SRT #18 - 虎年看航运 2010.02.28

2010-03-01 15:51  浏览次数 58




虎年來临万象更新, 海啸已过,航运复苏, 市场上很多现象都明确的证实航业已见曙光.


放眼天下, 回望航运和造船界, 我们可以看到祖国近年来在这范围之辉煌成就, 作为华夏子孙我们都觉得非常的自豪, 但大家要明白这是无数同胞辛苦奋斗和牺牲换來的. 身为本科毕业生或专业人员我们非但不可以觉得骄傲还要继续努力做好自己的工作, 大家同心合力把我国的航运业推上更高的层次.

我国成为海上强国的框架经已成形, 但人才供应仍然严重的紧张和缺乏. 在国际航运界竞争白热化的今天,知识和经验就是金钱, 我们需要的是大批资深之专业人才.去年上海国际航运中心的成立对短缺的专业人才市场來说更是雪上加霜.

多年來国内航运业和其上下游业者并不注重职员培训仅靠市场的供应, 因此船上经常找不到合格高员, 公司中高层请不到资深人才, 只好从别的公司挖角或依赖聘自国外之人员.


212日一篇叫 “The state of play as China takes a break” 的文章中介诏了几位专家对我国航运的现状和看法:

China now considers themselves to be “very definitely in the Big League”. Shanghai has been establishing itself as one of the world’s leading maritime hubs over the past year- with a special focus on building up a financial, legal and support-services framework to rival London, Singapore and Hong Kong.

For the time being China is heavily relies on service-centres such as Hong Kong and Singapore to accommodate the huge demand from its expanded shipping services.

Shipping- services infrastructure on the mainland China still lags some way behind Asia’s established centres.

Sophistication in terms of support services is one thing but sophistication-or lack of it- is also a word used frequently in terms of China’s shipping industry.

It is expected that young graduates entering the market over the coming years will look at joining the shipping-finance and broking arenas, rather than joining ship-owning companies. But this is where the sophistication of young and trained professionals will be needed most. It is likely to take a little more time before the large and talented graduates to fill the gap.

China is now at a crossroads in terms of where it fits into the global framework of the maritime industry. (Photo #1).


219日在一篇 “Shanghai set to Go on show” 之中指出:

Shanghai’s entry onto the grand stage is being carried out as its maritime sector explores more sophisticated ways of opening itself up to foreign influence.

Why is this happening? Because there are certain sectors of the industry that are in need of modernization. Chinese shipping is running at full speed but it will need foreign influence to sustain itself.

So how is China addressing this two problem, particularly with regards to the three crucial areas that will allow the Chinese fleet to stand on its own in the future: law, insurance and finance?

Since the early 1990s, a new generation of maritime judges, arbitrators and lawyers has grown up in Shanghai. From that time, the international reputation of Shanghai was re-established and the government encouraged overseas specialist maritime law firms to set up there. This is ultimately to the benefit of domestic owners in Shanghai who can find the best of Chinese legal services and the same range of legal services they could expect to receive in London.

China’s third-largest general insurer is not the only company providing cover to shipping players in the country but it is the first to have set up a specialist maritime arm.

Chinese banks are traditionally secretive but details of some major transactions have emerged over the past few months. The ICBC and CSC Shenzhen have ordered new vessels from domestic yards, and the Export-Import bank entered few notable deals with Western owners.

Bob Grool, managing director of Hong Kong based Wallem Group stated that Chinese seafarers are becoming an increasingly important part of the domestic maritime industry.

The country has an excellent supply of qualify seafarers who are willing to learn and make a career of seafaring, so the marine sector is also a contributor to employment”.

According to a banking insider : “Once the global economy is back on a normal footing

And the government-promoted stimulus package have finished, Chinese banks will have the networks in place to really capitalize on the shipping-finance market.”  (photo #2 &3)

对人才之发展笔者认为当务之急应该针对大学毕业生就业问题和在职专业人才的培训. 通过政府我们可以要求航运界各行业实行見习生制度,每年每个公司必需接收2名或以上的本科毕业生进行一年的培汌, 期滿后成绩优良者可留任成为正式职员.

笔者10年來经过讲课方式与网站跟国內几家海事大学的同学有过很多的接触, 看到国内海事大学和专科学校每年培养出数千名优秀的本科生, 但他们对毕业后找工作都觉得非常的迷惘和困难. 在学校扩大招生之后对学生们就业方面也必需做出疏导工作, 才能发展和培养出航运界急需之人才.

至于船上高員之培训要由公司帶领不停的举办培训班,每次高员升级之前,必需参加培训. 船长上调前往 VLCC, Capesize LNG等大型船舶吋,必需先做 3-6个月見习船长.

笔者认为要培养一位可以在世界市场上代表公司的资深人才, 如船长,轮机长, 或公司高层起码要 10, 正如古人所说之10年磨一剑

航运百年如招商局, 它的成功因素靠职员, 公司和职员的关系是一种特别的学问, 在外国公司不叫人事部而称人力资源部” (Human Resource). 如公司对职员保持良好关系, 令职员能尽心、尽力为公司服务而不見异思迁这才是企业的成功. 佣有巨大船队的集团必需了解保持一批称职之高员随时应付船上高员的更替令船队不会因高员的短缺而担搁船期才是最重要.

于此同时同学们也要明白工作的稳定往是基于劳资两方之信任, 我们不能看到有比现职更好的工作时便即在合同满期之前跳槽.

我国航运的黄金时代已经到来, 現在的问题是如何去应对来自方的挑战?

航运兴衰匹夫有责. 笔者话短意长, 衷心希望我辈中华儿女同心协力各尽所能把中国旗的船舶驶到世界每个港口, 并得到当地业者的赞赏.


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