VFB #225 - 女主席和女船长 2015-11-30

2015-12-01 22:18  浏览次数 10





发布时间:1126 17时  来源:冯佳培


香港船东会于20151126日下午在中环香港会所举行了第59届会员大会,华光航业控股有限公司董事长赵式明小姐当选为新任主席。赵小姐当选后感谢前任主席顾建新先生及其家族为香港船东会和香港航运界做出的长期卓越贡献。在随后举行的酒会上,赵小姐表示在她两年的任期内将继续确保进一步加强香港船东会在国际航运舞台的声音,加强与香港特区政府有关部门的联系和沟通。她还强调将在任内将 继续保持和加强与内地航运界同行和政府部门的联系和合作。并将在任期内继续推广香港作为亚洲发展航运最佳城市的地位。赵小姐还向入会超过30年的会员公司 颁发感谢状,表彰他们对香港船东会的长期支持。

Meet the Cruise World's First American Female Captain: Celebrity's Kate McCue

世界豪华游轮第一位女船长, 来自加州海事大学的美国人 Kate McCue 船长.

The 37-year-old achieves an industry first aboard the ‘Celebrity Summit’. 

Earlier this week, Celebrity Cruises made a major announcement: For the first time in the cruise industry, an American female would be captaining a mega-ship. Before she takes on the mantle this summer, we chatted with Kate McCue about her first cruise, making history, and the surprising thing she misses when she’s out at sea.


Maersk Line idling one of its largest vessels马土基闲置一艘最大的集装箱船.


The world’s No. 1 container shipping firm has confirmed market talk that it has temporarily idled one of its largest vessels – yet another sign that the industry is in dire straits.

Maersk Line’s “Morten Maersk” Triple E mega-ship – among the largest globally with a capacity of 18,000 standard containers – plys the Asia to North Europe route, calling at Singapore along the way.

The ship has been idle in the East China Sea off Shanghai since mid- October, owing to the Chinese Golden Week holiday, said the Copenhagen-based company. But it is expected to resume service in Busan, South Korea, next month.

Chief operating officer Soren Toft told a briefing yesterday that Maersk Line expects its deployed capacity to remain “more or less flat” through next year, amid tepid market conditions.

He noted the company’s average freight rates have fallen 1.9 per cent each year since 2004, and said this “slow erosion” in rates will likely continue due to the severe imbalance in global supply and demand. “We’re taking the starting point that there will still be tough competition,” he said. Mr. Toft acknowledged the industry is “in need of consolidation –to the extent that

if it makes sense for us to participate, we will do so”. Source: Straits Times



近日,大连远洋运输公司远大湖轮在沙特延布港油码头以零缺陷顺利通过PSC检查。此次 远大湖轮以零缺陷顺利通过PSC检查,赢得了国外港口官员对大远公司船员优良的职业素养和精神风貌的肯定,也再一次向外界充分展示了大远公司良好的船舶设备保养水平和先进的安全管理理念.


远航运 祥云口助力孟加拉国大桥建设


5艘工程船将参与孟加拉帕德玛大桥的建设。帕德玛大桥为中铁大桥局承建,总投资近百亿元人民币,是迄今中国企业承建的最大海外桥梁工程。随着大桥建设不 断推进,中铁大桥局征召

五艘工程船:臂杆式起重船大桥海虹、臂杆式起重船桥船2、旋转式起重船华起29”大桥9的组合体、以及起 锚艇富发168”,走出国门,远赴孟加拉国支援大桥建设。


其中,4.9万吨级造于大岛的 Pacific Primate轮及 Pacific Scorpio轮(均造于1997年)已被售予一家中资公司,价格仅为每艘320万美元,较之废钢船拆价也就高出80万美元。在线平台 VesselsValue.com对它们的估价为每艘410万美元。
时,招商轮船曾向上交所披露,打算出售8艘老龄船舶,其中包括6艘散货船以及2艘油轮。其中的散货船均是上述 Pacific Primate轮和 Pacific Scorpio轮的兄弟船。
首艘被卖掉的是 Pacific Acadian轮(造于1995年),于6月份成交,获价440万美元。如今这当中大部分的散货船都已成功脱手。
但目前为止,210.6万吨级的油轮New Alliance轮和 New Amity轮(均造于1998年)则还没有动静。它们现在行情下的售价可达每艘1100万美元。


世界上最大船舶主机问世达 103,000 马力





1126日,记者在交通运输部新闻发布会上了解到,今年1112日,我国正式向国际劳工组织递交了 《2006年海事劳工公约》(简称《公约》)批准文书,完成了我国政府批约环节的登记注册,

我国是航运大国、海员大国、港口大国,目前,我国海运商船队已达到1.45亿载重吨,外贸海运量达到26亿吨,已有62万人具有海员资格,约占世界海员总数三分之一。受海上航运活动自身的国际性和特殊风险性的影响,海上劳动具有有别于路上劳动的特殊性,有效保障海员的各项人身权益需要制定专门适用于海员的 海事劳工公约。
《公约》被称为海员的权法案,是国际劳工组织于2006223日在日内瓦通过的。 《公约》对海员上船工作的最低年龄、就业条件、起居舱室、娱乐设施、食品和膳食、健康保护、医疗、福利和社会保障保护等方面做出了详细的规定,明确了成员国的责任义务。鹏飞表示,批准《公约》彰显了我国以人为本的执政理念,宣示我国切实维护海员劳动者权益、致力于构建航运业公平竞争环境的意愿和决心。同时,有利于维护 我国经济发展利益,展示了我国航运企业遵守国际标准的积极姿态,将有效提高业务效率,打造国际品牌,增加服务附加值,提升企业的国际竞争力。特别是有利于规范航运业的用工方式,加强对海员的保护,稳定就业,提升海员就业的吸引力。






昨天上线的长江汇”APP,是一个专门为船民度身定做的集成服务应用,它把水上购物、水上金融、水上物流、水上信息全部整合在一起。可是,船民整天在长 江上行踪不定,这个APP是怎么解决船民网购难题的呢?记者也安装了一个,打开看了一下,原来,船民可以按照行程,在网上预订蔬菜、水果、肉类等各种食 品,然后选择一个收货地点和收货时间,等船停靠补给点的时候取货。
南京长江船服电子商务科技有限公司常务副总裁黄跃全在谈到最新发布的长江汇”APP时,无不兴奋地说:这个产品体现了三个创新,一是创新船民体验,首次建立水上船民生活体验馆,让船民亲身感受长江汇’APP给他们带来的全新生活;二是创新了水上物流体系,长江有了水上快递,彻底打破陆地点对点物流配 送的格局;三是创新了水上金融服务,首次在长江上设立了水上金融服务中心,让金融服务实现T+0,方便船民。


二:造船(Ship building)



1117日,厦船重工为挪威礼诺公司批量建造世界最大汽滚船8500 PCTC中的第2赫格.启动号,于17 日下午1835,在厦船企业商务中心交船签字并交付使用。厦船重工新任董事长、党委书记李振均与挪威礼诺公司代表摩根分别在交船协议书上签字, 挪威礼诺 公司代表、挪威DNV-GL船级社代表,企业总经理林勤、副总经理章韬等领导和相关人员出席了仪式并见证了全程。
据悉,赫格.启动号总长199.9米,垂线间长193.11米,型宽36.5米,设计吃水9.35米, 共有14层装车甲板,最大装车量达到 8500辆标准小汽车,停车甲板总面积为7.14万平方米,配备有边门、艉门、5层活动甲板和13个活动坡道。和以往同类型的船舶相比,该船拓宽了甲板空间,大大提升了载货能力和装卸重大件货物的灵活性。它能满足多种高度车型的装载需要,不仅可以装载大卡车、小轿车,还可以容纳翻斗拖车、公路拖车等重型工程车辆。汽车通过活动坡道,可以行驶到各层甲板。此外, 此船装备一系列环保装置,减少对环境造成污染,且主机燃油消耗较低,可有效降低船运成本。该船也是目前世界上最大的汽车滚装船,代表着大型汽车滚装船设计与建造的最高水平。









他并表示,有兴趣投资熔盛重工,如果和熔盛重工的合作能够成功,对于扬子江船业来说,建造 Valemax型超大型矿砂船显然就是轻而 易举的事情。20日曾报道过,扬子江船业可能会接盘熔盛,目前来看,可能性极大。据内部人士透露,扬子江若接获40万吨VLOC订单,将会放到熔盛的船坞建造。本月,扬子江船业发布了今年第三季度业绩简报,季报显示,其新接12艘新船订单,合同总额7.2亿美元。接获的新船中,不仅包含集装箱船,还包含2 84000立方米VLGC








1114日在土耳其安塔利亚,中远集团董事长马泽华、招商局集团董事长李建红和中投公司 副总经理张勍一同代表中方 联合体与土耳其 Fiba 集团签署了《伊斯坦布尔Kumport港口项目交割协议》,该协议的签署充分体现了中远集团等中资企业共同落实国家一带一路 议的合作精神。正值二十国集团峰会在土耳其的海滨城市安塔利亚召开之际,国家主席习近平与土耳其总统埃尔多安见证了签字仪式。


四:买卖/租贷  2015-11-25 (S/P & Chartering)         

Name             Size     Built   Buyer      Price (Mln$)
Pacific London   113334   1999    Bakri Nav.       15.50
Aegean Legend    105278   2000    Indonesian       18.50
Daebo Trader      73870   2002    Unknown          10.30
Pacific Primate   49061   1997    Chinese           3.80
Akita             45279   1999    Unknown          10.60
EGS Wave          35921   2011    German           10.30
Teamworth 1       22733   2011    Unknown           6.60
Name               Dwt       Ldt     Built   Buyer      Price (per ldt usd)
Anangel Ambition   161526    19215   1994    Bangladesh     307
Giovanni           72394     10228   1996    India          330
Xing Heng Da       68782     10248   1989    Bangladesh     305
Marinos            25596     6734    1993    Bangladesh     334
Chang Feng 1       25424     5820    1983    Bangladesh     307
3. TIME CHARTERING-TANKER     2015.11.25
Type         Period        Rate US$(pdpr) ______________________
             One year      Two years       3 years     5 years                              
VLCC         43,000        40,000          38,000      36,000
Suezmax      34,000        32,750          30,000      28,500
Aframax      28,750        27,750          26,500      25,500
Handy        16,750        16,000          15,250      14,750
Type                4-6 months         One year         Two years Rate US$(pdpr)­         
                    Atlantic Pacific   Atlantic Pacific   Atlantic Pacific     
Cape size (180k’)  8,250    8,250     8,500    8,500     10,000   10,000
Pnmx/Kmax (76-82k’)7,000    5,800     7,100    6,200     8,100    7,600
Supramax (56k’)    6,500    5,750     7,000    6,100     8,000    7,500
Handy (32k’)       5,500    5,000     5,900    5,400     6,400    6,600

CHARTERING- VLCC (2015-11-25)


After the 'Dubai-Events' activity sharply increased for the VLCCs. The Dec Meg program is well under way with abt 50 fixtures. The latest spur of activity has however not affected rates in any way which have stayed virtually flat as the selection of tonnage has been longer than for some time. Earnings are still healthy Meg/East of abt $65k/day and owners are carefully trying secure the 'right' business to avoid waiting days. Continued delays both in Bot and also in Chinese ports are still prevailing which could alter the supply of tonnage over the next weeks. The Atlantic remains active with continued activity both in Nsea and WAfr and rates for the major routes remain steady here as well. .wners expectations for a firmer market in the near term is not over and further battles up ahead. The past week has shown more activity for Smax, especially in WAfr. We are yet to see rates at an expected level, but there are definitely a firm undertone with TD20 currently at W85. This firm trend is not only due to higher volumes ex WAafr, but also due to steady activity in other typical load areas. Med/Bsea rates still holding up not only due to increased activity, but also due to delays in weather ports and Turkish straits. We also see firm rates for voyages west/east due to limited number of owners willing to leave the western market getting into what is expected to be the best period of the year. Fixture wise Nsea and Baltic proved to be rather quiet last 7 days. The anticipated replacement rush expected over the weekend due to bad weather did not materialize. With a lot of VLCCs fixed ex Hound Point for the 1st half Dec, the Nsea market has suffered on the back of this. The result has been a downward correction in rates for both markets. In the Med/Bsea cargo activity is still satisfactory from an .wners perspective. However, as dates have been fixed far forward, charterers have managed to prevent rates from increasing. Bad weather in Turkish straits/Bsea have created some delays, and it will be interesting to see if ships fixed far forward will make their laycans in Dec.

CHARTERING- Dry bulk (2015-11-25)


The bloodbath continues, despite healthy activity on the Brazil/China iron ore marker trade last few days. Average daily earning for standard 180000-tonners dipped as far as USD 5k before stabilizing at a sad USD 7k, still hardly covering opex and describing a Q4 development extremely far from (other) analysts predictions. This segment remains overtonnaged as mineral trades into China fail to meet expectations, and dramatically increased scrapping more and more appears the only way to get back to equilibrium. Medium-term FFA's are backward dated, forcing some owners under pressure with few options except concluding period at unprecedented lows - last exemplified by 175000dwt/blt 2010 done for 11-15 months at USD 7k.


A fair flow of fresh requirements early week managed to bring a tiny scent of optimism in the market. Also owners resistance to contribute to fix all time low levels have resulted in some small improvements. "For how long" is a common expression among the players. T/A rounds up to above 3.000/day. Fronthaul close to 9.000 although USG/PRC grains only paying arnd 26. ECSA activity limited and challenging for .wners, where fixtures are done from mid 5 to mid 6 + 190 APS. N.PAC rounds and Aussie->India done well above 4.000 on Kamsarmax. Shorter runs in the eastern hemisphere still in the low 3 + a small BB bss APS. Period market has not improved either on levels or volume. Short/medium period still under 6.000/Day.


The Supra market continues in the doldrums. There is no short period market, and the levels available for longer period are unattractive to owners. Even though the number of vessel apparently open prompt in SE Asia has halved in the last week, there is no sign of improved rates. This has been attributed to owners "hiding" vessels and thus the picture is not entirely correct. In the Atlantic the numbers continue to be depressed, and not immediate sign of any recovery. We can only hope that grains from South America will add sorely needed ton-miles to the market. The question is if this will be at the expense of other supply areas due to slow demand for soya beans.

CHARTERING- Gas (2015-11-25)  

The Baltic VLGC index has continued its modest pace upwards and has reached the same level it was at on its way down three weeks ago. More longhaul spot cargoes from the West to the East and the usual occupancy of vessels employed between MEG and India on top of the fairly busy spot market MEG/Far East have started to impact the fleet balance. We have also seen a couple of cargoes out of the Enterprise expansion production from January being fixed already, both VLGC and LGC. The latest spot fixtures return roughly USD 58,000 per day on a modern VLGC, up from low 50Ks about a week ago. Is the stronger freight momentum sustainable into the New Year? The spreads (F.B/CFR) quoted this week of first quarter 2016 look rather favourable and should allow for a continued rise of spot rates in the short term. However, we know that these spreads change rapidly with crude, naphta, weather and other factors, hence we do not bet on a rising market for long. .ut of the 2015 VLGC orderbook, 32 vessels are now delivered with only 5 pending for delivery before the year end - a couple of them are already being pinned against December loadings in the MEG.


来源: Bunkerworld

                                IFO 380           __IFO 180            MDO           MGO    

新加坡                       215                     228                   410              423

鹿特丹                       193                     233                   -----              383

休士顿                       197                     237                   -----              440


备注:     tbn         = to be named                       ldt          = light d/weight ton

usd        = u.s.dollar                           mtpa        = million ton per annum               

cbm       =cubic meter                           tpa        =million metric ton per annu

上一篇:VFB #226 - 达飞..    下一篇:VFB #224 - 21,00..
