VFB #239 - 中国船级60周年 2016.08.15

2016-08-26 20:18  浏览次数 16






1日,中国船级社(CCS2016年特别理事会暨中国船级社成立60周年座谈会在北京举行。交通运输部副部长何建中出席并讲话。随着世界上最大矿砂船中远海运散货运输有限公司40万吨级远真海轮近日入级CCSCCS 检验船队超越一亿总吨,标志着 CCS 发展实现了由大到强的质的飞跃,开启了 向更高、更远目标进军的新航程。



理事长兼总裁孙立成在主旨演讲中回顾了60年的发展历程,梳理了发展成就,总结了发展经验,展望了十三五的发展愿景和主要目标任务。会上,CCS还与中国远洋海运集团、招商局集团、中国船舶工业集团、中国船舶重工集团、大连海事大学、 中国经贸船务有限公司分别签署了战略合作协议。





据悉,为适应港口运输需求不断增长和船舶大型化的发展趋势,多年来广州港出海航道也经历了几次大规模的整治建设,经过一期、二期工程,二期拓宽工程和航道 三期工程的建设,航道三期工程建成后,航道可满足10万吨级集装箱船不乘潮单向通航、5万吨级集装箱船不乘潮双向通航、兼顾12万吨级散货船乘潮单向通航的要求。











船船队规模的强劲增长与市场需求疲弱形成的反差也是LNG运价低迷的主要原因。受这一因素影响,今年前6个月新造船市场上仅有4LNG船订单。与之相比,过去5年里LNG船年均订单量达到44艘。德路里预期,新船订单持续减弱将从2019年开始减缓 LNG船船队增长规模,而在同一时间,目前正在建设的LNG工厂将开始投产。因此,LNG航运业长期前景仍然保持强劲而LNG船订单量也不能只着眼于目前的市场基本面。


此外,Shresth Sharma表示,在巴拿马运河拓宽之后,到2020年期间新LNG工厂的投产也将使得船东再订造65艘船舶,从而满足航运需求。





洋山港全自动化码头项目作为全球最大的单一自动化码头项目,建成后拥有26台岸桥、120台轨道吊和130台自动化导引小车,码头共有7个泊位,计划每年 可装卸630




近日,振华重工成功中标马来西亚丹戎帕拉帕斯港(Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas

PTP8Triple E级超大型岸桥项目。

丹戎帕拉帕斯位于马来西亚半岛南端,是世界航运的咽喉,PTP 码头位于马六甲海峡附近,地处于马来西亚自由贸易区,是马来西亚最大的集装箱港口。据悉在不久的将来,该港口将规划建设成为东南亚地区规模最大、集装箱运量最高的集装箱运输和中转枢纽港口。






83日晚上2355分,新加坡海事及港口管理局(MPA)收到通知,一艘名为 Dream II 的大型原油运输船(VLCC)与一艘名为 MSC Alexandra的集装箱船在新加坡海峡的Sebarok岛的东南约3公里发生碰撞,两船皆为巴拿马船籍。


Dream II
的船艏位置遭受到了一定程度的损坏,MSC Alexandra 的左舷船艉


据报道,在该起事故中,MSC Alexandra 船上有10个空箱掉落,其中4个掉在了船艏,其余的都落入水中。


CHARTERING- Tanker (2016-08-10)


A slightly more active week for the VLCC’s as we are about to finish the August loading program in the Meg. Rates in the early part of the week took a serious dive both in the Meg and also in Wafr, with earnings falling to close to running cost levels. Owners started to build resistance and have managed on sheer stubbornness to turn things around , though only marginally. Rates therefore off the bottoms but further upside in rates is likely to be hard work. Simply inadequate demand and too many ships for all the major VLCC routes. Suezmaxes in West Africa did not see any change from last week with rates continuing to suffer at a year low. The list of available ships is still too big for any change to take place at time of writing, charterers have been picking ships quietly off market for the few cargoes working. If the current situation keeps up for long, it will be a question of time before we see owners start to slow steam to try change the market balance. At time of writing with both Nigeria and Libya not even close to producing at normal we don’t see any rapid change to the prevailing market. In the Med / Bsea same scenario is evident, a surplus of ships in position for the few cargoes that is materializing which is keeping rates “hostage” at a suffering low. Aframax rates in the North Sea and Baltic softened even further compared to last week levels. Despite increased activity for both Nsea and Baltic rates are still at bottom levels. Until the abundance of available tonnage are mopped away, we don’t expect any immediate recovery in rates, and that could take a while. Med and Bsea market keeps breaking records, not in the good way, but rather quite the opposite. WS70 was the market number last week. This week mid WS60’s has been fixed several times. For longer cross med voyages numbers go below WS60. Owners are frantically trying to hide their positions, but were brutally caught out when fifteen owners offered in on a Sidi Kerir/Portugal cargo.

CHARTERING- Dry bulk (2016-08-10)


The Pacific side is looking more positive, driven by Australian iron ore. The increased activity by the Australian miners has improved rates by 30 cents so far this week and owners are convinced the trend will continue. In the Atlantic however the situation remains as per last week with a surplus of spot ships and hardly any spot cargoes. The five tc average is presently USD 5500.


The sluggish tendency from last week has been temporized by early week holidays in the East and muted activity. Fresh Atlantic requirements and increased USG fronthaul activity lifted the sentiment from mid week though. T/A rounds now paying above 5.000 on T/C, although voyage rates not showing same improved results yet. Fronthaul from Cont alt USG stand well above 10.000 bs Cont/Med delivery, and Owners are reluctant to move. ECSA fronthaul still alive and done above 7500 + 250 mid week. In the Eastern hemisphere rates have been more shaky, but rates seem to hold in a 5.000 market on average and moving north. Period activity a bit scarce with levels in the mid/upper 5’s for Panamax for short up to abt 1 year.


Rates continue to be under pressure with index ending up with 639 points and average TC value at USD6,680. Supply of vessels within Continent/Baltic has increased and although the preference is to stay in the Atlantic, there are more owners willing to rate to the Far East. Fertilizer business among 30,000dwt have seen rates around USD19 from Baltic to Brazil.. Rates out of ECSA are definitely softening while the USG is uncertain. In addition, slow start for the week in Asia with national holidays in Singapore and Japan. Rates in South East Asia are generally moving sideways, or softening. Most trades are concluded on a leg basis with owners absorbing the ballast. The period market is quiet for now.

CHARTERING (2016-08-10)


Following up on last week’s text the VLGC market freights are still under pressure although this week we have seen some more spot activity EOS but unfortunately not enough to turn the downward freight spiral. A couple of VLGC’s are now confirmed around the USD 20 pmt mark (or even just below) basis RT / Chiba for 2nd Half Aug laycan(s). We hope we will soon see some bright lights in the end of the tunnel but as of now it’s difficult to assess when potentially we will see a turning point. The arbitrage shows no signs of improvement and the cargo cancellations ex US Gulf continues. Sofar in August we count 9 VL cargo cancellations and Traders are willing to continue to cancel these cargoes unless they get freight that makes economics better than cancelling.


来源: Bunkerworld

                                IFO 380           __IFO 180            MDO           MGO    

新加坡                       235                     250                   400              410

鹿特丹                       233                     260                   -----              405

休士顿                       217                     310                   -----              433


备注:     tbn         = to be named                       ldt          = light d/weight ton

usd        = u.s.dollar                           mtpa        = million ton per annum               

cbm       =cubic meter                           tpa        =million metric ton per annu

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