VFB #216 - 泰国克拉地峡运河 2015.05.31

2015-06-03 21:25  浏览次数 8





2015-05-18 10:23:13  中国船舶网    

      发布会伊始,郭羿在发言中强调:泰国 '一带一路''一带'之中,投资开发泰国的基础设施建设,完全符合中国政府的'一带一路'整体布局,首批合作选择以上项目作为切入点,是顺应中国政 府坚持走和平发展道路、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共赢的理念。察哇立·荣斋育上将特别指出,在项目开展之后,泰国的失业率甚至有可能大幅下降,这对稳 定泰国民众生活、稳固区域发展有着不可估量的作用。

    日前,泰国克拉运河研究和投资合作洽谈会在广州举行,会上签署了泰国克拉运河项目合作备忘录。悉,拟议中的克拉运河,全长102公里,400米宽,水深25米,双向航道运河,横贯泰国南部的克拉地峡。克拉地峡是泰国南部的一段狭长地 带,北连中南半岛, 南接马来半岛,地峡以南约400公里(北纬7度至10度之间)地段均为泰国领土,最窄处50多公里,最宽处约190公里,东临泰国湾(暹罗湾),再向东是 南海、太平洋;西濒安达曼海,向西进入印度洋;南端与马来西亚接壤。这条运河修成后,船只不必穿过马六甲海峡,绕道马来西亚和新加坡,可直接从印度洋的安曼海进入太平洋的泰国湾。与取道马六甲海峡相比,航程至少缩短1200公里,可节省航运2-5天时间。


此前的410日,中泰克拉基础设施投资开发有限公司董事长郭羿与亚洲联合投资集团董事局主席、泰国三军总司令、泰国前总理兼国防部长察哇 ·荣斋育上将就合作项目共同召开发布会,在泰国王室秘书长派雍·素玛少将的见证下,对泰国克拉运河投资建设等项目进行签约。到场参与发布会的泰方嘉宾还 有泰国南部军区司令针隆·坤颂上将、泰国国王侍卫长革滳萨·达玛朋海军上将、泰国警察部队总装备局副局长披塔雅·习里拉嘎警察少将等。

克拉运河对亚洲和世界的意义: 世界经济跨入海洋经济时代,亚洲、欧洲、非洲、南美洲、北美洲、澳洲各大经济体之间的贸易来往日益密切,亚洲、非洲、欧洲之间将在未来形成50亿人口的亚 非澳经济圈,各大洲之间的海运航线主要通过马六甲海峡来完成,由于马六甲海峡的地理限制,马六甲海峡已经成为世界经济贸易的瓶颈之一。克拉运河处于泰国克拉地峡地段,直线沟通印度洋和太平洋之间的海运通道,相对于原有的马六甲航线,克拉运河直接缩短1000公里的海运航线,将极大的减低世界各国的海运成本,各大洲的贸易将变得更加频繁、快捷和便利。克拉运河选取泰国克拉地峡狭长区域(北纬9°/东经100°),该区域地势平坦,地质条件优越,开凿难度低,对生态环境影响小,人口密度低,航线便利,两端易于修建深水港,运河初步勘察长度100公里。




武汉理工大学于20005月由武汉交通科技大学(原武汉水运工程学院)、武汉工业大学、武汉汽车工业大学三校合并组建,是教育部直属的全国重点大学,也 是首批列入国家“211工程的重点建设高校,在交通与物流、新材料、建筑材料、光纤传感、新能源、机电与汽车、信息和资源环境等领域拥有领先的学术地位。特别是学校的港航物流、船舶修造、航运管理等专业院校与招商局集团保持着长年的深度合作,并向招商局集团输送了大量管理与技术人才。新时期,双方将围 绕交通、船舶、材料、海工装备、港口物流和信息等关键领域进一步深化科技合作、人才培养和人才交流等方面的合作,创新校企合作新模式。




英国Global Water IntelligenceGWI)在最新报告中表示,未来5年内,有关BWTS投资支出将达到约456亿美元。2004年,国际海事组织(IMO)通过了船舶压载水管理公约,旨在防止船舶压载水排放引起的国家间外来物种入侵而导致的海洋生态损害,规定在全球运营的大型船舶必须配备BWTSGWI表示,该IMO公约批准工作或美国海岸警卫队(USCGBWTS全面型号认证工作有望在2016年内完成,在此背景下,BWTS需求或将大幅增长。 GWI估计,到2019年,BWTS资本支出规模或达到顶峰,其中,改装工程支出规模占绝大部分。 GWI还表示,在所有船舶中,散货船、油船、集装箱船等货船领域的BWTS需求可能最多。 自国际海事组织(IMO)2004年通过《国际船舶压载水及沉积物控制和管理公约》以来,经过船舶工业界多年的探索,压载水处理技术日趋成熟,相关产品 市场更是方兴未艾。

据不完全统计,目前,全球已有60多种压载水处理系统面世或处于研制进程中,近20种压载水处理系统通过各国主管机关和(或)IMO 认可,开始批量化生产。


二:造船(New Building)



据了解,该船由一艘VLCC改装而成,长288米,型宽58米,吃水8米,主钩旋转时最大吊重7,000吨,固定最大吊重 12,000吨,主要用于海上大件、 模块、导管架的起重吊运及吊装,是目前世界最大的全回转自航式起重船。

该船安装的DP3动力定位系统是国际海事组织的最高动力定位级别,由测量系统、控制 系统、推进系统、动力系统四部分组成。振华重工将在45天时间里完成12台推进器的安装。
振华重工自2006年进军起重船市场以来,先后研制了亚洲第一的4,000华天龙号全回转起重船、世界单机起重量最大的7,500蓝鲸号自航全回 转起重船、世界最大的8,000吨韩国“SAMSUNG 5”固定双臂架起重船,屡次刷新了起重船行业的世界纪录。完成DP3动力定位系统的安装后,12,000吨全回转自航式起重船将在调试后投入作业,届时将再创世界起重船行业新纪录




据中新社泉州527日电  泉州海事局27日对外发布的《泉州辖区海上交通安全状况公告》显示:2014年泉州辖区港口货物吞吐量达1.12亿吨,同比增长3.9%,这已是泉州港连续三年突破亿吨大关。
数据显示,2014年泉州辖区船舶进出港43397艘次,其中国际航行船舶7157艘次。泉州港对台贸易船舶数量明显增加,以泉金航线直航客轮及台籍小额 贸易船舶为主,两岸直航货运船舶进出港3975艘次,同比增长20.1%,货物吞吐量84.47万吨。晋江深沪对台小额贸易口岸列入第二批试行更开放管理 措施口岸。



适应国内外LNG产业的发展趋势,中国海油审时度势地提出资源集中、市场集中的经营理念,致力于打造LNG产业的资源池市场池,并努力推进 互利共赢的LNG全产业链国际合作管理。

柯蒂斯项目正是在此背景下应运而生,对保障我国能源安全、优化能源结构、提升LNG产业全球竞争力等方面都有着重 要意义。
年间,中国海油已在中国东南沿海建成年接收能力超过2,500万吨的7座大型LNG接收站。中国目前已累计进口超过 7,000万吨LNG,气电集团也一跃成为全球第二大LNG长约合同的持有者。
该项目的建成投产,将增强中国在LNG生产和分配领域的话语权。中国海油董事长杨华表示, 未来,中国海油将继续努力在全球获取具有竞争力的天然气资源,为发展中国天然气产业和保障中国清洁能源供应作出积极的贡献。



1. ‘Maersk Karachi’ on fire, Bremerhaven吊杆倒塌跌到船上引发火灾

May 22, 2015

Bremerhaven: fire erupted on board of hapless container ship ‘Maersk Karachi’ at around midday LT May 22 during salvage works with torches, which were, it is believed to be the cause of the fire.

The boom of container crane crashed onto boxship ‘Maersk Karachi’ during loading operation at night May 14 in container terminal in Bremerhaven. One person is missing, supposedly crane operator, whose cabin crashed down to the vessel from 40 meters height. Rescue and salvage are under way. Container ship Maersk Karachi, IMO 9162215, dwt 88669,

capacity 6690 TEU, built 1998, flag HK, manager MAERSK CO LTD.

2. ‘Purple Beach’ on fire 吊货舱内散装肥田粉引发火灾

May 29, 2015

Fire on board of freighter ‘Purple Beach’ in North sea
Fire erupted on board of general cargo vessel ‘Purple Beach’ in the evening May 25 in one of the cargo holds, vessel loaded with fertilizers was en route from Immingham UK to Brake Germany. It was thought that crew extinguished fire by own means, but on May 26 fire broke out again, which most probably, is due to the character of fertilizer. Vessel at the time of restarted fire was some 15 nm west of Helgoland, North sea. Big-scale salvage under way, involving salvage vessel Neuwerk (IMO 9143984) rescue boats and helicopters. Some 25 people, reportedly crew and salvors, suffered slight gas poisoning, one crew was seriously injured and medevaced by helicopter. At 1400 UTC May 26 vessel was shown by AIS as anchored 17 nm southwest of Helgoland, surrounded by salvage vessels.
General cargo vessel Purple Beach, IMO 9138135, dwt 33720, built 1998, flag Marshall Islands, manager MACS MARITIME CARRIER SHIPPING, Germany.

五:买卖/租贷  2015-05-28 (S/P  & Chartering)          

Name               Size        Built   Buyer         Price (Mln$)
Universal Queen   309373       2005    Sinokor            49.50
Kasper Schulte    72718        2004    Tufton Oceanic     21.40
Kamdilouse        46700        1995    Undisclosed        25.00
Nordic Oslo       12975        2005    South Korean        8.30
Lowlands Queen   76565         2008    Greek              15.50
Million Trader   76284         2004    Avion International 9.30
Pose Atlantic    75734         2005    Greek              10.80
Hudson Trader    58110         2009    Greek              14.20
Huamney          46412         2006    Greek               9.50

Name                Dwt        Ldt      Built     Buyer     Price (per ldt usd)
Aqua Queen          167162     22096    1997     Pakistan      378
Cape London         172091     20737    1997     Bangladesh    374
Western Zenith      3655       1587     1993     Bangladesh    345

3. TIME CHARTERING-TANKER     2015.05.27
Type               Period            Rate US$(pdpr) _____________________
                   One year          Two years      3 years       5 years           
VLCC               42,500            40,000          39,500       42,500
Suezmax            31,500            31,000          29,500       28,000
Aframax            23,000            23,000          21,500       21,000
Handy              15,000            14,750          14,500       14,500
Type                4-6 months         One year           Two years Rate US$(pdpr)
                   Atlantic Pacific    Atlantic Pacific   Atlantic Pacific
Cape size (180k’)    8,000 8,000      9,750    9,750     12,000   12,000
Pnmx/Kmax (76-82k’)  8,250 6,250      8,350    7,000     9,350    9,000
Supramax (56k’)      8.000 6,600      8,200    7,100     9,150    8,750
Handy (32k’)         6,000 6,000      6,200    6,200     7,000    7,250

5. CHARTERING- Dry bulk (2015-05-28)


It has been a flat an unexciting week in the handy/supra market. The TA's are fixing at the same levels as last week and it seems there is a balance on tonnage/cargo at the moment. We see industrial players entering the market with forward cargoes, which again show that they believe todays freight market is at attractive levels. In the Pacific we see more coal cargoes being quoted, both destined to China and India. The annual coal imports in China is down 38% the first four months, but it is still a good amount of cargoes being fixed that way. The period market is back into play with owners willing index linked deals doing the most. Shorter periods are being fixed in the mid/high 7's for good Supras.


The Atlantic had a fairly stable week demand wise, even though rates are still sliding slowly downwards. TA's are now paying ard USD 4k . It's still the grains that keeps the market alive, but not kicking. The South American grain cargoes are still being picked up by Pacific ballasters even though a Gib position was reported in time of writing. The short period market is still there and LME's open FEast can fix ard USD 6k which could reflect the fear of a quiet summer period. In the FEast we see activity coming off even though the Indo/India coal rounds still absorbing ships. Some major industrial charterers entering the market with COA's reflecting the attractive freight level they are able to achieve today.


Generally heading south except for very modest improvements on the West Australia/China key trade. Mainly due to reduced volumes on transatlantic and fronthaul trades, daily values have fallen some 12% and 9% for 172000- respectively 180000-tonners w-o-w, coming in at USD 4350 and USD 5600/day . Pacific activity remains healthy, but is far from enough to push anything near a rally in a still very overtonnaged spot market. Period activity is limited to short term, exemplified by 180000 dwt/built 06, delivering spot South China for 5-9 months at USD 9150/day and 172000 dwt/built 2002 delivering prompt Singapore for 3-6 months at USD 6850/day + ballast bonus not fully covering ballast cost from China.


Crude- VLCC

The activity for the VLCCs did ease off during last week both ex MEG and West Africa. The charterers have held back in attempts to squeeze rates and have managed to shave a little off the peaks. The June program in the MEG is about half covered and owners have by no means given up and confidence remains firm. An early start of the July program in West Africa may bolster confidence even stronger. It remains to be seen as the 'jury is still out', but rates may stabilize after the recent correction. Caribs/East still remains very firm with charterers going well into July to secure tonnage in the area. After a week with firm rates for Suezmaxes, particularly in West Africa, activity slowed down and the tonnage list looking more than ample for laycans in play and rates softened a little. There are still owners claiming they see the market for the main Suezmax trading areas as tight and are still offering aggressively. It will however require continuous high volumes of fixing in all areas collectively to maintain present levels. The Nsea and Baltic Aframax market increased last week for end May/early June laycans . Main reason for this was because of charterers earlier attempt to secure forward tonnage at bottom levels way ahead of normal fixing window. This left a gap in the tonnage balance, which impacted the rates when end/early dates came naturally into play and a shortage of tonnage was evident. In the Mediterranean and Bsea the usual end-month rush occurred, and with few ships available for loading end May, rates have been pushed towards ws150 . Cargo activity is expected to slow down as we are seeing the end of the rush, and with more tonnage available for June loading rates are expected to come off for the week to come.


Even though we saw a small downwards correction on the Baltic VLGC Index Rate yesterday (USD 111 .50 pmt/down USD     0 .188 pmt) the VLGC market remain bullish. Several VLGCs are facing delays in India. Consequently, vessels are running late for their next employment which force charterers to re-enter the market putting further pressure on the freights. We see few ships East of Suez being available for 1st half June and also 2nd half June looks tight right now. The VLGC West market is also strong with limited number of vessels being available ex US Gulf for July. The fact that BW LPG alone has about 12-15 vessels presently moving from West to East or vice versa is removing substantial vessel capacity from the market and going forward higher freight rates seems inevitable. The spot market for the LGC/Midsize and Handy segments are also tight, and this seems to continue throughout the summer. Especially for the handy market where the key driver has been increasing LPG export from USEC mainly into Europe/Mediterranean region has kept the segment very busy and has so far managed to absorb the additional NB SR Handy units which recently has been delivered from yard. We expect the market for the Handy size ships to remain bullish well into Q3/Q4 even though more NB tonnage will appear though out the year.


六: 2015-05-26  远东2005年造二手船平均价值:

种类                       油轮                            干散货轮                           集装箱轮         (teu)

船型        VLCC   Suezmax   Aframax   Cape   Pmax   Supramax    Handy    P/Pax    Pmax    Handy   

吨位()             31          16           11          18         7.5            5           3         6500     4000      1400  

价值(万美元)    -1.5%   -0.2%     +1.8%    -0.6%     +1.1%    +0.4%     -0.1%    -0.1%  -2.0%   +0.2% 


来源: Bunkerworld

                                IFO 380           __IFO 180            MDO           MGO    

新加坡                       367                     383                   562              572

鹿特丹                       320                     362                   -----              562

休士顿                       330                     385                   -----              630




备注:     tbn         = to be named                       ldt          = light d/weight ton

usd        = u.s.dollar                           mtpa        = million ton per annum               

cbm       =cubic meter                           tpa        =million metric ton per annu

上一篇:VFB #217 - 大船..    下一篇:VFB #215 - 集装..
