SRT #20 - 出国深造 2010.07.31

2010-08-01 14:20  浏览次数 49



最近接到同学们很多有关出国深造的资询. 笔者虽非此行专家但旅居美国多年对当地教育略有所知, 现仅将美国情况略作介诏给同学们参考.

因为多数西方国家为发达国家,有很多地方值得我们学习, 其中如欧洲之英法德, 北美之加拿大和美国,再有就是大洋洲之澳大利亚和新西兰.

美国大学分公私二类: 美国没有国立大学仅有州立大学, 这些州立学校的经费由该州税收提供, 它的宗旨是培养本州居民子弟, 学费没有私立的高, 但来自外州或外国的学生收费即会较高些因为他们没有在该州纳税. 州立大学因经费有限而未能聘请顶尖教授所以声誉一般, 但也有例外如加州 UCLA, UC Berkerley  UCSF 等州立大学排名都很高.

私立大学如哈佛, 耶鲁和史坦福等名牌大学因校友之捐赠, 学校基金十分雄厚所以可以聘请顶尖教授. 这些大学收费较高,入学条件要求也严格, 并非普通学生所能考进.

美国今年学校费用全面上涨, 每年学什费约2-3万元美金不定. 因经济不振失业者多和政府的移民法收紧不许非居民打工, 留学生找工作因此较难但也不是完全无望.

除了上述之外,美国有些学挍是免费的, 如海陸空三军和 USCG官校, 外加7所海事大学这些特种学挍每年所录取之新生均来自国内50州国会参议员和友好国家政府所保送.

U.S. Air Force Academy

U.S. Naval Academy

U.S. Coast Guard Academy

U.S. Merchant Marine Academy

Students who attend any of these U.S. academies receive a full ride. They also receive a monthly stipend in return for service. Although each program is different, most require applicants to obtain a congressional nomination from their state congressional delegation. Applicants must also pass a physical fitness test and meet other requirements.


U.S. Merchant Marine Academy

Massachusetts Maritime Academy

Great Lakes Maritime Academy

Maine Maritime Academy

California Maritime Academy

State University of New York Maritime College

Texas Maritime Academy

此外就是一些较小的教会大学, 它们虽然不收费但条件是学生必需替学挍工作.

10 Colleges and Universities with $0 Tuition

Attending a college or university doesn't have to be expensive. There are a number of schools--both online and traditional institutions--that offer free tuition or low-cost learning options. Here is a list of 10 colleges and universities that fall into one of these two categories.


Berea College

Every student who attends Kentucky's Berea College receives a full-tuition scholarship worth more than $25,000. Berea also helps students with other costs, such as food, room and board, by providing a work study program. Students also receive a free laptop to use while they are in school. Berea offers the opportunity to major in many different subjects. The most popular majors are business, manufacturing, family studies and human development.

Alice Lloyd College

US News and World Report ranks Alice Lloyd College among the best U.S. colleges to graduate with the least amount of debt. This Kentucky school offers guaranteed tuition to any student in the college's 108-county Central Appalachian service area. Students work 10-20 hours each week to pay their way. Alice Lloyd offers degrees in a wide range of fields as well as pre-professional programs.

Webb Institute

The Princeton Review ranks Webb Institute among the Best Value Colleges in America. The school is known for providing a top-notch engineering education along with full-tuition scholarships to anyone who attends. Students live in a mansion while they attend school and participate in paid internships for extra cash.

College of the Ozarks

Located in Missouri, the College of the Ozarks is a conservative Christian school that cheerfully discourages student debt. The school has been nicknamed 'Hardwork U' because students work 15 hours each week to graduate tuition-free. The College of the Ozarks favors applicants who are financially needy. Popular majors include business, teaching, education and criminal justice.

Curtis Institute of Music

The Curtis Institute of Music offers full-tuition scholarships to everyone who gains admission. The school is very particular when it comes to applicants, accepting only 160 new students each year. Those who do get in can expect to receive an excellent education from one of the best music conservatories in the world.

CUNY Teacher Academy

The City University of New York offers full-tuition scholarships to students who enroll in their Teacher Academy. Every student who enrolls is eligible. Students also receive a full-time teaching position in a New York school upon graduation.

University of Washington

Washington State University

Both the University of Washington and Washington State University offer need-based programs that pay full-tuition and fees. The programs are available to in-state residents who meet State Need Grant or Pell Grant requirements. Special scholarships are also available to out-of-state students who need help covering the cost of tuition.

Olin College

At one point, the Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering offered a full-tuition scholarship to anyone who attends. The school has since reduced the scholarship policy by 50 percent. Even so, Franklin W. Olin College still offers one of the largest merit scholarship programs in the country to all admitted students.

University of the People

The University of the People is the world's first tuition-free, non-profit online university. Students who enroll are not required to pay any tuition. Study materials are also free. However, there are modest fees ($10 to $100) for taking tests at the end of each course. Fees work on a sliding scale depending on the country where you live. The University of the People does not confer degrees yet for either of their programs (business administration or computer science.) But the school is in the process of applying for accreditation, which means that they may be offering degrees very soon.

Articles similar to 10 Colleges and Universities with $0 Tuition

Below is a selection of articles you may find helpful. These articles do not necessarily fit any particular search criteria or theme; however other users on this page have found these articles to be of interest.

Top Florida Colleges and Universities

Florida is located in the southeastern corner of the United States and is becoming as well known for its educational opportunities as it has traditionally been recognized for entertainment venues. Below you will find descriptions of five of the major universities in the state.

Top Delaware Colleges and Universities

Delaware is located in the Mid-Atlantic region of the country and has a large, culturally diverse population. Five of the state's major institutions for higher learning are described below.

Top Connecticut Colleges and Universities

Connecticut is located in the northeastern part of the United States, in the heart of an area known for its educational institutions. Five of the top universities in Connecticut are described below.

Top Colorado Colleges and Universities

Colorado is located in the beautiful Rocky Mountain region of the western United States and is home to many excellent universities. Five of Colorado's best institutions for higher learning are described below.

Top Iowa Colleges and Universities

Iowa is in the midwestern region of the United States, surrounded by Nebraska, South Dakota, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri and Minnesota. The state has several excellent colleges and universities, five of which are described below.

Top California Colleges and Universities

California lies along the Pacific Coast of the United States and is widely recognized for its cultural and racial diversity. The state is home to some of the world's most renowned institutions for higher learning, five of which are described below. 

Top Arkansas Colleges and Universities

Arkansas is located in the southeastern part of the United States and includes some beautiful lake and mountain scenery. The following are four of the most distinguished public universities in the state.

Top Alaska Colleges and Universities

As the northernmost outpost in the United States, Alaska has long been a lure to those who long for adventure and outdoor activities. The four universities described below often combine the endless available outdoor learning opportunities with classroom study.

Top Alabama Colleges and Universities

Alabama is located in the southeastern U.S. and has a rich cultural and educational history. Among its prestigious institutions for higher learning are the five that are described below.

Top Kansas Colleges and Universities

Kansas is located in the heart of the American Midwest in what is often referred to as the Great Plains Region. Among the public institutions serving thousands of students, the five described below provide a world class education within a community atmosphere.

Top Ohio Colleges and Universities

Ohio is located in the northeastern part of the United States and is bordered by the Great Lakes Region. Among its many institutions of higher learning are five prestigious universities described below. 

除了美国之外, 世上还有许多国家的海事大学都可以考虑,其中如

1.       瑞典 Malbo市之 WMU (World Maritime University) 为世界顶尖之航运学府, 虽该校学生多数为中上层管理人士进修之用. 但在国内与大连和上海海大办有硕士班:

Dalian DMU M.Sc in Maritime Safety & Environmental Management 14 months

Shanghai SMU M.Sc. in International Transport and Logistics 17 months


TOEFL 570-230或且IELTS  6.5 or higher           


费用       报名费               200块人民币

学费                  67,200

书本                  5,000

2.       Norwegian School of Management

Offering MBA in Shipping, Offshore and Finance

3.       Lloyds Maritime Academy and Middlesex University Business School offering

MBA in International regconition MBA by distance learning designed specially for Maritime and Logistics

该校于 2009 received 150 applicants worldwide

4.       University of Southampton

5.       Greenwich Maritime University

6.       Warsash Maritime Academy

7.       Institute  of Maritime Law

8.       Liverpool Maritime University

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有二位来自集美航海学院的同学在美国深造. 他们是2006年第4屆柳辉船长奖学金英文作文比赛第一名之陈同学和2008年第一名的李同学. 前者于加州念 MBA, 后者在纽约大学攻读 MPA. 并获暑假在联合国总部实习的机会.

作为一个中国大学毕业生如能出国深造那是一件非常幸运的事, 我们一定要详细的考虑, 查询和计划如何去做好这件事. 笔者认为路是人走出来的, 无论遇到什么困难只要坚持下去一定会成功的.

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