VFB #240 - 南海灯塔投用 2016.08.31

2016-09-01 22:32  浏览次数 13






灯塔是建于航道关键部位附近的一种塔状发光航标,是一种固定的航标,其基本作用是引导船舶航行或指示危险区。作为海上安全航行重要的导航公益服务设施,灯塔被誉为船舶夜间行驶的指路明灯,更是船员应对海上灾难险情的保护神。目前, 我国已经在沿海海域设立了2000余座灯塔、灯桩,为海上航行提供良 好的导航和助航服务。








除了灯塔,中国还在西沙海域建成晋卿岛、羚羊礁、南沙洲、北礁东等4座灯桩,在永兴岛、东岛、琛航岛、中建岛设置了4座船舶自动识别系统基站,在永兴岛已经建成并计划在永暑等岛礁继续建设海洋气象广播电台,实现对相关重点海域海上安全信号的全覆盖。截至目前,我国在上述海域已经建设31座民用航标设施。岛礁灯塔、灯桩的建成,以及船舶自动识别系统、海上安全信息播发系统信号的覆盖,使得我国南海海域民用航海保障基础设施网络初步形成,对往来船舶安全的保障 能力大大加强。





中东海湾由于过剩的船舶,长航线和短航线从上周开始疲弱。‘Caesar’建于2009年,被租出,用于运输货量270,000吨的货物,从AG到中国,运价在国标36,租家是Chemchina,同时,目前对于新建船舶和老龄船舶的运价在略高于国标30的水平。西非的运价情况相似,下滑了几个点至大约国 40,昨天Unipec以这个运价租进了’Dalian’运输一票货量260,000吨的货物。

由于一些早期船舶被租出和市场上出现了新的货物,从西非到欧洲航线的市场运价上升了超过12个点。目前有经纪人评估这个航线的运价在大约国标45-46的水平。这也促进了黑海/地中海航线上的运价,维多以运价国标50租进了Centrofin的船,用于运输一票货量140,000吨的货物,据说Exxon 特定了一艘船,运输一票货量130,000吨的货物,横跨地中海,运价为国标55

北大西洋市场一直不景气,据说有些船被租出,从波罗的海到欧洲,运价大约在国标47.5,从北海到欧洲,运价大约国标77.5。地中海地区的市场氛围也是似的,运价仍旧大约在国标65的水平,据说昨天有些船被租出。同时,加勒比市场继续走高,尤其在一些早期船舶都被租出后,运价目前在国标90左右, 经纪人预计运价还有进一步上升空间,运力供应还是紧张。


租进了‘Phoenix Light’,运输一票货量75,000吨,从中东海湾到日本的货物,运价在国标102.5。一艘LR1s型船舶被租出,用于出中东海湾后去往英国-欧洲 地区,运费稳定在大约155万美元的水平,BP租进了‘Spruce2’,基于Sikka装货,运费150万美元,有一个美国西海岸装运的选项,运费为180万美元。MRs型船舶从欧洲到美国大西洋沿岸航线上,市场有所上 涨,运价目前在约国标95,有消息称Trafigura租进了‘Atlantic Hope’,一票在Porvoo装运,货量37,000吨的货物,运价为国标100。在地中海,Vitol租进了两艘船,正等待最终确认,运价在国标 110,货量为30,000吨,一票在Cartagena装货,另一票在Sarroch装货,两票货都在地中海卸货。从美湾到欧洲的运价水平已经上涨,目前的市场水平是约国标55,据称有一艘船舶被租出正等待最终确认。





首批美国液化天然气(LNG)已通过Maran Gas Apollonia号船运抵中国,这标志着新贸易航道的开通,以及LNG运输的进一步扩张。

这艘2014年建造的、161800cum的天然气运输船,所属Greek-Qatari outfit Maran Nakilat公司,位于中国汕尾,是该航程进口中国的目的港。

这艘船于720日从位于美国海湾的Sabine Pass液化天然气出口码头启程,725日途径新巴拿马运河。扩建后的巴拿马运河允许大型LNG船通过,减少了美国到亚洲,以及至南美西海岸的时间。



美国天然气出口领头羊Cheniere拥有Sabine Pass出口工厂,这是美国现有的唯一一家出口LNG的工厂。
前任CEO Neal Shear表示:我认为中国对于LNG的需求比我们想像的要大,因为中国的污染问题使得他们需要更多LNG来实现他们的目标。在其十三五规划中,中国政府表示将促进电力和天然气代替煤炭使用。

北极证券航运分析师Erik Stavseth则表示:由于廉价且产量丰富,美国天然气是一个极具吸引力的来源,预计未来亚洲地区中国和印度需求将会增大,日韩两国则会回落。






德国《商报》网站825日报道,有一种流行的观点认为,亚洲人摧毁德国的造船业,几十年来,除了几个例外,德国造船厂都没有竞争力。最新的世界市场份额 只有1%。两德统一后国家仅仅为了挽救德国东部的造船厂就投资了10亿多欧元。但亚洲人毁掉德国造船业的论点并不总是正确。全球化一直带来惊喜:在香港注册的马来西亚豪华邮轮线路运营商云顶公司

今年春天收购了位于德国境内的维斯马、瓦尔讷明德、施特拉尔松德和不来梅港的造船厂。 马来西亚人为此支付了足足 2.6亿欧元。


中国的邮轮市场蓬勃发展。今年上半年,云顶公司在这个领域的收入增长了44%。为了保持自己的竞争地位,云顶公司需要尽快给它的品牌丽星邮轮增添船只。但亚洲造船厂或者订单已满,或者不够专业。在这种紧急情况下,马来西亚人想到了不敢相信自己运气的北德人。但马来西亚投资者决定,船只的设计、维修和改造在 不来梅港进行,新船一律在德国东部建造。


CHARTERING- Tanker (2016-08-31)


This week very similar to the previous week except the fact that rates have corrected down further for the major Vlcc routes. Meg/East activity still at a modest tempo with fierce completion among owners with ‘issues’ and those with all ‘bells-and-whistles’. The result is that those who can use the former type will, with a rebate, and with few alternatives rates Meg/East have dipped below w30. It does have a domino effect on the other routes as well with sub w25 done Meg/West. Very slow in the Atlantic as well expect Caribbean/East with a least some activity, but rates very soft. I.e. well over tonnaged all over and volumes simply insufficient for now. After last week’s surge the suezmax market established a new ground level and is now fixing away relatively stable across the board. Meg seeing more cargoes out of Kharg Island for western destinations which have helped rates improve to high 30s for Meg/Ukcm. West-Africa have seen a good amount of activity lately, combined with requirements in both the Med and Caribs which helps clearing the prompt side of the tonnage list. The trend in the North Sea and Baltic on aframaxes these last couple of months, with rates hovering at bottom levels finally changed direction to the better. Activity level increased and there are still quite a few Baltic and North Sea cargoes to be covered up to the middle of the month. Also, quite a few ships has left the area as fixed on long voyages, so watch this space. In the Med and Bsea we still see a decent amount of cargoes being worked. The only problem for the owners is the endless list of available ships, putting a constant downward pressure on rates. WS65 has been done from Bsea, but even with a busy black sea program, we expect rates to remain stable for the week to come.

CHARTERING- Dry bulk (2016-08-31)


Last week ended on a firm note with freight rates for west Australia/China hitting the high USD 4 pmt level and Brazil/China route climbing up to the high USD 9 pmt. This week have been very slow so far with very low activity and rates for both West Aussie to China and Brazil to China taking a down turn to the mid usd 4 pmt and mid USD 9 pmt. However as we are mid week it does seem the market has stabilized at the present levels. we are now way into Q3 the expectations are increasing further. Seasonally we should be entering the most active period, and freight rates should be increasing simultaneously.


It was a very quiet start to the week with bank holiday in London. Several owners were reluctant to move as they wanted to wait and see when traders were back. Mid week we see a flat market with some fresh Baltic cgos and expectations of a firming market for September stems out of USG. Some grain traders are already entering the market with forward cargoes and there are reports of good crops in the US. TA’s are being fixed in region of USD 5k while Fhauls are being fixed in excess of USD 10k. In the Far East we see the same flat tendency as in the Atlantic. Levels are abt the same with 5k being fixed for rounds. The period market is slow although some takers out there for the shorter periods.


This week started slower with London on bank holiday Monday. The south east Asian market seems to have been taking a breather with charterers holding off from a very heated market. Smax getting levels of mid/higher 7k del Spore for trips to China and ard 9k for direction India. ECSA front hauls have been very quiet but still seems alive with latest rumors of a nice Umax getting 11k+150k ppt del for a trip to PG. In the Atlantic we see more activity and also here big expectations for USG grains coming up now in September. USG/Cont are fixing Umax at ard Usd 14k and levels are quite healthy. The period market is also active with Smax being fixed in the 7’s for short period and the bigger Ultras fixing 8k for same.

CHARTERING (2016-08-31)


We do not have much to write about from last week’s lacklustre VLGC market. There were of course freight discussions, open market freight inquiries as well as FOB cargoes/swaps talked about both in the East and in the West. Spot rates were attempted pushed further down everywhere, one fixture was concluded in the high USD 10’s basis MEG/Far East and with a rising bunker price lately, the daily net came to USD 7500. For some owners this is below their OPEX cost, for others it just about covers OPEX, but it is surely not a sustainable level for anyone. The September posted prices from MEG suppliers came out today very much in line with expectations as well as dispositions made already, hence market players now focus on CFR values rather than FOB prices ahead. We struggle to see any upside in the short term freight market, the spot charteres are more busy in the paper market than in physical trading lately. Inventory levels in the Far East seem ample for the time of the year and there is no ullage for stockbuilding in preparation for winter yet. A US East coast Ethane export facility has been delayed from end of 2016 to middle of 2017, the dedicated 35000 cbm ETH/LPG is already in service so rather than carrying Ethane from USEC to NWE she will have to find employment in the LPG market for a few months.


来源: Bunkerworld

                                IFO 380           __IFO 180            MDO           MGO    

新加坡                       257                     268                   413              423

鹿特丹                       240                     270                   -----              415

休士顿                       230                     332                   -----              475


备注:     tbn         = to be named                       ldt          = light d/weight ton

usd        = u.s.dollar                           mtpa        = million ton per annum               

cbm       =cubic meter                           tpa        =million metric ton per annu

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