      Turkish        250

3. TIME CHARTERING-TANKER     2015.03.25
Type           Period            Rate US$(pdpr) _____________________
               One year          Two years       3 years         5 years               
VLCC           39,000            39,000          40,000          43,000
Suezmax        32,000            30,000          31,500          30,500
Aframax        23,000            23,250          23,750          24,000
Handy          14,000            14,100          14,250          14,500
Type                   4-6 months             One year            Two years Rate US$(pdpr) 
                       Atlantic  Pacific      Atlantic  Pacific   Atlantic Pacific       ____
Cape size (180k’)     9,400      9,450       9,800     9,800     11,000   11,000
Pnmx/Kmax (76-82k’)   8,500      7,750       8,850     7,950     9,400    9,000
Supramax (56k’)       8.650      7,950       8,750     8,000     9,500    9,350
Handy (32k’)          6,500      6,750       6,600     6,850     7,750    7,750

5. CHARTERING- Dry bulk (2015-03-25)


There has been more activity in both hemispheres this week. Especially the USG market has picked up with more cargoes for prompter dates entering the market. Some chrts has been covering their forward cgos on COA´s and it seems we have been at the bottom for now. The grain season is picking up in South America and giving suport to the increasing freight level. TA´s

are now being fixed at ard Usd 7200 while trips from USG to Continent are being fixed in excess of Usd 10k while same trip to East Med are being fixed at ard Usd 12k. In the Pacific we also see increased activity with coal cgos direction India is paying up and the NoPac rv cgos are being fixed in the 6/7k area. Supported by the improved spot market the period market is gaining strength. Smax´s with good specs are being fixed in the high 8´s for short period whereas 1 year periods are being covered in the mid/upper 8´s as well.


This week started with some more activity in Atlantic, few more coal and iron ore orders gave small hope to a generally flat and uninspired panamax market. However the rates remained flat from last week. Rates still hoovering around Usd 4000 for atlantic biz. With the upcoming European easter we expect Atlantic to slow down. We see the grain from ECSA paying still in the usd 12000 + 200k bb. The period activity remain slow and only a few medium periods 4 to 7 months delivery feast reported in the

usd 7700-7750 range. Aussie/China rounds beeing fixed in the usd 4500 -5000 range, while the grains from Aussie to China paying usd 6500. China iron ore import for the first 2 months declined by 1.2 % compared with 2014. Continius oversupply of prompt tonnage keeping the rates under pressure. As for now only increased grain volumes can boost the rates on short term.


Still no sign of light for the big ships, and as prompt units pile up in Far Eastern hubs it is getting hard to distinguish between temporary idling and "warm" layup. Although official average daily earnings stand at an already poor usd 4300 for 180000-tonners, actual figures for the trading capsize fleet are substantially lower when waiting time and unemployment are factored in. Coal trading is moderate but not in complete limbo, iron ore flows are below industry capacity but in line with predictions - the problem is and remains a grotesque oversupply of tonnage. Period activity is low and almost without exemption with an index-linked component to allow for potential foward upside, recently exemplified by 180000 dwt/built 2009 done for 12-15 months at BCI AVE4TC +5%.


Crude- VLCC

The general activity in the Vlcc market remains rather slow. The Meg volumes for April still remain very sluggish and the first decade may end as low as we saw in March. The previous month however had a rather active third decade which is keeping some hope up among owners for a repeat. In the meantime rates remain under pressure whilst owners doing their best to

hold on the conquered ground. Charterers remain patient while they steadily play their cards close to their chests. Tonnage is also building up, despite delays in the east which is weighing on the sentiment both in the Meg and also in West Africa. Activity expected to increase whilst the tug-of-war continues. In the Atlantic rates have softened as well, even in the Caribbean where ships open in the area are looking towards West Africa for employment. We have experienced a strange week for the Suezmaxes, particularly from West Africa. The week started on a slow note and rates quickly dropped down to ws82,5 basis td20. This brought several charterers to the market at the same time and with a somewhat tight tonnage list for laycan upto 10 April, rates quickly rebounded to w90 on td20. We expect the activity to slow down and with a more balanced position list for 2nd decade load dates in West Africa we expect rates to stabilize. In Med/Bsea area rates are still holding due to an active and firm Aframax market and in addition a steady and big demand for vessels going for eastern destinations both with fuel oil and crude. Aframaxes trading in the Nsea/Baltic experienced another week with rates moving sideways. Ice restrictions for all load ports in the Baltic were officially lifted on Monday 23rd March. Charterers immediate reactions they now would have a greater choice of tonnage to pick from, but despite this, rates have been maintained. Reason is because there is less available tonnage in the north, and a undersupply scenario seems to have emerged which might create an upward market potential. The Med and Bsea Afras have seen the effect of ships ballasting out of the area, leaving fewer ships that have returned back into fixing

position. As cargo activity increased towards end month owners managed to push rates towards ws150 level. This was due to a shortage of tonnage for certain dates in play and replacements that have occurred due to bad weather and closed ports. At time of writing the tonnage list is still tight but going forward we expect the current pressure to ease and rates to come off.


It has been an uneventful week in the VLGC market, the Indian charterers were the most visible when they sub-fixed a handful vessels to load towards the end of April. Spot rates have come under modest pressure in an environment where rather few available vessels seemingly outnumber prospective cargoes over the next few weeks. There were a few fixtures already signalling a benchmark level in the mid/low USD 90´s for April, but for now most players believe the setback is going to be modest and temporary. The most recent spot fixtures return some USD 80,000 per day which still a solid number taking the minimal idle time lately into account. A brief vessel count for April tells us we have a "normal" month ahead as far as VLGC availability is concerned, therefore we should not see too big changes in rates ahead provided crude prices remain reasonably stable.

2015-03-31  远东2005年造二手船平均价值:

种类                       油轮                            干散货轮                           集装箱轮         (teu)

船型        VLCC   Suezmax   Aframax   Cape   Pmax   Supramax    Handy    P/Pax    Pmax    Handy   

吨位()             31          16           11          18         7.5            5           3         6500     4000      1400  

价值(万美元)    -0.2%   -1.6%     -0.2%    -0.2%     -3.1%    -10.8%     -8.1%    +0.0%  +0.3%   +0.1% 


来源: Bunkerworld

                                IFO 380           __IFO 180            MDO           MGO    

新加坡                       313                     330                   520              535

鹿特丹                       288                     310                   -----              505

休士顿                       307                     359                   -----              572




备注:     tbn         = to be named                       ldt          = light d/weight ton

usd        = u.s.dollar                           mtpa        = million ton per annum               

cbm       =cubic meter                           tpa        =million metric ton per annu

上一篇:VFB #213 - 集装..    下一篇:VFB #211 - 中远..
