SRT #30 - 海洋天气服务惹争议 2011.12.16

2011-12-18 23:09  浏览次数 23




最近贸易风周刊有一篇关于海洋天气预报服务 (Ocean weather routing services) 和它带来之正负面的争议. ( 1).

海洋天气预报服务Ocean weather routing services) 始于上世纪60年代由美国 Palo Alto一家小公司从船上收集到的海上天气情况加以研究后转卖给船公司和船长去避开恶劣天气,缩短船期和节省燃油.

几十年来因科技和卫星的发达这种服务已经变为高技, 并有多家竞争,但它的服务对船东所带来的好处究竟有多大和它在船东和租家争论时是否能保持中立? 这些问题仍然有争议.

对这种服务有多家大公司参加但也有公司没有参加 依照传统让船长全权处理. 全世界现有船队约 45,000艘但其中仅 12,000 13,000艘有参加这种服务................



       The hope of shaving millions of dollars off annual fuel bills is boosting the popularity of weather-routing services.

Some of the world’s leading owners and operators attracted by the prospect of millions of dollars in fuel savings on top of safety and environmental benefits are turning to weather-routing services but there are still many who remain to be convinced of their merits.

Leading chemical tanker operator Odfjell recently signed up with US-based AWI for 65 of its tankers. The company claims that over three months it has saved nearly $500,000 in fuel costs and reduced carbon-dioxide (CO2) emissions by 3,000 metric tons through more efficient routing.

Odfjell is not the only major operators to turn to weather routing recently oil major BP signed up with Tokyo-based Weather news in 2008 for similar services, while other Japanese giants MOL and NYK also have deals with the same company. Weather routing is now a key element in the safety and environmental policies of both Japanese companies.

But many other, including one of the world’s largest operators, Shell, still do not employ weather-routing systems. While there are no detailed figures, one industry estimate suggests that out of something like 45,000 vessels mostly involved in long-haul shipping that could potentially benefit from weather-routing systems only around 12,000 to 13,000 have taken it up.   

The reliability of weather forecasting has improved over recent years, as has the availability of more specific information such as real-time data on coastal and tidal currents.

But while the benefits of such services may be what AWT describes as a “no brainer”, there is still an underlying reluctance among many in the industry.

Some have questioned the accuracy of the claims made over fuel savings. There is also a perceived difficulty in handing over routing responsibility from a ship’s master to a shore-based organization. Master ultimately have responsibility for routing and the safety of the ship and can be hesitant to take outside advice, preferring to work from their own experience.

Another area that is causing some ship owners concern s whether routing companies would be impartial in speed and performance disputes between charterers and owners.

No doubt this is partly to do with conservative attitudes toward new developments and a preference to keep to the traditional way of doing things.


1.      某年冬天笔者在西雅图86号码头做一艘巴拿马旗 Panamax货轮装好小麦后开船前NCB之检查和放行工作. 该船船长突然跟笔者说韩国租家要求他依照 Ocean routing的建议用大圈航法 (Great circle sailing) 进入北太平洋顺着阿拉斯加和阿留申郡岛前往釜山.但船员们因船只老旧受不起大风浪而要求 (Rhumb line) 朝较南方向否则拒绝开船, 船长对此无法解决加上领航员和拖船均到位准备开船, 急的满头大汗问笔者应如何处理.笔者给船长的建议是: 二边的要求都可答应, 但记得开船后船长为了货物,船员和船只的安全有杈选择最合适的航线, 这是任何人都不可以挑战之事实.

半个钟头后船顺利启航. (: 该船船员全部来自中国大陆).

2.      也是一个冬天笔者代表 NCB前往调解一艘租给美国公司装运小麦前往南非东岸德班港 (Durban) 的瑞士货船双方的纠纷.租家根据 Ocean routing的建议要求船长从美国西海岸朝南经过巴拿马运河横渡大西洋绕过好望角北上到德班港.

但船长不仝意说在南半球虽然是夏天但在好望角附近会碰到很长大的低浪 (ground swell) 船的途度会慢下来所以他建议从美西穿过太平洋进入印度洋西行到德班, 这条航线航程虽然多2,但风浪较小跟租家所要求之航线如碰上低浪时船速变慢, 结果所需航期跟他的一样.

解决方法: 两方坚持不下笔者只好替租家找回二天租金的来源.德班港内因水深关系该船只能装 35,000, 船上 NCB小麦隐定计算表显示4个货舱满舱一个六成满, 在重新计算后笔者将stowage 改为3个满舱和2个七成满,仝时把货追加1,500, 这个多出来的货所带来的运费足够二天的租金.纠纷仲裁因此完满解决. 租家同意把航程 (routing) 全权交给船长.

总结: 笔者认为 Routing service可以作为参考但不必太过依赖.

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