VFB #214 - 中丹相互承认证书 2015.04.30

2015-05-09 21:43  浏览次数 7




1. 中丹签署相互承认海员适任证书协议

中国外派海员到签署国国籍的船舶任职,不再需要通过第三国换发船员适任证书.记者从交通运输部获悉,在中国、丹麦建交65周年之际,中丹两国主管机日前在北京签署了相互承认海员适任证书协议。互认协议签署后,双方船员如在对方国籍 船舶上服务时,仅需持有船员本国的海事主管机关签发的适任证书,由对方海事主管机关在签发证书基础上签注即可生效。
根据《1978年海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约》马尼拉修正案的相关要求,国际海事组织各成员国之间签署互认协议的前提条件是公约有关适任标准、培训、发证及质量标准的要求得以完全遵守。中国已于2011年底前完成了与该公约修正案有关的国内法律法规及规范性文件的调整,船员培训、考试和发 证体系符合有效地实施公约的要求,达到了世界先进水平。


2. 中国不良资产类船舶被荐向海外

   市场中已传出不少此类案例,一些被船厂或因财务重组事宜被挂牌出售的船舶,正被推荐给海外或香港船东进行管理。但观察人士指出,一般而言此类问题多会在国 内解决。在近期一份这类交易中,上海外高桥就因老客户福茂航运(Foremost Maritime)将艘无主海岬型船退租,而转投另一位老客户华光海运(Wah Kwong)。

   据《贸易风》了解,总部设于纽约的海岬型船东福茂海运在光租合约到期后,已将17.64万吨级的Wan May轮(造于2012年)退租给外高桥的船东分支。相关租约的租金尚未透露。尽管该船享有福茂船队的典型船名,但与其它以May取名的船舶不同,它只是 被光租租入。
Wan May
轮自201211月从外高桥交付以来,就一直获租于福茂。它原本是为一家叫做Capital Ocean Shipping Ltd的船东公司打造,船名是Ocean Capital轮。

   此外,至少还有一艘海岬型船也在完成一 年期租约后,被退回一家中国船厂的租赁分支。该船也被推荐给其它香港及海外船东,但具体细节尚不明确。与此同时,一些中资银行也在与外资船东接洽,内容涉及破产公司蓝海海运(Lanhai Shipping)长期闲置的船队如何安排。

二:造船 (New Building)

1. 厦船重工又获得2艘汽车滚装船订单  

2015-4-29 16:29

另外,首艘2100车位汽车滚装船(466A)是厦船重工首次承造的新型汽滚船产品。2100PCTC该型船,总长141.2米、垂线间长129.6 米、型宽24.4米、设计吃水6.00米,一定条件下服务航速不小于16.0节,全船共有9层装车甲板,总装车面积约为18000平方米,标准装车数约为 2100辆。自去年8月份签订
合同以来,在企业经营部、技术中心、生产指挥部、作业课等多部门的精心组织、周密协作、积极创新下,经多月的努力,如期顺利 开工。

2. 巴西计划订造最多5040万吨VLOC

据悉,巴西铁矿石供应商Vale公司近日与中国船东及造船厂牵手合作,计划再订造最多50400,000DWT级超大型矿砂船("Valemax" VLOC)

  根据外媒消息,Vale公司近日接连与中国远洋控股股份有限公司(下称中远集团)、招商局能源运输股份有限公司(下称招商轮船)、山东海运股份有限 公司以及中国工商银行旗下工银金融租赁有限公司等签署了长期租船合约,而中远集团估计即将在中国订造20VLOC,剩下的公司也将在中国订造各10艘船 舶。







1. Hong Kong loses out to Singapore in race to develop Asian shipping hub 香港成为亚洲航运中心的意望已经输给新加坡.


Hong Kong has lost out to Singapore in the race to develop Asia’s most comprehensive hub for shipping and related businesses, a leading figure in the city’s shipping industry said yesterday.

“In the context of [fostering] a maritime cluster, Hong Kong is no longer able to compete,” Tung Chee-chen, chairman of Orient Overseas Container Line, told an industry conference in Singapore. Tung was referring to efforts by Hong Kong to leverage the city’s strengths in financial services and shipping support services to shore up the once-dominant maritime business.

With Hong Kong’s port caught in a pincer action from rivals on the mainland and in Singapore, the promotion of a maritime cluster – drawing in sectors such as financing, brokering and legal services – has been touted as a way to counter a slump in container traffic.

Tung said the Hong Kong government was doing its job promoting the city’s advantages, but this approach differed from that of Singapore, which targeted key companies. “For example, Singapore has targeted many Norwegian companies, convincing them to set up offices in Singapore. With word of mouth, more Norwegian companies flocked in,” Tung told business and government figures in the Singapore Maritime Lecture, an anchor event in the city state’s annual Singapore Maritime Week.

Tung added that Singapore gained a head start after the signing of the Sino-British Joint Declaration in 1984. “At a time when Hong Kong was surrounded by uncertainties, Singapore attracted many companies,” he said.

The efforts by Hong Kong and Singapore to promote maritime clusters, under the shadow of the rise of the mainland’s ports, aim to exploit not only the cities’ financial services clout, but also their legal system strengths and absence of capital controls.

Tung also admitted that he had been struck by Singapore’s forward-thinking in expanding its port infrastructure.

“I’m very impressed with the building of the port in the way that Singapore anticipated future growth. No other countries or ports in the world are contemplating similar investment. Singapore is pulling away from all its competitors,” Tung said.

The Lion City, home to the world’s second-busiest container port after Shanghai, is spending S$3.5billion (HK$20 billion) to expand capacity at its Pasir Panjang Terminal by half, or 50 million 20-foot equivalent units, by 2020. 

“Hong Kong cannot compete because we have a different land policy. In that respect, we’re a bit detached from reality in the sense that we cannot do the things we want to,” Tung told the South China Morning Post on the sidelines of the conference.

Hong Kong, once the world’s busiest container port, has slipped down the rankings, trailing Shenzhen in fourth place last year.
Source: South China Morning Post


1. 金陵船厂 2 艘船被大风刮跑

2015-4-30 15:18

据国际船舶网了解,两肇事船或为金陵船厂在建81600载重吨散货船,船长230米,原本靠泊在停靠在仪征江边的金陵船厂码头上装配作业,当时船上只有值 班的技术工人,无船员。当晚1902分,长江段狂风暴雨大作,江面上的风力达8级以上,两艘船被崩断缆绳,在风力作用下,沿着主航道往下游漂移,更大的 危险随时可能发生。
据江苏海事局当事人事后描述,当晚江面上狂风暴雨漆黑一片,海事抢险人员不顾危险,在波涛汹涌的高资水域展开营救。1928分,两艘海轮漂移至高 资江面大道河河口附近时,撞上浮吊码头后,下行速度明显减缓,利用这一有利时机,海事抢险人员迅速驾驶拖轮顶住海轮,随后用高强度缆绳进行控制,成功将两 艘海轮截停。现场执法人员还将受损遇险船舶一一找到并转移至安全水域;随后现场搜救指挥人员连夜研究制定计划,将两脱缰野马安全拖回了船厂码头。

2. Container ship ‘Maersk Londrina’ explosion and fire 香港旗货箱船’Maersk Londrina’ 425

于印度洋货舱发生爆炸和火灾, 漂流数小时后, 续航至 Port Louis善后.

April 28, 2015, 12:22 am

Container ship ‘Maersk Londrina’ suffered explosion and fire in one of cargo holds at around 1500 UTC Apr 25 in position 15 44S 068 48E, some 700 nm northeast of Port Louis. Vessel was drifting for several hours, then resumed sailing, heading for Port Louise, Mauritius for shelter at full speed. ‘Maersk Londrina’ arrived to Port Louis on Apr 27, at 0400 UTC Apr 28 she was in Port Louis, condition unknown. Maybe there is still fire in container or containers. Vessel reportedly was en route from Tanjung Pelepas, Malaysia to Brazil ports.
Container ship ‘Maersk Londrina’, IMO 9527037, dwt 99778, capacity 8700 TEU, built 2012, flag HK, manager MAERSK LINE.  

3. Bulk carrier ‘Stella Belinda’ under way after explosion and 10 days drift   新加坡旗货轮 ‘Stella Belinda’ 本日19日于墨西哥湾发生爆炸和当主机, 漂流十天后修好主机继续航程.

April 25, 2015, 2:11 am

Bulk carrier ‘Stella Belinda’ as of 2000 UTC Apr 24 is under way, presumably under own power, moving towards port of destination in Louisiana. It is assumed, that the vessel fixed problem by own means.
Bulk carrier disabled in Gulf of Mexico after explosion April 19, 2015
Bulk carrier ‘Stella Belinda’ suffered explosion and engine failure around Apr 15, most probably earlier, on Apr 13. Vessel is en route to Burnside Louisiana from Trombetas Brazil, drifting since accident occurred some 270 nm due south from Mobile.
Bulk carrier ‘Stella Belinda’, IMO 9649299, dwt 81700, built 2013, flag Singapore, manager CARA SHIPPING PTE LTD.

五:买卖/租贷  2015-04-29 (S/P  & Chartering)         

Name                 Size          Built     Buyer        Price (Mln$)
SWS 1364             180000        2015    Diana Shipping   43.00
Syritissa            87144         2006    S.Korea          13.80
Torm Island          82194         2010    Diana Shipping   18.05
Colchester Castel    45300         1996    Singapore         4.10
Hui An Hai           32000         2010    Undisclosed       6.80
New Sailing Star     32000         2010    Eddie Shipping    6.50
Med Bridge           28493         1990    Chinese           3.00
Birch 4              25369         2000    Chinese           4.00
Beijing Sunrise      321300        2009    China VLCC Inv.  32.50
Stavanger Prince     109390        2002    Greek            18.80
Nautilus             43538         1998    Turkish            8.8
Name                Dwt         Ldt     Built        Buyer       Price (per ldt usd)
Golden Bell         207724     26061    1990         Bangladesh       390
Marigold            207250     26061    1990         Bangladesh       390
New Horizon         154578     20894    1992         Indian           416
Chikuzen 8          150842     18295    1993         Pakistan         412
Ore Mutuca          149495     18468    1990         Pakistan         390
Best Trader         69998      12982    1990         Bangladesh       405
Toscana             36120      11442    1996         Indian           407

3. TIME CHARTERING-TANKER     2015.04.29
Type               Period           Rate US$(pdpr) _____________________
                   One year         Two years      3 years        5 years                
VLCC               40,000           39,000          40,000        42,500
Suezmax            31,250           31,500          31,500        29,000
Aframax            23,000           23,000          22,250        21,500
Handy              14,500           14,500          14,250        14,000
Type                4-6 months               One year             Two years Rate US$(pdpr)  
                    Atlantic  Pacific        Atlantic  Pacific      Atlantic   Pacific    
Cape size (180k’)  8,850     8,850          10,000    10,000       12,000     12,000
Pnmx/Kmax (76-82k)  8,850     7,150          8,550     7,450        9,550      9,250
Supramax (56k’)    8.200     7,050          8,350     7,350        9,350      8,750
Handy (32k’)       6,000     6,000          6,200     6,200        7,000      7,250


CHARTERING- Dry bulk (2015-04-29)


Rates seems to have stabilized around last week's levels. It is still the ECSA grain cargoes that keeps the market alive and help absorb supras in the Atlantic. It was reported a supra with continent delivery that achieved usd 10500 for a fronthaul to India. The positive signs we saw in the USG last week did not materialize as the rates are slightly down week-over-week. The pacific has been very stable around usd 5500 daily for the supramaxes, while the handies has come off a bit and cannot expect more than around usd 3000-3500 for pacific rounds.


Slow start of the week with limited new business, rates slipped in Atlantic and activity remained flat and unexciting. Atlantic rounds paying in the region of usd low 6000 per day depending delivery and duration. It has mainly been the grain from ECSA to feast who made an impact on the trading activity and rates from ECSA reached 12500 and 250 k bb for Kamsarmax this week. In the east there has been reported fixed some shorter periods typically 4-6 or 8 months at high usd 6000 to mid 7000 daily. Australia/China rounds paying arnd low usd 4000 per day. With holiday coming up end of this week feel activity will remain slow.


Generally flat as a pancake with a very distinct scent of blood. Minor negative adjustments evident on fronthaul routes, a consequence of piling-up of early tonnage in Atlantic with nowhere to hide and nothing else to do. The lowest main commodity prices seen in some time reflect the fundamental challenge for this segment, and even the present dramatically ramped-up scrapping activity is not sufficient to take it anywhere near to short-term equilibrium. Best-case daily average spot earnings, for the ships actually employed, stand at usd 4500 on modern 180k-tonners, as compared to usd 8k recently concluded basis 6-9 months. Less attractive units, typically 172000 dwt/built 99, go as low as usd 7k for 1 year.


Crude- VLCC

Rates in the Meg has been a bit of a rollercoaster the last week. Rates Meg/East are off the peak and despite a few soft fixtures on 'handicapped ships' rates have stabilized in low W60's which still yields abt $55k/day. Activity has been relatively high last week, as many had elected to balance their programs prior to the extensive holidays starting end this week. Meg/West remains stable as well with mid W30's being going rates, depending routing. Wafr/East has been a bit hot and cold with trading bbls in Nigeria in play, but some fixing and failing has eased rates here as well. Earnings are however still 'palatable' and mirror earnings Meg/East. Activity for Suexmaxes in West Africa has been slower this past week than we have seen for some time. Charterers are holding back on stems for 2nd decade Laycan in West Africa, as the position list does look ample at first glance. However, last few days we seen increased activity from Usg and Caribs, not only for short voyages like up the coast, but also Ta and East for prompt days. Provided these ships get subs and also considering vessels with a 'handicap' like uncertain berthing prospects etc., we expect the market to stay at present levels. Bsea/Med activity has also been less than usual the past few days, however rates still holding with some help due to prompt replacement fixtures and more tonnage taken out from the area due to the arb for east destination remains open. Aframax in the Nsea and Baltic remained stable last week and rates went sideways for the early May cargoes that have been covered or in play at time of writing. The Med experienced a good amount of activity last week and a stronger momentum started to emerge. Continued delays in key ports is expected to keep this market under pressure going forward with more favorable rates for the owners in the area.


It has not been the busiest week in the VLGC market, but nonetheless there were a handful freight inquiries floated in the MEG/East market. The Baltic VLGC index has for nearly three weeks gained every single day and has over that period strengthened by some 25 percent. The latest fixture in the east of Suez market is pretty much dot on the Baltic index i.e USD 97 pmt - equal to just over 80,000 USD/ day. The tight East market at current is supported by an even tighter market in the West where any loading window prior to the middle of June seems hard to cover. Chartering for May loading in the East is not over yet, and seemingly those comparatively few vessels still available should be able to maintain the firming momentum, but at the same time cargo market does not support the current rates, let alone any increase. For this reason we could see more relets offering freight to the market meaning current level becomes the peak in this cycle. There are some rumours about additional 2017 VLGC NBs and even TCs attached, however, the details are well kept secrets for now. If we compare the 2015 Baltic average to date with the same period last year, 2015 is roughly 20% higher than 2014, however, on this day one year ago the index was at USD 130 per ton on its way down from 137 a few days earlier when the market had reached USD 100,000/day for the first ...

六: 2015-04-28  远东2005年造二手船平均价值:

种类                       油轮                            干散货轮                           集装箱轮         (teu)

船型        VLCC   Suezmax   Aframax   Cape   Pmax   Supramax    Handy    P/Pax    Pmax    Handy   

吨位()             31          16           11          18         7.5            5           3         6500     4000      1400  

价值(万美元)    +0.1%   +2.3%     -0.2%    -0.2%     +0.1%    -0.6%     +0.2%    +0.0%  +1.9%   +1.8% 


来源: Bunkerworld

                                IFO 380           __IFO 180            MDO           MGO    

新加坡                       364                     377                   565              575

鹿特丹                       347                     367                   -----              580

休士顿                       340                     395                   -----              635




备注:     tbn         = to be named                       ldt          = light d/weight ton

usd        = u.s.dollar                           mtpa        = million ton per annum               

cbm       =cubic meter                           tpa        =million metric ton per annu

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