VFB #219 - 航运业整合加快 2015-07-15

2015-07-16 20:43  浏览次数 16










完成破产重整计划 后的长航凤凰最终在去年实现营业收入9.8亿元,并成功扭亏为盈。经历破产重整后的长航凤凰,无论是人员结构还是资产结构都有了大幅精简。目前,该公司还 有员工700人左右,运力约为70万吨,业务也向多元化迈进,除经营沿海散货运输外,还有船员劳务、大件特种运输、船代、货代等多种业务。业内人士表示, 如果中外运长航集团卖出长航凤凰全部股份的申请获批,那么,在沿海散货运输市场不景气的背景下,长航凤凰未来在大股东协助下进行业务转型将是大概率事件。


如果说长航凤凰破产重组成功、中海海盛在新东家的协助下可能实现转型算得上幸运的话,还有一些航运企业就命运难测了。今年年初,我国第一家在美国场外柜台交易市场(OTCBB)上市的民营航运企业大连i威兰德航运公司,申请破产保护;上海鸿盛港泰海运有限公司也濒临倒闭,公司实际控制人失联;其他处于破产边 缘的企业也不在少数。业内人士表示,在市场规律的作用下,部分企业的破产重组、业务转型有利于航运业向好发展,特别在整体运力过剩的情况下,有利于消化过 剩运力,促进市场的供需平衡和恢复理性。



9月,招商局集团有限公司与中国外运长航集团合作设立超大型油船合资公司中国能源运输有限公司。该合资公司拥有26艘超大型油船(VLCC), 合计783万载重吨,远期控制38VLCC,合计1168万载重吨,油船运力规模将跃升至国内第一。今年5月,中国远洋运输(集团)总公司与中海集团下 属子公司宣布,合资成立中国矿运有限公司,专营铁矿石海上运输及相关干散货运输业务。中国矿运已与淡水河谷签订收购超大型矿砂船(VLOC)及长期运输协议,每年大约600万吨运输量。此外同样和淡水河谷签订合作协议的招商局集团也可能与合作的航运企业设立合资公司,运营VLOC船队。


我国在油船、散货船领域的整合不仅是为适应市场的需要,更出于国家战略的考虑。对于市场化特性更强的集装箱船市场来说,近期对中远集团与中海集团集装箱运输业务整合的呼声有渐高之势。业内人士表示,由于市场运力过剩,我国航运业的发展模式已经从增量发展变为存量组合。在这种形势下,中远集装箱运输有限公司 与中海集装箱运输有限公司合并的预期增强。上海国际航运研究中心相关研究指出,中远集运与中海集运合并运力将达155TEU,跃居全球第四,地位提升和 市场份额翻番将有效提升定价权,控制运力投放节奏,加速淘汰过剩运力。此外,中远集运拥有庞大客户群和CKYHE联盟资质,与大客户合作基础深厚,航线覆盖范围广,海外销售网点多;中海集运擅长成本管理,内贸航线市场占有率高,双方合并有利于实现优势互补。业内专家认为,双方的合并可以借鉴新加坡海皇集团与美国总统轮船的合并模式,只做产权合并,而不做资产和管理架构的整合,双方保留独立运营的资格,但共享资源。该专家表示,这种整合有利于降低运营成本,提升议价能力,并在集运巨头马士基航运一企独大、盛行联盟竞争的全球集运市场抢占更大的市场份额。他表示,专业化整合是我国航运业优化结构的有效途径,未 来该行业可能还会有相关动作。


船舶吨位趋大 船舶险赔付率逐年走


中国船舶保险仅占全球市场份额10%。记者从中汇国际保险经纪股份有限公司日前主办的船舶保险经验交流会上获悉,2008年国际金融危机爆发后,世界船舶 运输业陷入低迷态势,导致船舶保险的保费持续走低,整个船舶保险市场呈现出一种疲软的态势,但船舶吨位正越来越大,赔付率逐年走高。


从全球市场份额来看,目前,船舶保险绝大部分市场份额被欧美国家占据,亚洲在世界船舶保险市场上所占的份额仅约32.4%,中国在世界船舶保险市场上所占 的份额仅为10.4%。而我国和韩国是世界排名前两位的造船大国,同时我国也是航运大国,商船队总运力超过了全全球运的10%。因此,业界人士认为,尽管 目前船舶保险在我国还存在投保率低、赔付率高、盈利难等问题,但该领域的发展前景仍然非常可期。

近年来,沉船事故频发。例如,2012年,意大利歌诗达协和号触礁,至少32人遇难;2014年,韩国岁月号客轮沉没,至少287人遇难。而今年 中国东方之星号邮轮在长江沉没造成400多人遇难,更引发了人们对船舶运营安全的高度关注,也使得跟船舶相关的小众保险逐步进入公众视野。在该案理赔过程 中,中国保监会专门对该案的险种知识进行提示。








市场报出的零星交易当中,包含17.3万吨级的巴拿马型散货船Solidarnosc轮(造于1991年)。它被以每轻吨367美元的价格售往印度次大陆。此外,1.25万吨级的冷藏船Baltic Stream轮(造于1980年)也被售往印度船厂,价格为每轻吨400美元。它的售价之所以高于市场均位,据悉是因为该船的铝含量较高。

譬如,围绕3.88万吨级散货船Orinoco Pearl轮(造于1984年)的谈判当中,船东的心理价位高达每轻吨370美元左右,远高于买方约360美元的报价。
万吨级Merry Ocean轮(造于1983年)的船东要价是在每轻吨370美元左右,也高出买家预期。
尽管近期的成交速度放缓,但经纪行EBM Shipbroking指出,2015上半年已有约502艘船被送拆,合计2650万载重吨。其中绝大多数为散货船,达到440艘,合计2340万载重吨。







2日,交通运输部、国家发展改革委联合印发《关于港口接靠40万吨矿石船有关问题的通知》,明确我国港口接靠40万吨级矿石船相关政策,确定国内4 港口的7个泊位可以接靠40万吨矿石船。







Major fire on board of boxship Kamala    利比亚籍集装箱船东海起火

July 11, 2015, 12:41 am

Fire erupted in containers on board of container ship Kamala shortly after midnight Tokyo time July 11, in East China sea some 220 nm west of Kuchinoshima island, some 110 nm south of Chedju do, Korea. Distress signal was relayed to Japan Coast Guard by a passing vessel. Fire seems to be a major one, judging from photo made by patrol plane at around 0530. Japan rescuers are steaming to burning vessel, crew reportedly remain on board trying to tackle fire. Vessel is en route from Surabaya Indonesia to Ulsan Korea.
Container ship Kamala, IMO 9187320, dwt 29277, capacity 2011 TEU, built 1999, flag Liberia, manager SEACHANGE MARITIME PTE LTD.

Blazing Kamala sailing towards Busan, crew bravely fighting fire

July 12, 2015, 10:24 am

Container ship Kamala is still on fire, sailing towards Busan. Korean CG rescue ship is already engaged in fighting fire with water cannons, to salvage teams can yet border the ship because of adverse weather. Kamala is under way somewhere close to Jeju (Chedju do) island, 23 crew remain on board, bravely fighting fire. It is not known yet what cargoes are in containers engulfed by fire, whether they’re dangerous or not. Asap vessel reaches safe waters, specialists will board her to estimate the risks. No injures reported, fire said to be restricted with no or minimal risk of spreading further. On a photo Korean CG ship pouring water onto Kamala’s cargo deck.

First news:
Major fire on board of boxship Kamala
Fire erupted in containers on board of container ship Kamala shortly after midnight Tokyo time July 11, in East China sea some 220 nm west of Kuchinoshima island, some 110 nm south of Chedju do, Korea. Distress signal was relayed to Japan Coast Guard by a passing vessel. Fire seems to be a major one, judging from photo made by patrol plane at around 0530. Japan rescuers are steaming to burning vessel, crew reportedly remain on board trying to tackle fire. Vessel is en route from Surabaya Indonesia to Ulsan Korea.
Container ship Kamala, IMO 9187320, dwt 29277, capacity 2011 TEU, built 1999, flag Liberia, manager SEACHANGE MARITIME PTE LTD.

Bulk carrier Xin Mao grounded by approaching typhoon

July 11, 2015, 11:10 am

Bulk carrier Xin Mao ran aground in Taizhou anchorage area, China, on July 11 after mechanical failure, in already stormy weather and approaching typhoon Chan Hung (Chan Hom). It is understood, that the vessel dragged anchor and wasn’t able to hold on or to heave up anchor and change position. Vessel issued distress signal asking for evacuation. 14 crew were

evacuated by Taizhou Maritime Rescue Center rescuers, vessel’s present situation unknown.
Bulk carrier Xin Mao, IMO 9654397, dwt 24148, built 2014, flag Marshall Islands, manager Peace Shipping Ltd, HK.

五:买卖/租贷  2015-07-14 (S/P  & Chartering)         

Name               Size          Built   Buyer         Price (Mln$)
YMH V              51099         2015    S.Afr.Shpg      37.50
Super Star         51000         2008    Undisclosed     23.50
Barents Sea        47431         1998    Undisclosed      8.50
Cape Bille         39999         2003    Seaworld        14.75
Raiju              172492        2000    Swiss Marine     9.60
Bergen Trader      81582         2011    Italian         19.20
KTCondor           58470         20111   Greek           14.90
Name               Dwt       Ldt      Built   Buyer     Price (per ldt usd)
Solidamosc         73470     13610    1991    Pakistan       370
Bulk Discovery     69346     9977     1989    Bangladesh     368
Zim Pacific        45850     16900    1996    Indian         395
Baltic Stream      12570     7080     1980    Bangladesh     400
3. TIME CHARTERING-TANKER     2015.07.15
Type              Period        Rate US$(pdpr) ______________
                  One year      Two years      3 years       5 years
VLCC              49,000        45,000         42,500        39,500
Suezmax           34,500        33,000         32,000        29,000
Aframax           26,000        24,500         25,500        24,000
Handy             15,500        15,000         14,500        14,500
Type                4-6 months          One year          Two years Rate US$(pdpr)
                    Atlantic  Pacific   Atlantic Pacific  Atlantic   Pacific
Cape size (180k’)  11,850    11,850    12,500   12,500   14,000     14,000
Pnmx/Kmax (76-82k’)9,800     7,950     10,000   8,350    10,500     9,500
Supramax (56k’)    9.650     7,950     8,750    7,950    8,550      9,300
Handy (32k’)       6,600     6,850     6,750    7,100    7,450      7,650

5. CHARTERING- Dry bulk (2015-07-14)

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The Dry Bulk market closed off on Friday on the green, while despite the fact that the weekly increase of the BDI wasn’t of great importance, the fact that the increase was enjoyed across all size segments with no negative exceptions this time, was what lifted spirits all around. The Panamax seg­ment remained the main driving force behind the market’s improvement, with rates for the geared sizes also moving north, while period activity for the larger segments improved compared to the week prior, fact that was quickly reflected on ideas across the board. At the same time it seems that the price of iron ore, which is expected to stay under significant pressure, is forcing commodity majors to rethink their strategies. Recent reports men­tion that Vale is considering to restructuring its lower quality output, focus­ing this way on profit margin improvement that is necessary under the cur­rent environment.

Following a few slow days in the beginning of the month, positive signs for Capes reemerged last week, with more upbeat activity in both basins and sentiment for the segment aligning with that for Panamaxes

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Atlantic Panamax business closed the week with firmer rates, while as de­mand from ECSA makes tonnage lists tighter it also draws ballasters from the Pacific resulting in better numbers in the Far East as well.

Good news for the Handysize/Handymax/Supramax sizes as well. Firmer rates have been reported especially from ECSA, where the positive Pana-max impact is obvious, as well as ex-USG. We hope that the Far East will follow soon, allowing owners to enjoy a relatively good summer.


Meeting the high expectations built up all these months, the crude carriers market has once again managed to shake off the pressure, with activity in key trading regions providing great support last week. Adding to that, the further softening of bunker prices has also sided with owners, further sup-porting TCE earnings. We mentioned last week that the Greek crisis, the sell

-off in the Chinese stock market and worries of a future heavier supply glut have been weighing down on oil prices and while it seems that in the case of both Greece and China things have slowly started to normalize, the imminent lifting of exports by Iran and the added production that will come in the market are still dictating prices, with the majority of the market agreeing that the bottom hasn’t been touched yet. Rates for VLs eased rallied last week on the back of strong activity in West Africa, which managed to support the segment all around, while Middle East was also busier compared to the last two weeks, with rates for both the Westbound and Eastbound voyages closing off the week at around $80,000/day.

Suezmax activity in the W. Africa market continued firming last week, while things in the Black Sea/Med region were slightly quieter with demand staying nonetheless at healthy levels.

Aframax rates were still struggling last week, with further reductions taking place across both the Med and the Baltic , while the Caribs Afra noted another significant leg down.

六: 2015-07-14  远东2010年造二手船平均价值:

种类                       油轮                            干散货轮                           集装箱轮         (teu)

船型        VLCC   Suezmax   Aframax   Cape   Pmax   Supramax    Handy    P/Pax    Pmax    Handy   

吨位()             31          16           11          18         7.5            5           3         6500     4000      1400  

价值(万美元)    -0.3%   -0.9%     -0.1%    +0.2%     +0.5%    -0.2%     +0.0%    +0.0%  +0.3%   -0.7% 


来源: Bunkerworld

                                IFO 380           __IFO 180            MDO           MGO    

新加坡                       312                     329                   494              504

鹿特丹                       296                     327                   -----              497

休士顿                       300                     347                   -----              533




备注:     tbn         = to be named                       ldt          = light d/weight ton

usd        = u.s.dollar                           mtpa        = million ton per annum               

cbm       =cubic meter                           tpa        =million metric ton per annu

上一篇:VFB #220 - 航运..    下一篇:VFB #218 - “数..
