VFB #222 - 海事劳工公约生效 2015-08-31

2015-09-01 22:45  浏览次数 13




1. 我国批准加入《2006年国际海事劳工公约》




2006年国际海事劳工公约》是当前国际海事界的四大国际公约之一,另外三个分别为《国际海上人命安全公约》(SOLAS公约)、《海员发证,培训和值 班标准国际公约》(STCW公约)和《国际防止船舶造成污染公约》(MARPOL公约)。该公约是在国际劳工组织三方框架下经政府、船东和海员三方取得共 识后缔结的一部综合性海事劳工条约。公约将海员权益纳入统一的国际标准,有利于实现海员在船上的体面工作和生活。公约由条款、规则和守则三部分组成,条款和规则规定海员的核心权利和原则以及批准国的基本义务。守则是规则的实施细则。

据了解,自《2006年国际海事劳工公约》通过以来,我国相关海事机构如交通运输部及其直属的中国海事局(China MSA)和其他业界机构等一直在积极促成批准该公约。中国船级社(CCS)也积极跟踪公约进展情况,通过一系列的研究、培训、组织和准备,开展了系列履约 技术服务。

我国是该公约的发起国之一,在公约的制定过程中发挥了重要作用。交通运输部海事局针对履约工作作了一系列的公约研究和法律文件准备工作。按照规定,公约在合计占世界船舶总吨位33%的至少30个成员国批准书登记之日12个月后生效。2009年,公约达到了33%总吨位的条件;2012820日,随着菲 律宾作为第30个国家向国际劳工局递交批约文书,公约生效的两个条件均已满足,并在一年后,即2013820日正式生效。

2. 航运业旺季遇冷:航企忍痛亏本货运


全球贸易疲软导致航运供过于求,多家航运巨头已开始削减热门航线的运力。6月至8月本该是全球航运业旺季,今年却意外遇冷。据路透报道,从亚洲到北欧集装箱货运价格上周再跌26.7%,至每个标准箱 469美元。这条全球最繁忙路线的运价已经连续三周下跌,目前运价比三周前跌了60%




航运运价的持续下滑造成了全球航运企业的经营困境,原因除了国际油价持续下滑,更是缘于全球贸易数据黯淡所导致的航运需求下降。据华尔街见闻报道,上周,亚洲到地中海货运价下跌32.1%,亚洲至美国西海岸和东海岸货运价分别下降7.9%9.9%。一般情况下,运价在每TEU20英尺长集装箱换算单位)800-1000美元才会使航运企业盈利。但根据上海出口集装箱运价指数(SCFI)对15条航线的追踪数据,在7月下旬时,上海至北欧港口的集装箱即期运费仅每TEU 400美元,是这些航线保本运费的一半。6月末,这些航线的即期运费更低,只有每TEU 200美元。

业内人士将运费大跌的原因归为需求乏力导致的全球贸易疲软,并由此造成目的地港口的船运供过于求。荷兰经济政策分析局(CPB)发布的世界贸易指数在4月和5月均呈现下滑,并导致航运活动连续五个月低位运行。根据集装箱贸易统计公司(Container Trades StatisticsCTS)近期数据,全球航运总量在已进入航运旺季的6月意外同比下滑3.1%;作为世界第二大转口港,新加坡7月集装箱吞吐量同比下滑13.3%,为2008年雷曼危机之后的最差表现。

部分境外媒体和评论将矛头指向中国。汉堡港首席执行官Axel Mattern称,今年上半年该港口集装箱吞吐量下跌6.8%,主要原因在于:与中国的贸易量下滑10.9%。根据中国海关总署88日公布的前7个月,中国外贸进出口情况,今年前7个月,中国进出口总值13.63万亿元人民币,比去年同期下降7.3%。其中,出口7.75万亿元,微降0.9%;进口5.88万亿元,下降14.6%。贸易顺差1.87万亿元,扩大1倍。

英国《每日电讯报》报道认为,随着中国经济转型,贸易对于中国经济的拉动作用正在减弱。报道称:随着中国技术水平的不断提升,中国出口业对进口零部件的依赖水平已从1992年的75%,降至如今的35%。中国政府正努力推动经济转型,使经济摆脱对重工业和批量生产的依赖,转向由更成熟的服务型经济拉动, 后者对贸易的依赖程度较低与此同时,随着亚洲人力成本的上升,美国和欧洲已经在推动制造业工厂从中国回流,这一定程度上逆转了全球化进程。

报道援引金融分析服务公司BCA Research的贝雷辛(Peter Berezin)观点称,对华出口在美国、英国、法国、意大利、西班牙仅仅占据了当地GDP的不到1%,在德国占据了GDP2.6%,日本为2.7%中国的出口多于进口,因此经济增速放缓时,对贸易伙伴的影响十分有限。


《华尔街日报》援引LNG运输企业GasLog执行长Paul Wogan的表述,称专注于运输LNG的船企因中国、日本和韩国等主要市场需求增长放缓而受到影响。但他预计,澳大利亚运输需求增加,及2016年美国新设施的出口增加,或将使情况在2016年得到改善。


3. Bunker prices falling to $200, nearing 10-year low  船用燃料油跌到每吨200美元为十年来之低价位. 

Global bunker fuel prices have continued to nosedive as they closed in on the $200-per metric tonne (pmt) mark, falling in line with crude oil prices dipping below $40 per barrel and nearing 10-year low.

The price of global benchmark Singapore 380 cst bunker fuel was assessed by Rueters at $209 per metric tonne (pmt) on Monday, a level last reached on 4 March 2005, with the Reuters data suggesting that bunker prices have touched a 10-year low.

However data obtained by Seatrade Maritime News pointed to a lower price of $198 pmt reached on 31 December 2008, and the prices were largely at $200 pmt after Christmas that year.

Other sources of bunker price data such as industry specialist Ship & Bunker indicated Singapore 380 cst price at $212 pmt yesterday, having fallen $18.50 since Friday and $40 week-on-week.

And yesterday’s bunker price has plummeted by $375.50 pmt, or 64%, from the $587.50 pmt recorded exactly one year ago, Ship & Bunker data showed.

With the volatility hallmark of the bunker market, there is no certainty that bunker prices will fall below the $200-pmt mark, though the current trend suggests a high chance of that happening, according to Singapore-based bunker traders.

The bearish crude oil market tracks the sluggish global stock selloff led by China’s crash, as major leading news sources touted yesterday as the ‘Black Monday’.

For shipowners, lower bunker prices simply means reduced operating costs, and the softer fuel market is a helpful boost to lower income generated from the weak freight rates.

Bunker traders noted that demand has yet to pick up swiftly despite the bear market as buyers believed that prices will drop even further.

Outside Singapore, key bunkering ports globally have also softened with Europe’s Rotterdam indicated at $211 pmt on Monday after falling $12, Houston in the US at $213.50 pmt with a dip of $6 and Fujairah in the Middle East at $215 pmt following a $20.50 plunge, according to Ship & Bunker.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015 04:19

二:造船(Ship building)

沪东中华交付一艘8,888 TEU集装箱船船



8888 TEU




知情人士透露,中海集运如此急于建造新船,是为了赶在201611日国际海事组织(IMO)的氮氧化物 Tier III 排放标准生效前,这样就可以避免为新设计而额外支出几百万美元的费用。

三:港口 (Terminal)

1. Greece agrees port privatisation deadlines  希腊同意促快港口私有化.

As part of its reforms-for-cash deal with international lenders, the Greek government has agreed deadlines for the privatisation of its two major ports, Piraeus and Thessaloniki.

The commitment by Greece to proceed with its ambitious privatisation plan sees the country’s top ports among the first major state assets set to be sold.

The Hellenic Republic Assets Development Fund (HRADF) announced binding offers for the tenders involving the privatisation of Piraeus Port Authority (PPA) would have to be submitted by October, while the deadline for offers for the northern port's Thessaloniki Port Authority (OLTh) will be February 2016.

Greece launched its EUR50bn ($55bn) privatisation programme in 2010 after signing the first bailout with international creditors, but so far has missed timetables and revenues goals by wide margins. Originally the state's full 67% was to be sold, but this is likely to be reduced to 51% with an agreement stipulating “no material changes in the terms of the tenders”.

China's Cosco Group, which already controls Piraeus Container Terminal (PCT), is a main contender in the sale, but faces rival bids from Danish terminal operator APM Terminals, which announced in July it was interested in both ports.

Despite the country's financial woes, the performance of Cosco’s PCT terminal division in the first half of 2015 was stable, though overall the Chinese giant's revenue from its terminal business was down 5% to $245.05m from $258.8m in 2014, PCT saw revenue in Euro rising 4.7%. However, as the Euro depreciated against the US dollar, revenue in US dollar terms dropped 14.3% to $78.39m from a year earlier.

Cosco reports that while Piraeus' terminal II and III saw profit in Euro rise 22.6% from the optimisation of its terminal operations, its profit contribution in US dollar was a 0.4% increase to $15.129m, from the corresponding 2014's period of $15.07m, a result of the depreciation of the Euro against US dollar over the 12 months.

Friday, 28 August 2015 14:35

四:买卖/租贷  2015-08-27 (S/P & Chartering)         


Name                Size         Built     Buyer        Price (Mln$)
Front  Splendour    149754       1995      German          16.00
Nordic Helsinki     13034        2007      Vietnamese       9.80
Consort Justice     4999         1999      Unknown          3.20


BBG Diamond         81900        2015      Norwegian       22.50
Grain Pearl         81630        2013      Greek           17.00
Star Nicole         73751        1997      Far Eastern      3.70
Port Mouton         52224        2005      St.Michael Shpg  6.80
DC Commander        45515        1994      Greek            3.40
Great Morning       28718        2004      Vietnamese       7.00

Name               Dwt         Ldt      Built     Buyer   Price (per ldt usd)
C.Royal            151044      17992    1996      Indian    326

3. TIME CHARTERING-TANKER     2015.08.26

Type           Period         Rate US$(pdpr)                     
               One year       Two years      3 years     5 years
VLCC           44,500         42,500         40,500      38,750
Suezmax        34,000         33,500         31,500      28,500
Aframax        27,250         26,250         24,250      23,000
Handy          16,500         15,750         14,750      14,750


4. Type                 4-6 months          One year         Two years Rate US$(pdpr)
                     Atlantic  Pacific   Atlantic  Pacific   Atlantic   Pacific
Cape size (180k’)   13,500    13,500    14,250    14,250    15,250     15,000
Pnmx/Kmax (76-82k’) 10,250    8,500     10,000    8,850     10,500     9,500
Supramax (56k’)     11.750    8,250     10,000    8,850     10,150     9,750
Handy (32k’)        8,000     7,200     8,000     7,300     7,550      7,750

5. CHARTERING- VLCC (2015-08-27)

Another week for the VLCCs with slow activity at the start of it as charterers are firmly in control. Rates corrected down for all major routes, as the oversupply of tonnage is directing the sentiment. Rates may however have reached a level where it has found support and with the lowest bunker prices in Fujairah for a decade is certainly helping to maintain earnings for Meg/East above $20.000/day. Obviously far from the previous peaks, but owners appear to prefer the short voyages in order to be back if the market does turn around which many seem to think will happen later this autumn. We have seen some more activity later in the week, but volumes ex Meg and Wafr are still lagging like they did last month which has a dampening effect on it all. For Suezmax, we have seen an active last couple of days for fixtures in WA FR for laycan 2nd decade. However, with an ample tonnage list and little activity in other areas rates have soften to a new low basis TD 20 at just below W60. Even with a lower WS, bunkers in Rotterdam is down to USD 195 which gives equal net results for owners as last week. We also see more vessels ending up in the east looking to get back west. However with limited activity ex MEG/West this route also hit a new low at W26 with Basrah heavy still not giving a premium. Aframax trading in the Nsea and Baltic had expectations of higher rates for the 1st week of September. Expectations of higher production levels was dampened by the fact that the majority of the Baltic cargoes got declared short. Going forward we expect an upward pressure on rates as more vessels are bound to leave the area with longer discharge options being declared and as such less available tonnage for 2nd decade loading ex Baltic. In the Med/Blsea the situation remains the same as last week. Rates are still between ws80-85, depending on loadport, which seems to be the bottom for now. The list of available tonnage is long, but expected increased activity for second half of Sept, especially out of Blsea, will help this market slowly recover for next week.

CHARTERING- Dry bulk (2015-08-27)


There is no doubt that the Cape market has fallen off a cliff. Rates across the board have plummeted despite healthy fixing volumes. Bunker prices are significantly down and not helping the pictures at all. Commodities, without exception have taken a hit and miners have started to feel the pain. Predictions going forward are bleak and any Q4 rebound could just be a Dead Cat Bouncing.


Sentment is under pressure with a downward trend added by turbulence in financial markets wwide and a falling oil price . The tightness for tonnage on the North Continent is evaporating. It seems to be fine tuned and perhaps softening with rates hovering at ard USD 11 for for TA's. With the grain season coming in the US we see more USG stems for Feast and also the NoPac is increasing for mid/end September dates. USG fronthaul still paying ard 14 K from Cont/Med and 7.500-8.000 bss del FEast. Eastern hemisphere is softening mid week. ECSA rates are still ard USD 13.5k+350k GBB for index types. Period market:a 75k dwt is reported at USD 7,600 for 8/11 mos, but a shaky sentiment may put the brakes on period takers.


It is still a good push of fresh cargoes out of the USG, and especially grain cargoes. The TA market is climbing slowly much lead by strong USG/Cont-Med fixtures where Supras fixing at ard USD 19,000 for same. The Black Sea market is still firm with Supras fixing at ard USD 15/16k bss delivery passing Canakkale for trips Feast. ECSA grain market is also active at ard USD 14k+400k BB APS delivery . In the Pacific we see a stable and what seems to be a balanced market with rounds paying ard the same levels as last week. NoPac rounds typically being fixed in region of high 6's. Period market is active with both shorter period being fixed in the mid 8's and 1 year deals at ard same levels.

CHARTERING- Gas (2015-08-27)  

It is probably fair to say that nobody could foresee the massive, sudden losses of crude/LPG/shares'-values over the last week. Strong, global forces are in play and none seems to know whether a stabilization is near or whether the turbulence will carry on over the next weeks/months. As the VLGC spot rates had come into a downwards spiral for a month already, no wonder the aforementioned forces accelerated the fall whereby the spot rates are so far some 40% lower than the cruising level in the middle of July. With the lower crude, the heavy fuel gets much cheaper, too, and makes a most welcome cushion for the softer rates and earnings. Spot VLGC rates are still returning some USD 70,000 per day, but we do believe charterers will be holding back their spot inquiries in anticipation of a better deal tomorrow. We are also getting close to the month end and anyway market players will for sure wait for the September posted prices that should be due over the coming weekend. The fleet seems to be well balanced upto the middle of September, thereafter the number of genuine relets will decide whether the market is over-tonnaged or not. We dear not guess where rates are heading/ending - factors beyond our comprehension will decide.

2015-08-25  远东2010年造二手船平均价值:

种类                       油轮                            干散货轮                           集装箱轮         (teu)

船型        VLCC   Suezmax   Aframax   Cape   Pmax   Supramax    Handy    P/Pax    Pmax    Handy   

吨位()             31          16           11          18         7.5            5           3         6500     4000      1400  

价值(万美元)    -0.4%   -0.8%     -0.1%    -0.6%     -2.0%    -0.1%     -0.1%    -0.1%  -2.8%   +0.5% 


来源: Bunkerworld

                                IFO 380           __IFO 180            MDO           MGO    

新加坡                       232                     242                   422              432

鹿特丹                       220                     251                   -----              425

休士顿                       203                     253                   -----              455



备注:     tbn         = to be named                       ldt          = light d/weight ton

usd        = u.s.dollar                           mtpa        = million ton per annum               

cbm       =cubic meter                           tpa        =million metric ton per annu

上一篇:VFB #223 - 世界..    下一篇:VFB #221 - 德鲁..
