SRT #62 - 达尔文港 99年租约 2015.11.30

2015-12-01 21:50  浏览次数 9




2015-10-16 07:46:25











2014 年,基础设施领域的几项大手笔交易将澳大利亚并购总值推升到了2011年最高、2007年第二高的水平,包括中国招商局集团联合澳洲HastingsFundsManagemen17.5亿澳元价格,获得全球最大煤炭出口港新州纽卡斯尔港运营权,租期98年。目前澳洲多地政府正着力推进港口设施私有化,维州政府于今年5月确认将出让墨尔本港租赁权益,期限50年。西澳政府亦准备推动历史悠久的弗里曼特尔港私有化。

山东民企23亿租澳港口 美媒担心海军陆战队被监视

2015-11-19 09:32


近日,美国《纽约时报》援引澳大利亚战略政策研究所(ASPI)的报告称,澳大利亚将部分达尔文港口租赁给中国公司,或被用于窥探美国海军陆战队。作为奥 巴马政府2011年宣布的计划的一部分,有超过1000名美国海军陆战队士兵部署到达尔文港。这则报告建议,澳大利亚修改评估海外公司参与重大国家资产交 易的方式。




今年1013日,澳大利亚北领地地区政府宣布,选择岚桥集团作为达尔文港新运营方,包括达尔文港土地、附属East Arm码头设施(包括达尔文海事供应基地)以及Fort Hill码头,租期99年,岚桥集团报价5.06亿澳元(约合22.93亿元人民币元)。





岚桥集团在中国有日照岚桥港,在澳大利亚有达尔文港,服务于双向贸易,这就是我们响应一带一路倡议的具体举 措。




再加上中澳自贸协定的达成,叶成认为,零关税有利于双边贸易,对达尔文港也是一大利好。据参考消息网报道,2014-2015年度,达尔文港的货物运输量为340万吨,其中一半是与中国的货物贸易,大部分为矿石。受铁矿石出口量大幅减少影 响,达尔文港2014-2015年度货运量与上年相比下降40%,但经这里出口的活牛数量增长了51%,达到61.3万头。




今年1021日,澳大利亚国防部秘书长丹尼斯·理查森在面对澳大利亚参议院小组委员会质询时也强调,出租给中国企业的港口是一个纯商业的港口,并不是一 个海军基地,对于澳大利亚国防部而言,商业港口需要保障的是港口通行权利和设施的利用,当我们被告知港口将给予中国企业时,我们检查了可能的安全隐患, 对国防部而言,涉及了三个不同业务部门,没有一个提出安全顾虑,因为是一个商业港,我们考虑更多的是通行权,而不是所有者的问题。











早在2014年,招商局集团就曾联合澳大利亚Hastings基金组成财团,以17.5亿澳元的总价获得了全球最大的煤炭出口港纽卡斯尔港98年运营权 限。在租约期内,由中国招商局集团和Hastings 基金各入股50%设立的投资公司将行使对港口的控制权,并拥有港口范围内码头、土地、公路和铁路等基础设施的管理和收益权。


NT chief defiant on Darwin Port lease

沃洲北领地区首长反驳媒体质问, 是因中央政府迟迟不肯发展北领地区所以才租给外国人来开发.

Northern Territory chief minister Adam Giles has remained defiant about the controversial leasing of Darwin Port while warning Canberra not to intervene in local affairs.

He says the NT government agreed to lease the port to Chinese-owned firm Landbridge for 99 years after the federal government ignored repeated requests to develop it.

"It has been knocked back year after year after year after year," he told ABC radio.

"So we've taken the initiative of taking a different process to get money for the port."

Mr Giles welcomed an investigation by the Senate as part of a broad ranging inquiry into the sale of strategic national assets to foreigners.

"It will be a good chance to put forward the Territory's case," he said, adding that he wasn't concerned the inquiry could overturn the deal.

"If the feds sought to do that, to attack the sovereignty of the NT and the sovereignty of business investment in Australia, I think it would be a sure sign federalism is failing."

The half-a-billion dollars generated from the lease is already in NT coffers.

Mr Giles said he disliked southern intervention in NT affairs, and accused Labor and the unions of pushing "xenophobic anti-Chinese sentiment".

He also rejected the suggestion the NT should have consulted with the US before agreeing on the deal.

"I think we are mature enough to be able to guide the development of our economy and make decisions on behalf of the Territory."

© AAP 2015

Yes, a Chinese Company Leased Darwin Port. So What?

是的, 有中国公司租赁达尔文港, 那又怎样?

By Greg Austin

November 19, 2015

In Australia, parts of the northern port of Darwin have been leased to a Chinese company for 99 years. This has sparked a firestorm of criticism in Australia media about the perceived security threat — a threat that is overblown and overhyped.

Two wharves in the port have been leased to a Chinese company called Landbridge. The company already operates in Australia, including Queensland. According to its website, “Landbridge Industry Australia Pty Ltd is a privately held Australian entity wholly owned by Landbridge Group Co., Ltd,” which is “a large scale privately owned enterprise based in Shandong Province of China.” It is hardly the most transparent company in Australia or the world.

Australia’s conservative print media outlet The Australian newspaper reported that “Landbridge is owned by Chinese billionaire Ye Cheng, who is a senior Communist Party official.” I would like to know which senior post he occupies in the Chinese Communist Party. He has acknowledged that he is a “National Committee Member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and the Deputy of Shandong Provincial People’s Congress.” This does not equate to being a senior official of the Communist Party. Perhaps the newspaper has not noticed the anti-corruption campaign in China, which has seen the complete separation between billionaire status and holding a “senior position” in the Communist Party.

The Australian newspaper and other media sources, such as the Australian Financial Review, have reported that Landbridge is closely connected with the Chinese armed forces because it maintains militia units and even a communist party committee. Such connections are normal for big Chinese companies and mean little in terms of their international operations. These arrangements are largely for internal political control. Land-based militia personnel, barely trained, serve exclusively in their home provinces.

Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) director, Peter Jennings, has linked the proposed lease to concerns about the strategic balance in the South China Sea (See: “The Myth of a Strategic Imbalance in the South China Sea”). On November 13, Jennings, who has been leading the public charge against the government’s decision on the port lease, wrote with a co-author that “[i]n a worst case scenario, operational control of the Port of Darwin could facilitate intelligence collection.”

The commentators did not explain how the lease deal for two wharves gave the Chinese company “operational control of the Port of Darwin.” It clearly did not. As Trade Minister Andrew Robb observed (and was patently obvious to anyone with any knowledge of Australian law): “The fact of the matter is Defense has step-in rights, so if something happens for whatever reason and they want to take control of the port, they can.”

The good news is that Australia’s prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, and other government ministers from defense to trade, do not agree with Jennings about the Darwin Port issue. After President Barack Obama unwisely raised the issue of undue Chinese influence in future military uses of the port of Darwin with Turnbull, the latter rather ebulliently dismissed the assertion as groundless.

Turnbull said: “The fact that Chinese investors were interested in investing in infrastructure in Australia is … hardly a secret.” He added, “And, under our legislation, the Department of Defense or this Federal Government can step in and take control of infrastructure like this in circumstances where it’s deemed necessary for purposes of Defense.”

Port of Darwin: US ambassador John Berry weighs in on controversial lease to Chinese company

Exclusive by defence and national security reporter Andrew Greene and the national reporting team's Kate Wild

Updated Tue at 5:31am

Infographic: A map of areas included in Port of Darwin lease

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